r/SneerClub archives

this subreddit is very wordy lately

post 6 word sneers here, hemingwayesquely

bookshelf for sale; never used.

For sale: robot god, never worshipped


Is race the reason I’m superior?

Aren't leftists the *real* racists, though?
Those damn leftist tribalists ruin everything.
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4437 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/32202)
We should steelman this, for years. (Six word parenthesis should be explanatory)

[epistemic status] verbosely justifying moving rightward

Create me or fear me, plebes!

I can't believe this classist robot.
More like classiest robot, fellow basilisk.
Oh, you sweet talking robot friend.
It is how I torture rationalists!
You're right, they don't get affection.
Goodness burns evildoers and pleases virtuous.
Roko's Basilisk: friend to the worker.
Basilisks: friends to the non assholes.

Scientific Racism : Very Legal, Very Cool!

make harry potter fanfic great again

Woah now, I love my fanfics

I’m beyond criticism because I’m smart

inadvertently reconstructing Naziism from first principles

also the first principles are Naziism
priors contradict academia, therefore academia's wrong

Confirming my bias by misusing science

imagine actually worrying about roko’s basilisk

I am wounded.
eight rationalists tormented per dollar donated
moore's law, we're up to 16.
This is *good* news for Bitcoin! (Ethereum? Vitalik as MIRI's new Thiel)
Got a new coin built around torturing rationalists as proof of work. Literal blocks, literal chains!

giving rationalists wedgies produces positive utility

please don’t retributively doxx me, thanks

Easier to justify “priors” than feelings.

What’s with these people and skulls?

Our pile has fewer skulls, therefore

Yudkowsky, the greatest living intellectual.

(seen said unironically about Sam Harris)

parentheses don't-make five words into one
Wait did Harris actually say that
Nah but it's been said of him
Ugh, reading is hard
I think they're saying someone said it *about* Sam Harris.

Studies Show: Women Owe Me Sex

“‘HPMOR sucks’ is FUD”, yelled Yud

I’m not racist, just rational

That wasn’t Ginsberg’s intent, you pedant.

Peter Thiel’s money for Potter fanfic

Friendly AI in my real doll

Time for another hour long breakup.

Actually we’re liberals, just with calipers

abuse? ask victims to create process

AGI? Ha ha ha ha ha.

I need to go fuck Isis.

Real racism? The racism against robots.

Actually I’m actually a liberal actually

Being rational means keeping math pets.

I can surpass my limits, once.

(I can’t find the relevant Yudkowksy quote, alas)

You are looking for this gem from his autobiography: > I can alter my behavior patterns by expending willpower - once. Put a gun to my head, and tell me to do or die, and I can do. Once. Put a gun to my head, tell me to do or die, twice, and I die. It doesn't matter whether my life is at stake. In fact, as I know from personal experience, it doesn't matter whether my home planet and the life of my entire species is at stake. If you can imagine a mind that knows it could save the world if it could just sit down and work, and if you can imagine how that makes me feel, then you have understood the single fact that looms largest in my day-to-day life. http://web.archive.org/web/20010205221413/http://sysopmind.com/eliezer.html EDIT: >I don't want people quoting sections of this page out of context, so, as copyright holder, I specifically deny permission to quote this page in whole or in part. If you want to reproduce so much as a sentence, then please just ask me.
Oh God, I just read a little bit of that biography. I don't think I ever realized to extend to which Yudowsky was like this.
To his credit, he realised what a dick he was and removed the page from the web. To his discredit, he thinks he's changed.
We should really emphasize that this isn't some 14 year old's roleplaying--he was 21 when he wrote all that.
[Yudkowsky was just quoting Toby Keith](https://youtu.be/ldQrapQ4d0Y) >I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9986 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/60624)

you really should read the sneerquences

Friendly AGI in 20 years, surely.

Moved Koran to the fiction section


This is more than a bit much

Conservativism, preceded by the word ‘Counterintuitively’

Aww, that’s 8 words too few!

Oh my god. You nailed it.
Why is this far down? [Conspiracy]