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/r/slatestarcodex discuss Existential Comics and Eliezer Yudkowsky's "requiredism" (https://np.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/aup87s/existential_comics_on_time_travel_and_free_will/)

Can someone ELI5 “requiredism” to me, preferably in a sneering manner? I’m in the mood for some top sneering, but not in the mood for reading endless streams of Yud.

I think it attempts to say, in a few thousands words: 'I'm very smart', 'I consider myself smarter than everybody reading this' and 'don't think your mind is outside of physics (which is deterministic)'. I made the mistake of clicking some the linked articles, and I just saw more endless streams of gibbering Yud. His example in the [typical mind fallacy](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/ZTRiSNmeGQK8AkdN2/mind-projection-fallacy) is pretty nice however. Not nice as in good, but nice as in, he doesn't realize that his description of the problem is typical minding the creator of the art. (I would think the artist drew that art not because 'aliens want to fuck women' but, 'men who buy this pulp like to look at scantly dressed women').
> 'men who buy this pulp like to look at scantly dressed women' Am amateur artsy guy, can confirm we think this way about a lot of stuff.
Some have called it a repackaging of arguments for what is in academic philosophy called "compatibilism", which is the position, roughly, that the universe is deterministic and yet that still persons have free will. I'm not sure that that's true, since Yudkwosky doesn't seem to be working from the same sources that the rest of us are, as usual. Nonetheless enough people have said it's basically Yud-Compatibilism that the search term "compatibilism" is probably helpful.
> “Compatibilism” is the philosophical position that “free will” can be intuitively and satisfyingly defined in such a way as to be compatible with deterministic physics.  This is what he wrote about it, which is kind of sane way to phrase the issue imo (i.e. people get at lengths to define determinism, but free will always remains vague AF). *Requiredism* seems just packaging the whole thing to underline that if you negate "physics has its somehow kinda predetermined sense", then how else do you think your brain is gonna stick together?
"that if you negate physics" is a nebulous phrase for me, could you clarify?
You missed the quotes I guess? EDIT: oh, and that convoluted way to describe determinism is just because for some people that's equivalent to saying "computable", even though technically speaking "uncertain determinism" would still be determinism.
Sure, but I still don't see what you're getting at, which is why I asked for a clarification
I think it's saying if you don't think physics is predictive to an extent, then how do you think your brain even works physiologically.
I was referring to [this conundrum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism#Quantum_realm) with quantum physics. In retrospect I shouldn't have digressed given it's secondary to the matter.
It's literally just determinism.
Big Yud's requiredism basically means that determinism is not only compatible with free will, but is a necessary condition for free will to exist.
It's the compatibilist theory of free will. But since EY is too cool for academia, he gave it a new name and package it as a new idea.