r/SneerClub archives
So this is what rationalists called "leftism": this land was made for you and me but NOT NON-AMERICANS, FUCK YOU, GOT OURS (https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2016/03/31/make-america-great/#comment-17600)

Woody Guthrie is spinning in his grave.

My favourite part is the “not in a mean way”. They’re a kind xenophobe, a nice nationalist, you see ?

When someone spins in their grave, is it always rotisserie-style? As if an axle has been run through them from the center top of their head, down through their torso? Or are others here open to the idea that these corpses are somersaulting, as I am?
I'm more of a pinwheel guy.

My patriotism is about helping felons regain the right to vote

Okay, cool

and about saying “Officer, I am not resisting, but I do not consent to searches.”

Yeah, all right

It is about, to a very large degree, the ACLU.

Fair enough, okay

It is about the right of Nazis to march through a community full of Holocaust survivors

Uh, hold on a sec…

> Uh, hold on a sec... This is a case the ACLU litigated on behalf of the Nazis in question.
Sure but like if I had to come up with "my top 4 reasons I like America," #4 sure as heck wouldn't be "Nazis can freely march through the streets"
Except, of course, if you're a Nazi.

wanting something a bit more socialistic, right, but here’s the good bit, we’ll add some ah nationalist characteristics,

but "not in a mean way"
oh no no definitely not


Why would anybody report a comment for replying to the wrong post?
Did you mean to reply to something else ? I'm completely confused about where you got this from the nationalist manifesto that is OP.
The comment deep-link didn't work for me until the second click so I quoted from the post
What post ? OP is a nationalist manifesto, not a post about how LessWrong should talk more about human psychology.
EDIT: Weird, I don't know why the link took me to a different post initially. Feel free to disregard.