r/SneerClub archives
NSFW are we the baddies? (i don't think so, but maybe it's something we should talk about) (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auszyn/nsfw_are_we_the_baddies_i_dont_think_so_but_maybe/)

So, lately Scott Alexander and his friends have been making a big deal over how we claim that their community is too right wing or alt-right, when according to his reader survey, over 60% fall into the category liberal or social democratic, and only about 2% openly identify as alt-right, a tiny amount, which as it happens is the same amount who identified as Marxist, and none of us say it’s a Marxist blog. Meanwhile they have about 5% neoractionary and 7% regular conservative, which are bigger, but still obviously minority views there.

So, anyone who claims his blog’s readership is mainly right wing, conservative, alt right, or neoreactionary, is, strictly speaking, either wrong or lying. As Yudkowsky says:

Your annual reminder that Slate Star Codex is not and never was alt-right, every real stat shows as much, and the primary promoters of this lie are sociopaths who get off on torturing incredibly nice targets like Scott A.

He does kind of have a point, but an argument doesn’t end the moment one person cites one statistic that superficially supports their case, so I think we should go over objections and counterarguments, and decide how much weight to give this criticism. The main objections and responses I can think of are:

  • Is it really fair to call us “liars” instead of people who disagree with him? Is it really fair to lump all disagreement into the category of “torture”? And what statistic does he have proving that most of us are sociopaths? Is there a survey he can point to proving that? If not, then isn’t he also a liar and sociopath by his own standard?

  • How many people are making the claim that that a majority of SSC readers are alt right, conservative, or neoreactionary? I personally believe that 5% neoreactionary is far too much for any community that pretends to value rational thought, the same way I would if it were 5% flat Earthers. Yudkowsky could certainly take the position that 2% alt right or 5% neocreactionary is healthy, but that would be a value disagreement, not either of us being liars. Are we actually posting fake statistics? If so, we should stop and apologize. But I’m not totally sure we are. We should get to the bottom of this.

  • Has anyone done much analysis on the comments on /r/slatestarcodex or /r/themotte to check their political viewpoint and upvote/downvote scores? I understand that Scott Alexander has produced his own data on this, but it was low quality and biased in my opinion.

  • How much can we break the statistics down by readers vs. commenters vs. frequent commenters, and can we compare blog stats to subreddit stats? Is it possible that the liberals reading are mostly lurkers, while alt righters are disproportionately likely to comment? I really have no idea, I’m honestly not great with data. It would be very interesting to see if anyone has looked into this. (I say this as a self identified liberal on the survey who stopped commenting because I thought there was too much alt right presence in the comments, but still reads the blog.)

  • How much should we trust self reported information? We don’t know what standards people are using, and someone who self identifies as a liberal might be viewed as a reactionary by someone else. (This has actually happened to me before.) If someone considers me a reactionary, are they wrong, lying, or do they just hold a different opinion from me? Those are three entirely separate categories.

  • I wonder if this is partially my fault for complaining that SSC and its subreddit have a right wing bias, when this isn’t very precise or accurate. Someone could be pro-life and want lower taxes, which would probably put them firmly in the right wing category, but I wouldn’t object to this in the same way I object to much of what is posted in the culture war threads. I think what people find repugnant about the community is more a certain strain of racist, classist, misogynistic, and anti-LGBTQ viewpoints often associated with conservatism, rather than conservatism per se.

  • In light of the last few points, maybe it would be better if we complained less about them being too right wing, and more about specific beliefs we disagree with, or statistics that better support our case? For example, the readership is about 88% white, while being less than 1% black, and is about 58% male. Maybe it would just be better to say that we think they have an anti-black and anti-female bias? I personally dislike the practice of looking up statistics to supposedly “prove” that your opponents are objectively wrong, without delving into the nuance of it at all, because I consider that a form of scientism and pseudo-objectivity. But if the rationalists insist on playing that game with us, maybe we should do it with numbers that better support our case?

  • By the way, should we take a stronger stance against doxxing and harassment? I realize we are officially firmly against it, but I just wonder if we could make our position even stronger. There’s a subtext here that while we’re against it, it’s perhaps partly because it makes us look bad, or because the admins don’t want us to, and I wonder if we were sending a more full throated message, rationalists would have to deal with less repugnant and unforgivable harassment in real life. For example, maybe there should be a rule against mentioning anything about anyone’s real name or location, even if it’s already public. Like if someone said, “The Shtartle Code, run by a Wisconsin based psychology professor under the pseudonym Scott Ayerman,” maybe we should ask them to take out any extraneous info, because even if it’s not doxxing it could form part of a breadcrumb trail that someone uses to dox him. Because even stating that Scott Ayerman isn’t his real name gives someone a clue to start looking for his real name. I’m not saying that we should label people as doxxers even when they’re doing no such thing. But maybe we should just have more of a zero tolerance type policy for the common good. Of course, it’s wrong to say that this is a doxxing sub when it’s already strictly against the rules here, so maybe we should just ignore the strawman criticism, but at the same time, if we can do a little more, maybe we should.

  • When Yudkowsky and all them complain about sociopaths, are they mostly talking about us, or are there other groups we should worry about that actually are full of sociopaths? (It seems like the rationality community is full of people who assume any criticism of anyone is aimed at them, and I hope I’m not doing the same thing here.)

The bottom line of all this is: how should we respond to a lot of recent criticism of /r/sneerclub? Should we try to refute it? Or, are there some parts that are true, and if so, should we change our behavior?

According to the 2018 survey data, ~65% of users are rightwing or libertarian if you filter the responses by comment frequency. And that’s on the main site’s comments, which are usually considered to be less rightwing than the /r/slatestarcodex culture war threads were.

Interesting. I was considering that it might be fruitful to do an analysis of [this analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/arzglg/a_statistical_analysis_of_the_rssc_culture_war/), specifically [this chart](https://i.imgur.com/wUvoJsk.png) which shows the super users by year. Based on the names that I recognize, it looks like there's a bleed-off from the left and dominance from the right as the years go by. To automate the analysis, you might use something like Reddit Pro Tools or Mass Tagger to get a general categorization of political beliefs on the basis of which subreddits each commenter has the most karma on. Failing that, you could probably make a manual determination for the top 10/20 in each year. (Aside from the "fuck you, people on my side who called me out", I thought the lack of methodological rigor, charity, or actual analysis was the worst part of the RIP Culture Thread post, especially because I *know* that people have brought up the dominance of the right's voice in the past.)
That is a very useful link, and something rationalists should be interested in acknowledging, but I get the feeling they'd prefer to just make strawman arguments and smear us all as doxxers and liars.

I think “we” should respond to the criticism by not being a unified team with rules, strategies, and completely shared goals. Or, actually, prespond to the criticism?

My personal view:

  1. It’s not that I assume that 50% or 30% or some other number of SSC/CW/LW people are neoreactionaries or fascists etc. I guess it would be kinda interesting to know the number? But my alarm is that Team Rationalist is demonstrably open to these voices and has been a kind of nursery to many of them. You don’t have to be mostly right wing in order to be dangerously productive of the right wing.

  2. The explicitly political stuff is only part of what distresses me about Team Rationalist. The uncritical technophilia is intellectually bankrupt and societally risky. Highjacking important and useful tools that I teach and use in real life (probability theory, Bayesianism, statistical inference, etc) to start a cult of personality also seems distressing.

  3. I guess I think it’s probably a net good if Team Rationalist spends tons of time worrying bootlessly about some random internet forum.

agree with all three poitns.

I would just note that the things we sneer at are the things we sneer at; somebody commenting or lurking on SSC or LessWrong is not immediately under that banner. Specific posts and specific people are mocked.

When Yudkowsky and all them complain about sociopaths

Yudkowsky projects at all dissenters; he should be summarily ignored and mocked. See above.

Like if someone said, “The Shtartle Code, run by a Wisconsin based psychology professor under the pseudonym Scott Ayerman,” maybe we should ask them to take out any extraneous info, because even if it’s not doxxing it could form part of a breadcrumb trail that someone uses to dox him. Because even stating that Scott Ayerman isn’t his real name gives someone a clue to start looking for his real name.

While I agree in general with the principle of making things take a little bit of puzzle-piecing to get things together, what is done here seems wholly adequate.

I think what people find repugnant about the community is more a certain strain of racist, classist, misogynistic, and anti-LGBTQ viewpoints often associated with conservatism, rather than conservatism per se.

On the one hand, yes, on the other, this is what conservatism is. cf Corey Robin’s thesis in The Reactionary Mind. One of the few good applications of the idea pOliTicSi iS thE mInD KiLlER is to ask what you actually mean by conservatism and then compare it to close readings of actual conservative theory.

Anyway, people here object to the Rationalist Community (TM) on different levels and for different reasons - Rationalism(TM) is Bad Philosophy, but it isn’t intrinsically fascist, for instance, so if we’re mocking that it’s for their intellectual bankruptcy and arrogance. The fact SSC and the CW thread harbor fascists is a different issue, and the fascists themselves are a slightly different issue than harboring fascists. You likely possess the resources to break this down yourself.

> Yudkowsky projects at all dissenters; he should be summarily ignored and mocked. See above. One of the chief ironies of the big name rationalists is how *awful* they are at analyzing arguments which directly attack the foundations and assumptions of their discourse. Like, compare anything Scott or Yud have ever written about their detractors to Chomsky’s [criticism of behaviorism](https://chomsky.info/1967____/). Notice that instead of just concluding that Skinner is a meanie, he systematically eviscerates the entire body of behaviorism and finds that its digestive system makes a closed circuit. *For some reason,* Scott and Yud never seem to be able to offer such penetrating critiques— just weird allegories that inevitably lead to the conclusion that Nerds Are The Most Oppressed Minority.
Right??? A big part of it is never really critically engaging with the literature (or: actually reading the literature).
> On the one hand, yes, on the other, this is what conservatism is. cf Corey Robin's thesis in The Reactionary Mind. That book [has a lot of](https://web.archive.org/web/20120804014810/http://www.dissentmagazine.org/atw.php?id=579) oddball claims to be honest, and I [found myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/9a0zll/what_socialism_looks_like_in_2018/e4sbjo8/) wondering if the author even is being being honest given his broad mischaracterizations of even the simplest matters. > is to ask what you actually mean by conservatism and then compare it to close readings of actual conservative theory. On the other hand, I agree with this. Mainstream political discourse in US conservative circles, is almost transcending "memes levels" given how bended devilish backwards it is. But while this is also true for some parties in Europe, that's not *really* the whole of it. E.g. CDU in Germany may even be kinda-ish socially conservative, perhaps even a tad economically, but that's completely inside reasonable terms - if I can explain. > Rationalism(TM) is Bad Philosophy I thought rationalist \*communities\* were (eventually, somehow, someway.. ^^*like* ^^^*with* ^^^^*communism* ^(^^^^*/s*)) bad, not the "approximate first principles" to begin with?
As I said, that was my take. I never read too many of (nor too much into) Yud's pieces, I appreciated many concepts with some grain of salt, and I never meet anybody of the community.
  • How much should we trust self reported information?

​i’m inclined to say “very little”. beyond the general tendency of fascists to lie if they think it helps, there’s plenty of obvious examples of people claiming to be “liberal” (or specifically “classical liberal”) in the context of arguing over anti-feminist or anti-“sjw” views. the idea that ssc’s commentariat is mostly left or liberal seems ludicrous remembering that the discussions of hbd ended up taking over the culture war thread to a point where the mods stepped in to ban them.

in general i don’t trust any claims of being left or liberal or whatever online because i think the political compass and other similar things have thoroughly skewed what people use these words to mean on internet forums.

Why even accept the statistic in the first place? Unless there was some formal survey done, thats all from the slatestarcodex survey. The google docs survey that said the average IQ of the ssc readership is in the 99th percentile plus other oddities. So I reject the premise, but I can still answer some of these.

Is it really fair to call us “liars”

No. Sneerclub is based around link posts to actual real comments or blog posts etc. If anyone doesn’t trust our characterization of a comment, they are free to click through and read as much context as they want.

How many people are making the claim

Don’t know. Don’t care.

Has anyone done much analysis on the comments

Nope. Feel free to do the work scraping reddit comments.

How much should we trust self reported information?

For the SSC survey? very little.

maybe it would be better if we complained less about them being too right wing, and more about specific beliefs we disagree with, or statistics that better support our case?

Why? sneerclub isnt a political campaign.

When Yudkowsky and all them complain about sociopaths, are they mostly talking about us, or are there other groups we should worry about that actually are full of sociopaths?

Yeah, rationalists. Especially ssc commentors.

Edit: Also, that ssc survey has other interesting factoids in it. The ssc readership, according to scott, has 11x as many neo reactionaries as black people, and 7x as many alt-righters. Interpret that as you will.

> > Is it really fair to call us "liars" > No. Sneerclub is based around link posts to actual real comments or blog posts etc. If anyone doesn't trust our characterization of a comment, they are free to click through and read as much context as they want. This seems to claim that there is no way for link posts to be false - a silly claim at best. > > When Yudkowsky and all them complain about sociopaths, are they mostly talking about us, or are there other groups we should worry about that actually are full of sociopaths? /u/pipster818 - Given that one of the key complaints was people targeting Scott personally and doxxing/harassing him, I'm going to assume that if any of the people involved were /r/sneerclub people, they aren't representative of the groups views and standards. (Of course, to embrace the straw man, the standard applied to SSC and rationalists generally seems to be that if people identify with your group, whether or not you have any reasonable way to keep them from doing so, and despite actively telling them to stop, you are responsible for their worst actions.)

Would you do me a favor, and gather together a list of each of his reader surveys going back as far as you can. I think if you’d do that, we’d have better grounds to analyze what it means to say that his community it “liberal” or “alt-right.”

As to the criticisms of sneerclub:

It is very clear that by calling us liars, sociopaths, afflicted with the “dark triad,” etc—Yud et al is engaging in clear ad hominem. And if you love rationalism and civil discourse, that is a big problem. It is no small thing that maligning members of this little subreddit as “evil,” then us being impercise in calling rationalists “alt-right” really seems pretty mild.

I do think that we do complain very specifically about their specific toxic beliefs (HBD, apologia for racism, anti-feminism, etc). But I don’t think that matters, because in Scott’s book we’re a scapegoat and in Yud’s book we are malicious narcissists. It’s more important to them that they can point at us as bad guys, and actually addressing our concerns (whether explicit or not) undermines the symbolic effect they hope to capitalize. For if they were to engage honestly with our concerns, they would not longer be able to treat us like boogie-men or scapegoats.

As to the question as to the question of doxxing. 1. it is against the administrative rules of reddit and against the principles of sneering to engage duplicitous actions like pretending to be a patient of Scott. 2. it has been asserted that we support or instigate doxxing against Scott is clearly a vile smear against our good name. But perhaps more importantly: if Scott doesn’t want to tarnish his name with associations with racists and fascists just because they make a tiny minority of his readers, then he should extend us t he same courtesy and not insinuated that our sub supports or harbors doxxers and harassers.

Good response, I would agree with pretty much all of that, and I think deep down Scott and Yudkowsky would agree with it too, if they were more honest. ​ These are the main reader surveys I'm aware of: ​ [https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/03/17/ssc-survey-2017-results/](https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/03/17/ssc-survey-2017-results/) ​ [https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/01/03/ssc-survey-results-2018/](https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/01/03/ssc-survey-results-2018/) ​ [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzY5lTjMvzmkw2daeBsUCbz54gehU4gXHnJ4augSDJu9R2Sg/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzY5lTjMvzmkw2daeBsUCbz54gehU4gXHnJ4augSDJu9R2Sg/viewform) ​ [https://slatestarcodex.com/blog\_images/2019%20SSC%20Survey.html](https://slatestarcodex.com/blog_images/2019%20SSC%20Survey.html) ​ ​
I love the last one because you can't even see the black participants Lmao; > \>180 And 3 IQs below 100 :laughing: If someone wants to do an end-digit bias test on this, they'd get *massive* results (like 3x as many 120s as 116-119s) Also, there's this entire section for reasoning for opposing immigrant and it's glorious to see the bad economics; `Economic factors, eg fewer jobs for native-born citizens` `May overuse welfare and other public services without contributing as much` `Crime` But the most prevalent is interesting the `Changing national identity` one
Yeah this is the type of thing I'm talking about. They're trying to say we're "liars" and that their reader statistics prove it, but they aren't interested at all in considering flaws in the data or in looking at the survey results that don't confirm the image they're trying to present, for example the almost total lack of black readers.

Aaronson has been linked on sneerclub a [handful of times](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/search?q=aaronson&restrict_sr=1) for the occasional bad take on social justice, but it hasn't been very common (last time was 6 months ago).
For literally any other subculture, "5% of them straight-up self-identify as fucking Nazis" would be the one thing everyone else discussed about it. For this subculture, it's a minor thing it's unfair to bring up. Because it's not literally a *majority*.

Not going to claim that I speak for anyone else, but I struggle to see this as an a left vs right issue. From what I’ve seen of this subreddit, it’s people venting and satirising others. It’s usually aimed at those that express or facilitate odorous views, and those that display an arrogance that exceeds their actual understanding. Not sure I agree with each individual sneer on this subreddit, but I agree that people who fall into those categories should be mocked when it’s clear that you can’t talk to them person to person. Some people can’t be engaged in any other way. Sometimes you have to give up on engaging them, and appeal to the rest of the community instead. Personally I struggle with being sneerly, but if people don’t care that they don’t understand that they don’t understand, what else can you do?

There are obviously ideological differences between the people who post on this subreddit and those they mock, but I can’t see how they fit an easy divide like left vs right, presuming that everybody on this subreddit easily fits the same category.

good non-sneer
You've managed to state my feelings about this sub more clearly than I've been able to conceptualize them. Kudos.

Just because a reactionary calls themselves a “liberal” or a “social democrat” doesn’t make it true. SSC is a cesspit of reactionaries.

in a darker period of my life when I thought hbd was plausible and identified as a rationalist, i would tell people who asked about my political beliefs that i was a liberal. i was a dumbass, but i really did conceive of myself as leaning vaguely leftish. so.. it would not surprise me if some people who identify as liberal have beliefs that the average voter would associate further right.
Liberalism has a long sordid history with eugenics, so it's not really that surprising.
I've recently noticed a common tendency that could be best characterized as, "How do you do, fellow liberals? Don't you think that mobbing and call out culture have gone too far? Also, Damore was right about lady brains."
Exhibit A: [Dave Rubin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4GJoauIJbw)
rave dubin
Yep, you get them in pretty much every forum unfortunately. Thankfully they're usually pretty easy to spot after you've seen enough of them, though. There's only so many times you can respond to posts like "I consider myself quite progressive but gee willikers I've been looking up black crime statistics" in good faith before you realise they're just right wing concern trolls and aren't actually interested in learning.
I'm bad about reading these people naively because, well, I am a liberal who sometimes thinks that pop-intersectionality and Butler's thought can be theoretically incoherent. And this is why as recently as a year ago I tried to have a conversation with James Lindsay on Twitter based on the assumption that he was acting in good faith. Half an hour of my life I'll never get back...
Indeed, I'd go so far as to say it can be a lucrative niche. The Liberal Who Is Concerned The Left Has Gone Too Far (But Is Really A Liberal, No, Really, That's Why S/he's Constantly Whining About Anti-racism and Feminism While Saying Fuck-all About Prisons, Labor, or Reproductive Rights). It's a nice pathway to get your NYT op-ed published, or at least get noticed on Twitter.

Not this.

Looking at your userpage, you seem to comment in theMotte/SSC about as frequently as you comment here. So I’m not sure how I feel about all the plural first-person pronouns in this post. Like, it’s fine if you as an individual want to comment in both places. I’m not gonna police your posting nor demand that you pick a side. But I’m not sure why I should accept you speaking for the group as a whole.

These sorts of questions are fine to ask, and I’m generally pro introspection. But I’m not sure why you’re asking these questions in this context for sneerclub as a whole, rather than personally grappling with what you believe.

That's fair but I'm guessing you only looked into about a week of my history. If you look farther back, I publicly switched sides to sneering and made people in /r/slatestarcodex pretty angry.
tbqh a big long list of bullet points that get into all kinds of minutiae about definitions feels a lot more like rationalposting than the dry brevity of a quality sneer.
I apologize for that. I realize these posts aren't very fun to read but I think it's occasionally important to have a more serious conversation. But seriously, if you people think I'm some kind of spy or something, could you look back farther than a week or two into my comment history? There's like an entire year of sneering with zero SSC posts at all. (Don't look before that, that was before I realized quite how Nazi infested it was.)
lol I don't care if you're a "spy" (it's a public forum) I just think you're giving too much thought and credit to people who are fundamentally just dweebs. Like, who cares what percentages show up on their self-reported survey? They're mostly the kind of people who will write 14000 words circling the idea that white people are superior or that they personally are geniuses without ever reading one book by a sociologist. They're dipshits whose opinions exist only for us to laugh at, not to debate.
"Switched sides"? You're taking this way too seriously.
This doesn't substantially change my point. Being a recent convert is fine, but I'll still be skeptical of a recent convert speaking for the group as a whole. Again, there's nothing wrong with questioning whether one is being a baddie, but there's a difference between personal questioning and putting it on a larger group. To be more specific, I think you're falling prey to taking bad faith criticisms seriously. This makes sense to do, if you care what the criticizer thinks of you. But if you don't—as e.g. is the case for me—then there's no reason to spend any time on it. Spend the time to be accountable to yourself, but don't waste time on those who will never give you a fair shake.
Yeah I get what you're saying, I just think you might be assuming I'm a more rationalist-affiliated than I am because of a few recent comments in /r/slatestarcodex and /r/themotte, which, you may notice, usually involve me taking the more "SJW" position and sometimes involve a lot of downvotes. I was making the same criticisms of SSC nearly a year ago, and attracting the same sort of criticisms from them. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8lpqfd/lets\_talk\_about\_how\_we\_became\_people\_of\_the\_sneer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8lpqfd/lets_talk_about_how_we_became_people_of_the_sneer/) ​ Not that that was my first post here, it's just the oldest and clearest I could find given reddit's terrible search system. I guess I'm a recent convert compared to people who have been sneering for years and years, and maybe not 100% converted, but it's not like I came here last week or something, I've made a lot of posts here.
>To be more specific, I think you're falling prey to taking bad faith criticisms seriously. This makes sense to do, if you care what the criticizer thinks of you. But if you don't—as e.g. is the case for me—then there's no reason to spend any time on it. ​ Sorry to reply twice to the same comment, but something I think you're forgetting to consider here is that the bad faith criticism can be read by other people, and lots of them are finding out about /r/sneerclub for the first time this week from this criticism. Most of them are taking Scott's and Eliezer's claims, that this is a subreddit for lying, doxxing, and harassment, at face value. Considering that I'm a pretty active participant in this sub, I don't think it's hard to see why I'd like those criticisms publicly addressed. Even if they're bullshit (which for the most part I think they are), I think it's important to argue against them and not let our opponents control the narrative.
> Sorry to reply twice to the same comment, but something I think you're forgetting to consider here is that the bad faith criticism can be read by other people, and lots of them are finding out about /r/sneerclub for the first time this week from this criticism. Who the fuck cares? >I think it's important to argue against them and not let our opponents control the narrative. Stop bringing in this self-important shit from SSC, fuck that, this is isn't about "us and them" and if you perpetuate the attitude that it is I'm going to ban you.
honestly I think this is an unfair response, and if we don’t debunk SA and EY’s claims, they could be used as a pretext to shut this whole subreddit down. it’s pretty simple to just say “do you have any evidence of sneer club doxxing anyone” forcing them to awkwardly shuffle their feet and admit “no”
How are SA and EY's claims going to be used as a pretext to shut this subreddit down? And the current policy is to do exactly as you've suggested (predictably, there is of course no awkward foot shuffling, just more bullshit). What did you think I was doing instead?
Hmm, perhaps you just need to wait until your conversion is complete.
Yeah hi as someone who uses Sneerclub as a support network because of my LW trauma, *maybe* consider people like me before you post shit like this.

In light of the last few points, maybe it would be better if we complained less about them being too right wing, and more about specific beliefs we disagree with

Are you new here? This subreddit is relatively light on political circlejerking and heavy on primary sources (if you want to call a CW comment that). Compared to other political/adjacent subreddits.

also yikes effortpost

I want to know how people can consider themselves liberal if the only economists they listen to are libertarians who teach at George Mason.

hey hey hey ***!!*** they listen to Hanson, the *non*-Austrian in the department

I’ll be honest, I’m pretty sure that SSW and the rationalist community in general are overwhelmingly reactionary and any so-called ‘survey’ to the opposite is simple bullshit.


Sure, but there's no reason to take him seriously on that, and plenty of reasons not to. In infamous posts like untitled, You Are Still Crying Wolf, and In Defence of Niceness, Community, And Civilization he lets his vitriol fly when it suits him. One thing I've always thought amusing about this supposed defence of [coming together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45cYwDMibGo) in "Defence of..." he is startlingly uninterested in the conditions of people living in Northern Ireland before, during, and after The Troubles (something to which I'm relatively attuned, given that I've family from there and indeed lived in Belfast for several years). Characterising the Good Friday Agreement as an example of "civilization" and an agreement not to shoot protestants if you're catholic and vice versa defeats his own thesis: the Good Friday Agreement was nothing of the sort of "niceness", "community" or "civilisation". Instead it was a bitterly contested ceasefire between a number of very tired militant groups, mediated by more powerful groups who were able to govern those more militant and less powerful by the sheer exhaustion of the conflict and the otherwise accidental ascendancy of those who came into a position of greater political power. To churlishly use this as an example of civilisation is, well, churlish. But more importantly it doesn't make any sense, and making sense of it in the way that he does betrays his uninterest in the lives of people who lived before, during, and after The Troubles, which is the opposite of advocating community! The terms of the Good Friday Agreement essentially wrote out the possibility of satisfying the democratic desires of Republicans and Catholics in Northern Ireland by affirming them, leading ultimately to the ridiculous question which we here in the UK are having to deal with with respect to the "Hard Border" issue plaguing Brexit. Yes, it's "nice" that The Troubles aren't a thing anymore, but it's also not the case that this was done in any way mirroring Alexander's characterisation. And it isn't the case that any of this has to do with conversation or civilisation. Instead it was a bitterly fought, and is still a bitterly fought, grab for opportunity which in this case fortunately ran out as a mutual agreement not to commit terrorist acts anymore. If anybody wants to contest my characterisation of this whole thing you can look up John Hume's own accounts of the settlement, or look at how the GFA rapidly led to the "moderate" parties on either side (UUP and SDLP) being usurped by the more radical parties on either side (DUP and Sinn Fein), and all of the shit that that brought on. The main thesis here is that Alexander likes a few things, has enough of an ego to blog about those things, and is for some reason taken to be the smartest guy in the room because he's got the balls to say things that some people like in a particularly verbose and unattractive fashion.

They consider me someone who doxxed Scott Alexander because I mentioned him by name in a post. I’ve gotten DMs from people telling me I should be nicer to people who have “impressed them”. Hell, when I came into Sneerclub last year, they considered me a demon for giving Kathy a voice.

I give their criticisms exactly zero validity. More champagne please.

>They consider me someone who doxxed Scott Alexander because I mentioned him by name in a post. That pretty much is doxxing though, and I don't approve of that. True, it's basically the mildest form of doxxing, but it's still a bad thing to do, and it can make it easier for other people to do more dangerous forms of doxxing.
You don't even know what the context or Jax's comment was, and stop making these /r/ssc posts.
I mean I remember seeing at least one comment where she used his real name, along with his pseudonym, in a way that could fairly be called doxxing, or at the very least would make it extremely easy for someone else to dox him. (You realize I'm a frequent reader and poster on this sub right?) Like, I've been on your side for a year, I'm trying to still be on your side, but if you're more interested in banning people who complain about doxxing than people who dox, then you're the one with the power here and I can't stop you.
You haven't been on my side for a year or any other time. You very likely don't even know what "my" side in any substantive way is, and you haven't asked! But if you want me to ban /u/PolyamorousNephandus - somebody who's gone through hell with these people, and to whom /r/sneerclub was pretty much the only group in that whole affair humane enough to give support to - just for mentioning Alexander's (widely known) name by *contrasting* it with his pseudonym, in such a way that you'd only have identified it with him if you already knew that was his name then what am I supposed to say to you? Given that you're evidently one of the many people who already know that those are the same two people? It seems as if its enough that we removed the citation and tightened our already stringent no nonsense policy on doxxing. Here's my take: I personally would have removed this whole post when it came up if I hadn't been in a bar having fun when you posted it, but now that it's got a lot of comments it feels like it'd be churlish to do so. What I want you to do is drop this nonsense about their being two "side[s]" and stop feeding the trolls: what's happening right now is that you're taking seriously the absurd claim that there's something afoot in /r/sneerclub that needs a corrective. The biggest problem with the way you're doing that is that instead of taking a dry, boring look at the facts of how this is all playing out, you're going straight for the more aesthetically pleasing romantic introspection angle and asking for people to do a little amorphous soul-searching: that doesn't work for me, because I've done the dry, boring look at the facts and the answers to the questions asked by that soul-searching are already pretty cut and dry, which is to say that /r/sneerclub quite literally doesn't have anything to answer for until somebody can draw a causal link between drive-by snarking at a heterogenous rag-tag bunch of weirdos like Scott Alexander who lazily equate free enquiry with permitting fascists to boost their own signal, who equate snarking at this lazy equation with calling everybody in that rag-tag bunch of weirds neo-nazis and encouraging that they be doxxed and harassed. Since none of the criticisms of /r/sneerclub emerging out of this ridiculous farrago make any fucking sense whatsoever, and since nobody making those criticisms would be doing so if they weren't thoroughly motivated non-reasoners, this whole spirit quest doesn't make any sense either. What's worse is that when you start doing this vague introspective "are we the baddies?" schtick is that you grant premises to people who haven't done the brainwork to justify them in the first place. As /u/completely-ineffable correctly points out: >you're falling prey to taking bad faith criticisms seriously. This makes sense to do, if you care what the criticizer thinks of you. But if you don't—as e.g. is the case for me—then there's no reason to spend any time on it. Spend the time to be accountable to yourself, but don't waste time on those who will never give you a fair shake. What they don't add, but which I will, is that one reason you're not gonna get a fair shake from the likes of /r/TheMotte is that when you're doing posts like this you're letting the conspiracy theorists dictate the terms on which this conversation is had. Even asking whether "we" (what?!) should put more effort into refutation or whatever lets them dictate those terms: until anybody provides any evidence that "we" have any causal role in the bad things that have happened *that question simply should not come up*, which is, incidentally, one reason I would have removed this post. When the question *does* come up, you start to look like what I take to be the average /r/TheMotte user i.e. somebody who's more interested in asking searching remedial questions to imagined problems who doesn't check whether a problem exists in the first place. The problem then becomes that when you ask these searching remedial questions without checking for yourself first whether they make any sense you give them a credence they don't deserve and drag the conversation away from the more important question of checking whether there's any basis for making them. On the old Culture War Thread and now /r/TheMotte we can see how this culture of not checking whether the premises of questions led to the problems they still and will presumably continue to have, be it on the subject of scientific racism or in what particular way did /r/sneerclub harass Scott Alexander, whatever.
> The biggest problem with the way you're doing that is that instead of taking a dry, boring look at the facts of how this is all playing out, you're going straight for the more aesthetically pleasing romantic introspection angle and asking for people to do a little amorphous soul-searching It is a classic Rationalist tactic! He has not yet been reprogrammed and assimilated. To the OP: you don't need to advocate for the devil!
I mainly made this thread to ask about the reader statistics, and I got some good answers to that. If anyone is getting overly emotional in here, I'd say it's you. I don't have time to respond to all that so can we just cut to the chase and you tell me if I'm banned or not? It's like 3 a.m. over here and I gotta sleep.
You're not banned, obviously. Go to sleep. When you wake up or whenever it suits you have a look at what you wrote in the post and ask yourself whether you "mainly made this thread to ask about the reader statistics", or whether you're being ridiculous to claim that that was your motivation.
COME THE FUCK ON You named your post "NSFW are we the baddies? (i don't think so, but maybe it's something we should talk about)" "reader statistics" lol
You guys realize that "are we the baddies" is a reference to a TV show, right?
Yeah you actually can't have it both ways -- that sketch from [That Mitchell And Webb Look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU) is a political statement. By invoking it, *you are invoking that statement.* You can't just backpedal and say that "it's just a TV show I'm just asking a question about your morality ahaha it's funny!" Context is for closers.
> The bottom line of all this is: how should we respond to a lot of recent criticism of /r/sneerclub? Should we try to refute it? Or, are there some parts that are true, and if so, should we change our behavior? Still pretending you mainly want reader statistics? Weird flex but ok
The criticism mostly involves us "lying" about the reader statistics, which I don't think we ever actually did.
You've been caught up on the word "we" several times but you're still using it, not to mention a number of other rather weaselly things: you don't need to behave this defensively and you shouldn't.
Are you off your absolute rocker? The main criticism being thrown about is that /r/sneerclub abetted a harassment campaign against Scott Alexander.
Finally, you admitted to what you wrote in your original OP, which is that you wanted reader statistics for the purpose of addressing criticism from SSC. Why you wanted to pretend that you had no purpose in requesting these, in response to /u/noactuallyitspoptart 's comment, is just very strange.
I never said I had no purpose in asking about the reader statistics. I'm just saying, that's kinda the main thing this conversation is about. How do we respond to criticism that we're lying about reader statistics. If you look at this comment, this is the kind of thing I was looking for: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auszyn/nsfw\_are\_we\_the\_baddies\_i\_dont\_think\_so\_but\_maybe/ehal2f6](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auszyn/nsfw_are_we_the_baddies_i_dont_think_so_but_maybe/ehal2f6) ​ ​ ​
And poptart's answer was that your reason for seeking reader statistics was unfounded. That responding to these criticisms was a silly idea. What's your problem?
What do you mean by unfounded? You mean their claims about us are unfounded? I wouldn't disagree with that, if that's what you mean.
He posts his name on his blog and in his subreddit. He's publicly switched psuedonyms repeatedly. If you Google "Scott Alexander" the first four things that come up are two pages about a baseball pitcher, RationalWiki, and his fucking blog -- which you would know if you bothered to do the damn research instead of spouting "tribe" bullshit. You actually have no idea what you're talking about, and you're not on "my" side. (ETA: someone has told me that there's a Twitter account that's posting Scooter's, um, "power word" repeatedly and this is the first I'm hearing of it? but then again I'm a figment of u/dgerard 's imagination so...)
> but then again I'm a figment of u/dgerard 's imagination so... Wait, some rationalists claim you were ? That's supremely shitty, even for rationalists.
Jax blew the big #metoo whistle on this toxic shithole of a subculture. When discussing it, rationalists never seem to say her name, ever. She doesn't exist. *However,* they somehow blamed all the fuss on ... me! wtf.
Considering what the only person I know of who did acknowledged Jax's accusations (Ozy) said, maybe shutting up can be the best thing rationalists can do in some cases. Except, of course, stopping being rationalists, but that would require things like "ability to admit you're wrong" that aren't common among them.
Oh, yeah! They sure did. They refused to say my name for the longest time after I came out about my abuse, and blamed David for sowing discord, so, you know...
Who did that ? I'd like to crown a Razzie Award for Worst "Rational"ist Ever.
Having been actually doxxed before by abusers in another sphere (brigaded on Twitter, threats in my private email, my husband also receiving threats, etc.), respectfully: go to hell.

I honestly don’t think they’re worth going to that much trouble. They don’t go to that much trouble to understand anyone who disagrees with them either. They’re just a circle-jerk producing little new or useful information. Who cares what they say they think?

How do you do, fellow sneers,

stop saying “we”, I looked through your comment history.

Is it really fair to call us “liars” instead of people who disagree with him?

This is absolutely standard for rationalists.

How much should we trust self reported information?

Not at all. Your guys are citing your own self-descriptions as evidence third parties should agree with you as objective descriptions. This is nonsense.

By the way, should we

I would first want you guys to put forward any evidence that this is a thing that is happening and you’re not just making shit up. Because so far there isn’t any, at all.

​ >Your guys are citing your own self-descriptions as evidence third parties should agree with you as objective descriptions. ​ Do you not understand that when I said "How much should we trust self reported information?" I was implying that I don't think we should trust it much? ​ Also when you "looked through my comment history", did you not notice that I've been an active poster in /r/sneerclub for about a year, and that my post history includes talking to you, in /r/sneerclub? ​ When I talk about taking a stronger stance against doxxing, I'm mostly referring to the time someone posted a comment with Scott Alexander's real name, which I can provide evidence for if you don't believe me. If you want me to post evidence of something else, I can't do that, because I've never seen it and I never said it exists.
When you looked at my comment history did you see these comments? ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a3qeat/why\_are\_rationalists\_obsessed\_with\_marginal/ebb3xz7/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a3qeat/why_are_rationalists_obsessed_with_marginal/ebb3xz7/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/a4zjlr/abdul\_alhazred2018ad\_produces\_a\_convincing\_list/ebj969q/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/a4zjlr/abdul_alhazred2018ad_produces_a_convincing_list/ebj969q/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a815gv/im\_increasingly\_coming\_to\_suspect\_that\_the\_19th/ec831l4/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a815gv/im_increasingly_coming_to_suspect_that_the_19th/ec831l4/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/a90469/how\_liberal\_and\_conservative\_morality\_differs\_and/echvzqr/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/a90469/how_liberal_and_conservative_morality_differs_and/echvzqr/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a2k8tx/anyone\_got\_a\_hot\_take\_on\_unsong/eazmkwr/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a2k8tx/anyone_got_a_hot_take_on_unsong/eazmkwr/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a0m177/in\_which\_we\_are\_not\_even\_really\_trying/eais3az/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a0m177/in_which_we_are_not_even_really_trying/eais3az/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9vd5z6/trump\_does\_often\_say\_untrue\_things/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9vd5z6/trump_does_often_say_untrue_things/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9pawz4/randall\_munroes\_take\_on\_the\_npc\_meme/e80esyg/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9pawz4/randall_munroes_take_on_the_npc_meme/e80esyg/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9ilxie/scott\_aaronson\_weighs\_in\_on\_brent\_dill\_and\_this/e6kuefr/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9ilxie/scott_aaronson_weighs_in_on_brent_dill_and_this/e6kuefr/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9ey91z/the\_sneering\_is\_coming\_from\_inside\_the/e5smasa/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9ey91z/the_sneering_is_coming_from_inside_the/e5smasa/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9edixl/on\_uigher\_concentration\_camps\_its\_hard\_for\_me\_to/e5ofho5/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9edixl/on_uigher_concentration_camps_its_hard_for_me_to/e5ofho5/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9e67ud/a\_very\_mild\_defense\_of\_ssc\_and\_its\_readers/e5myc37/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9e67ud/a_very_mild_defense_of_ssc_and_its_readers/e5myc37/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/945ujf/whatever\_internet\_this\_is\_on\_i\_need\_to\_get\_off\_of/e3iwk10/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/945ujf/whatever_internet_this_is_on_i_need_to_get_off_of/e3iwk10/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/8mtki2/i\_think\_many\_mtf\_transgender\_people\_are\_mentally/dzqin20/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/8mtki2/i_think_many_mtf_transgender_people_are_mentally/dzqin20/?context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8mrrn3/when\_trying\_to\_figure\_out\_why\_leftists\_left\_their/dzq0dd4/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8mrrn3/when_trying_to_figure_out_why_leftists_left_their/dzq0dd4/?context=3) ​ Now I'm not saying you wouldn't find some comments to disagree with if you looked long enough, everyone would, and that's especially true if you go back to more than a year ago before I started making so many public complaints about the rationality. But seriously, I don't think on average my comments are that bad, you can see plenty of stuff that is anti-rationality, left wing, etc.

Thing is, when you talk with rationalists, “social democratic” means “supportive of a generous welfare state but only for the right, white, kind of people”, “liberal” means “libertarian but also let them eat UBI cake so actually it’s liberal”, and “libertarian” means “neoreactionary with extra steps”.

"left-liberal" means "libertarian but doesn't explicitly identify as a Nazi"
I think you meant "left-libertarian" ?
that too, but they're really fond of (or used to be) the precise formation "left-liberal"
By opposition to right-liberals, I guess.

You aren’t the bad guys. The only people who are bad are the people who harassed and doxxed Scott in real life. Making fun of people on the internet doesn’t make you a bad person. As someone who posts on r/drama, I admit it can be really fun (and a huge waste of time). I am admittedly a huge fan of Scott (EY not so much), but by posting his thoughts online, he opened himself to criticism. It’s really that simple.

You got jebaited pretty hard here.

Alright, I've never heard that word before and don't really understand what it means, so I'll defer to your expertise here.


I failed at what exactly?