r/SneerClub archives
that time an Effective Altruist literally proposed starting a farm of rats with wires in their pleasure centres, because that would increase average world happiness. They actually found a worse cause than MIRI. (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/wtNCs2TgtDpu3W7Ke/charities-i-would-like-to-see)

That’s why I’ve started giving out heroin for free in school yards.

Children are smaller making it more cost effective to get them high, and while still increasing net happiness.

I did some calculations, and there are a lot of species that are on average unhappy, so if we just eradicate these species first, we raise the average happiness. That seems more cost effective than a permanent project to get kids on heroin. (You project is certainly nobel however). I just think we should kill all the bedbugs and tigers first.
Hello there comrade, have you heard the good news of Posadas? Global thermonuclear war is in fact cool and good and will lead to a better world!
Look buddy, I get the feeling you are not totally serious. [bedbugs man](https://www.reddit.com/r/Utilitarianism/comments/78ekcm/saving_dust_mites/)

Imagine constant stupefying euphoria with no object … some of us need not imagine.

NEVERTHELESS I read that bit as saying build rat park for your pet rats, and maintain rat park in perpetuity. No mention of wires, right? Even still, euthanasia at a concrete date, with no thought of the fact that rats might be looking forward to watching their grandchildren scurry, coming to terms with the passing of time. Rats live in complex loving societies! … rats should only be euthanized upon their specific request.

I fully support wonderful and elaborate rat farms, cos my wife used to be a rat breeder (Velveteen Rattery) and we currently have four and rats are excellent. I'd have a hard time calling it effective altruism, though.
His [rap video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CcgrdFF6ik) talks about his rat farm as "pure hedonium"

I sometimes think that rationalists just really like having counterintuitive conclusions like this, and the only reason they’re into utilitarianism is because it lets them justify it.

It's like during the Dubya era where conservatives and some liberals would justify torture based on elaborate, improbable scenarios. At some point you're just making it clear you really want to torture.
Anybody who liked the show 24 was not to be trusted in those times.

I can never tell whether they’re trying to make ad absurdam arguments against utilitarianism or whether they unironically believe it, but then I remember… Rationalism.

> Yeah I definitely understand that reaction which is why I was not sure it was a good idea to post this. It looks like it probably wasn't. Thanks for the feedback.
> Yeah I definitely understand that reaction *presses X to doubt*
Rationalism is why, when an ethical system gives absurd results, they double-down on insisting they were right in the first place rather than trying to see where they went wrong.

If we did this with the Rationalists maybe they’d stop trying to make phrenology a thing again?

I can’t wait till these dumbasses finally put two and two together, applying their own paperclip-maximizer thought experiment to their ideal FAI “utilon”-maximizer…

The closest thing we can make to universal eudaimonia with current technology is a farm of many small animals that are made as happy as possible.

But…like why though? What’s the point of that?

I am not aware of any public discussion on this subject

I am not aware of any discussion on how I should light old shoes on fire instead of properly disposing of them. Curious. I wonder why that might be.

Suppose the rats are euthanized when their health starts to deteriorate, so they get close to 1 QALY per year. This would cost about per rat per month plus an opportunity cost of maybe 00 per month for the time spent, which works out to another per rat per month. Thus creating 1 rat QALY costs 20 per year, which is 40 per human QALY per year.

You missed the part where you explain what the ever loving point of all of this is. It sounds like you’re on a mission to generate happy chemicals in animals like it’s some sort of religious quest.

Humane Insecticides

I know very little about humane insecticides but it’s a cause that’s plausibly highly cost-effective

I don’t think you should be in charge of money.

High-Leverage Values Spreading

Trying to convince rich people to donate their billions to make happy rats and smiling-but-dead mosquitos is a waste of time. It’s weird how people say “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” but will pray that the rich people ( who are quasi deities to some, in a way ) will kindly increase their pay to a livable wage if they bootlick enough. Please mr elon donate to my kickstarter. You know these people have, like, secretaries and whatever to weed out all your dumb requests, right?

Promoting Universal Eudaimonia

I get this feeling you saw The Matrix when you were younger and took away all kinds of stupid conclusions. You know what you people need? We need synthetic brains so you guys can wire it up to generate happy. Because generating the happy chemical seems to be all y’all care about.

Someone once said that it’s fun to not be in power. When your ideology isn’t in power, you can craft all manner of scenarios in which it would help the world. In a way, some people never want to be in power but will always dream of it. Because never actually being in power means they can forever dream and don’t have to make policies that it turns out suck. They can live in their bubble and never be challenged by the realities of what they want to do.

Maybe the best way to do this is to start a Pay David Pearce to Do Whatever He Wants Fund, but I don’t know if David Pearce is funding constrained.

Eww a bootlicker.

He even made a rap music video about it.

wtf is this!
holy shit [the lyrics are worse than the original post](https://mdickens.me/materials/rat-god-lyrics.html) i'd take that as savagery upon the original except the bit where it's the same guy
I dunno, >You don't really want to get into a pissing match >With this rat-breeding man >Packing a stack of rats in the back seems accurate to me. I do not wish to get into a pissing match, or indeed have any contact with, this rat-breeding man.

I wonder what Peter Singer would say about this. He has to say this is a great idea, right?

[the important thing is not to agree too loudly in public with Singer's opinions, because that might turn people off EA,](https://injygo.tumblr.com/post/117511300482/so-im-really-interested-in-the-whole-effective)

How about you guys provide an actual argument against this?

lol \^\^ a comprehensive refutation
I prefer a snorting sound, but yeah, same pretty much.
What's that even supposed to mean? Do you feel smart giving these smug replies?
as you can see,, that was peer reviewed
Wow so witty and quirky!
ok, ok, [here's a detailed refutation of the claim as a PDF](https://davidgerard.co.uk/lj/A%20Comprehensive%20Response%20to%20your%20Comment.pdf)
You realize that this is a club for sneering, where serious posts are required to be marked nsfw, right? Anyway, I'll point you towards my earlier comment about your FAI god and your paperclip-maximizing nightmare, and leave putting 2 and 2 together as an exercise for the reader.