r/SneerClub archives
On the closure of the CW thread: "The structural power-insecurity of the blue tribe and the absolute inquisitiveness of the grey tribe means that they will inevitably become enemies" - signed, the founder of Jacobite, a literal neoreactionary web magazine (https://twitter.com/robert_mariani/status/1100151100114534400)

Seriously this guy was the former [opinion editor of Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/358784-daily-caller-fires-opinion-editor-over-milo-controversy_. where he published Milo Yianopolos (which got him fired lol). Then he went full mask off and founded Jacobite, which publishes the likes of Nick Land.

How very grey tribe of him.

I mean in a very real sense, once you strip away the silliness of the red/blue distinction, "grey tribe" in no insignificant part means "willing to be convinced of fascism"
I was going to say that grey tribe always smacked of libertarianism\*, but that's basically the same thing you said. ---- \* in the weird American sense of the word.
The only justifiable use of state power is owning the libs.
PC censorship is theft. Of my ability to own the libs.
I sometimes encounter people who seem baffled that the (USian) libertarians tend to swing fash. I explain to them, don't look at their supposed "ideals." Instead, look at their culture.
"The Miracle of Chile"

this guy’s dumb as rocks but honestly the worst part of a literal neoreactionary magazine being called Jacobite is that it deprives us of a perfectly good insult to direct at Jacobin magazine whenever they publish something too dumb for words

So much for the tolerant Jacobins! \*thworp*
It is also a terrible insult to the house of Stuart!