r/SneerClub archives

Personally I think this thread better showcases their opinions on trans people. Wherein OP argues its not just necessary but compassionate to tell your trans friend not to transition if you don’t think they’ll pass well, then goes on some bizarre tangent about sex dolls and skin suits. Basically none of the replies push back on OPs shitty behavior toward his “friend”, instead they’re basically all focused on the tangent about sexbots and skin suits.

We've been arguing for years whether Buffalo Bill is really trans or not, but the answer was right in front of our eyes the entire time: he's cis because *cis people are just like that*.
there were def some gems in there: "the cultural singularity when 30% of men vanish permanently from the dating pool because robowife." "where sex dolls improve, so does *crossdressing"* well, op did say he has "adequate reason" for believing this, so they must definitely be related.
> the cultural singularity when 30% of men vanish permanently from the dating pool because robowife. I picture this as all these men literally vanishing to another plane of existence mid-coitus at the same time. Like a techno sex rapture, or _Her_ or _Evangelion._
I think there's an Oglaf comic with that premise.
>I dislike the according medical risks with hormonal change Where dey at? ... >Does an extended delay of puberty not have its own side effects though? I'd assume going through puberty at 25 or 30 might be very different. Imagine this: puberty isn't delayed that long.
Transphobes don't really think about this stuff very deeply. There's no real *reason* that puberty actually has to be delayed to 16 or at all, it's just the current protocol. In fact, the entire reason it's done is because of people who are afraid that cis kids will end up transitioning and regretting it!
I just realized for like real that they're afraid that the same thing that happens to trans kids would happen to cis kids. (Didn't realize this about any type of transphobes before.)
Yep, if it happens to trans people, who care?, but if it happens to cis people, it's a national emergency and a proof of the evils of Cultural Marxism.
Good grief, I wonder if these dipshits have any idea how they sound to other people.

“I love the blacks” Trump said, pointing to his appointment of Ben Carson as HUD secretary, ignoring 40 years of racist remarks and actions.

Is he? Since the election he’s just seemed radically incoherent to me.
Whereas he seemed like a laser-sharpened tack during the campaign.
Yeah, that’s what I meant by “the election.” He wasn’t on my radar before that and so I’ve never heard him make any coherent statements that could be construed as support of white supremacy.
Up until last November, I misunderstood and thought he was the guy from the TV show *Benson.*

Not too sure if this falls under “CW” or “Meta”, but in keeping with the old ethos of tutto nel filo, niente al di fuori del filo, nulla contra il filo:

So idk if this is common knowledge already but i looked this up and turns out it’s an adoption of a fascist slogan: >Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato

translates to >Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.


lofuckingl someone just objected (like thirty minutes ago) to the claim that their subreddit was more racially than gender homogeneous with:

Because trans women are men. That is, the group of people we call “trans women” with respect to the categorization criterion of self-identified gender identity could also be called “men” with respect to the categorization criterion of biological sex, with respect to a concept of “biological sex” such that hormone replacement therapy does not change sex. So if 20% of our women are trans with respect to self-identified gender identity, then the number of women with respect to biological sex (with respect to a notion of biological sex that &c.) is smaller.

Oh, yeah, I know that transphobic dipshit from Ozy's blog comments (he is a friend of Ozy), where he stan for Blanchardianism.
Cis people were a fucking mistake.
He identify as "gender-dysphoric non-transitioning" (a term coined by Ozy) or something like that.
Oh no, he is not (AFAICT) a trans woman, it's just a common among cisgender rationalists to call themselves gender-dysphoric or to say that they would transition if so that they can avoid all accusations of transphobia. [Even Scott Alexander does it.](https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/02/18/typical-mind-and-gender-identity/#comment-125)
Oh that's fucking gross. Of course. Fuck.
It would be reassuring if Westlake-Saotome were just a transphobic cis rationalist, but in their blog they signal way too much anguish with their body -- and with the teleology of their gender in general -- for me to think that they're faking gender dysphoria. They're pretty obviously and severely gender dysphoric; they're just not transitioning because they basically think the prospect of transitioning and/or being a woman would be conceptually incoherent and logically impossible (no thanks to Blanchard and the medical establishment of the gender binary).

Can I point out that what they’re saying is that while they’ve supposedly got a population that’s something like three or four times transer than the population as a whole, that the implication is that they have ONE-TWENTY-FOURTH AS MANY black folks as the US population as a whole????