r/SneerClub archives
"The internet was so open in the 2000s because having internet was like passing an IQ test so normals weren't here. You're trying to have a civil conversation about race in the same room as the people who fucked up high school math. Communities like 4chan and stormfront are intact. Just use those." (https://old.reddit.com/r/thelastpsychiatrist/comments/au5b9v/so_i_made_a_thread_about_a_slatestarcodex_post/eh6etis/)

civil conversation about race

communities like 4chan and Stormfront



It’s a little-known fact but everyone on original Xbox Live sounded exactly like William F. Buckley.

["Now listen you queer, stop calling me a crypto-nazi"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho9M-q_kcn8)
>But yes, it is common for 4channers to seem to legitimately dislike other races. I don't actually see why this is a problem. Lmao, `I don't see the problem with racism` >Idk who that is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Sarkeesian ok to survey her views? She seems like a stereotypical flame war activist. The Bechdal test is a meme. Female representation in videogames is a meme, even on reddit. See the Tracer booty nerf controversy. You're right she would be laughed out of 4chan, as well as any serious venue. What happened to `Communities like 4chan and stormfront are intact and still have that 2000s era "openness".` and `but 4chan will also tolerate almost all possible opinions without getting excessively angry at or ostracizing you` It's almost like they a priori assume these positions are absurd and then enact double standards in a way that carves out an accepted space for Neo-Nazism and Strasserism, but similarly recarves the domain of acceptable political speech as to exclude social justice, anti-fascism and leftism. Don't take right-wing complaints of 'social acceptability' about speech as legitimate; they're a guise to sneak in fascism.
Extremely bottom text.

we definitely need more libertarian techies telling us what they think about the world


And oh, how we reminisce about how good internet conversations were

the linked pic is someone calling a person a f*ggot

I will be 100% honest here can’t tell if this is parody or not

If it's a parody, it's a very dedicated and consistent one that's willing to work really hard on extending its premise. The thread goes on for a while > Anyway, the current zeitgeist is to have a psychosomatic vomiting episode in reaction to racism. But it's just social ostracism tech. ... > Anyway, let's say you're right and that this space is only appealing to white males, so what? You legitimately can express almost any opinion there and not be singled out for it. Weird how tolerance works. ​

It’s true. This apex of internet culture is from 2005. It could never be made in 2019.

[They don't call it the year of the gamer for nothing](https://preview.redd.it/52hy3tp1xb801.jpg?width=465&auto=webp&s=ce63769f6660577fb088b4fef13956970e03e083)
"There are no comments" CENSORSHIP!
Only true intellectuals were rocking an under-friended myspace page, posting terrible poetry on a Matrix-themed Xanga blog, and downloading a KoRn album through Napster. Hamster Dance was the Bach of the Internet.
Jesus Christ, Hamster Dance.
[The credits song for Hamtaro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR3kGU0RoXE) will always be the true Hamster Dance. Just try to resist not dancing!
I indeed couldn't resist not dancing... What is this? How are you aware of this?
Uh... only the theme song from [the *second*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIhbAkwVT_A) best hamster tv show.
But this is a satire of itself, surely, and... oh my god, they're on a boat! Anyway, I'll see your animals acting by way of voice-over and raise you: [plants!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD1apbw8rgI&feature=youtu.be&t=1851)
hey, the [Cuban Boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXJ5oaU940U) (no. 4 UK Christmas hit!) gave us [Spray](https://spray.bandcamp.com/), who are fucking awesome

NPC-tier beliefs are whatever thought-leaders, on the right and left, promote to the public (…) the NYT says you’re a racist white nationalist if you don’t support open borders

“How right wing, Maxine wonders, does a person have to be to think of the New York Times as a left-wing newspaper”

Wasn't there a thread here a while back about a rationalist saying The Economist had a communist bias ?
[Found it ! By Vox journalist and rationalist cultist Kelsey Piper, whose Tumblr URL literally means "money". A colorful character.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9woa5n/imagine_unironically_believing_that_the_economist/)
...and here I was thinking Kelsey/theunitofcaring was one of the better rationalists, and probably unobjectionable outside of excessive sympathy for the wrong people. LOL.
> ...and here I was thinking Kelsey/theunitofcaring was one of the better rationalists. LOL. She is one of the better rationalists only in the way that Ronald Reagan is better than Adolf Hitler.
can't find the link, but i do recall unit arguing that you should avoid paying taxes because you could donate that money to EA causes ^^^MIRI instead
Saying that avoiding paying taxes is okay is something she did multiple times but the specifically EA-related rationalization is [there](https://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/130921429306/what-would-you-think-of-a-person-who-hardcore).
you *could* say "the gumt is unsaveably corrupt, we could do much better just not paying tax and doing it as private charity!" and that's stupid, but at least there's slightly an argument in there. otoh, the observable fact is that pretty much nobody who says that is arguing in good faith. otooh, rationalists do say the dumbest shit and mean it as hard as they can thinking this makes them clever, so.
She's talking about establishment liberalism indulging and co-opting leftism, not accusing The Economist of being secret communists. It was a bad sneer.
I don't see anything in the post indicating a complaint about "co-opting" leftism? The linked post in the sneer looks like a complaint about communist apologia (in the Economist, of all places). Maybe I'm missing something.
Hard to find the full context. [Here was the exchange that prompted the question.](https://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/115871443176/wereoctopustheunitofcaringfor-the-record-i-know) What I read is a comment on how defanged Marxism has become in mainstream discourse. That liberals don't find leftism threatening, so they're happy to indulge (and dismiss) leftist critiques in their flagship publications. Not some Rubin-esque attempt to wrestle the Overton window rightward. I don't really know the writer though, so maybe you have better reasons for assuming that's what she's doing?
Thanks for the link! I think it starts out like you say, in the OP. But the reblog about liberalism being "indulgent-if-dismissive" of people to their left, and "bigots-and-monsters" to those on their right, resulting in communism supposedly being indulged on college campuses and social conservatives supposedly being shunned, and the caricature of leftist professors as not giving their 6-figure salaries to charity because "what we need is revolution, not incremental change"...all of that smacks of complaining about how communism is treated too nicely and apologetics are tolerated (or, alternatively, conservatives being treated too meanly relative to communists who are just as "extreme" if not more so), IMO. (and yes, from what I've seen of the writer, they are prone to well-intentioned but nevertheless somewhat bullshit criticisms of "the left," so that does color my view here admittedly).
The o.g. sneer was bad, you're right. But she's still really overestimating how tolerant liberals are of leftists and you're inserting some reasoning that's not there. I mean she kinda lets slip that she knows it's just cooption but hand-waves it away (just because that's what leftists would say lol) and doesn't mention anything about power dynamics (because rationalists rarely do) - but acknowledging libs are only tolerant of leftists when convenient would undercut her argument which seems to be along the lines of "it's not fair liberals are mean to conservatives"
But don't people complain about how Vox is 'liberally biased' all the damn time
That's what I was wondering. Also how does someone end up working at vox with takes that dumb.
Ezra Klein and Dylan Matthews are rationalist-adjacent and she got hired because her rationalist blogging activities. It's basically the rationalist equivalent of wingnut welfare.

Woohoo! The sub I joined reddit to follow has made it on Sneerclub!

Pack it up, fellow TLP’ers.

[and now you even post here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4uTEEOJlM)
Look at the top comments. They're pretty good. Exactly the type of to-the-point deconstruction you'd expect from a TLP sub
23 upvotes for the nazi, another great subreddit

Reading some of the nested links, of course KAI is pro SSC (Taking Scotts post as the whole truth and nothing but the truth).

Thinking the 2000s were some sort of internet golden age is pretty fun however.

(The user everbanned seems to get why 4chan is a problem btw, and also calls out the havelsOnly poster on missing out that racism and sexism is a problem on 4chan)

Bonus points for pretending not to know who Anita Sarkeesian is. (im assuming the person is just very young, edit and not that smart/badly informed)

nobody used the internet back in the 2000s
As a nobody, can confirm. Have the chatlogs.
I used the internet back in the 90's. Geocities pages! Webrings! Blinking fonts!
yes but are you really a *somebody*? consider: you comment here
The 2000s were an internet golden age, but for completely different reasons than the ones the linked poster seems to think

from well-meaning insight porn to this. alone would be so proud.

Wasn’t TLP also a psychiatrist’s blog that took a turn for the worse after the author was doxxed, with the main differences being that instead of being needlessly verbose as the obfuscatory method he was needlessly terse, and instead of only ever reading Kahneman and Harry Potter he’d only ever read Wittgenstein and Mad magazine, and instead of everything being tribalism and SJWS everything was because narcissism and narcissistic parents?

Honestly since this sort of format seems to work so well for middlebrow enlightenment porn I’m surprised people haven’t automated writing these types of blog already

> Honestly since this sort of format seems to work so well for middlebrow enlightenment porn I'm surprised people haven't automated writing these types of blog already To the RNN!
>Wasn't TLP just like SSC...except completely different ? POWERFUL insight
I mean they're both reflexively contrarian obscurantist pseudophilosophy blogs written by functionally illiterate psychiatrists with chemical dependencies who think their experiences listening to the complaints of the excessively therapized petit bourgeoisie for a living has gifted them with secret knowledge about the underlying telos of the universe instead of just barely closeted misanthropy, and attempt to appeal to basically the same intellectual desire for the motion of thought divorced from the content of thought, with the bulk of the differences only existing on a superficial stylistic levels so yeah I do think they're pretty similar
The "run-on sentence that ends in "so yeah" " is a tried and true internet trope that needs to be taken out back and shot
it's actually not a run-on sentence as it only has one independent clause and a series of dependent clauses instead of being a series of incorrectly conjoined independent clauses

This person is a troll right? They need to be a troll.

I wrote a comment a while back remembering my time on 4chan, making horrible jokes and saying terrible shit, but all the while thinking it wasn’t serious. Then I was dumbstruck that some of those people turned out to not be joking. Now I’m sickened because I’m seeing the result of all that bullshit.

Anyone else wonder if at least one of the SSCers will read that, step back, and in a moment of reflection realize how their ideas maybe kinda sorta feed this mentality?

hey everyone I think I spotted the nazi