r/SneerClub archives

I’m so glad I found this subreddit. I’ve been in tech a long time and as you all probably know Slate Star Codex and its like are super popular among techies. Not only have I had his articles thrown at me to show that SJWs are the “real” threat not Nazis, sexism in tech isn’t real, feminism is full of harpies that make normal men into MRAs, but I’ve dated Slate Star Codex readers. That was before I knew better. One of them got super into the whole Less Wrong cult to the point where I had to dump him for spending our rent budget on some kind of Effective Altruism weird boat club. He’s friends with Diana S. Fleischman and a bunch of the others and would always tell me about their evpsych relationship advice, which definitely was not good for us haha. Now as much as these folks talk about “leftists” being out of touch, to me as a young Republican woman (yeah…) from the South I thought they were all pretty creepy and out of touch. I never went to any of these things though I did read some of the blogs on his advice and I’ve hung out with some of the minor Less Wrong cultists.

As I started becoming more liberal I started becoming disgusted with that community and their tolerance of “lite” white supremacists like Gregory Cochran and Razib Khan (on Slate Star Codex’s side bar of links BTW) and other ideologies I now recognize as just the “dressed up” far right.

To my horror I find a lot of my colleagues in tech keep sharing Slate Star Codex posts as “so deep”, “insightful” and “wise” and then insisting that that community is “centrist” and “moderate.” Oh of course the share these posts in the context of things like “we have to tolerate the Nazis on our platform,” “what about the men who are victims of feminism,” “women aren’t in tech because they just aren’t interested,” “the real danger is not white supremacists, it’s SJWs.” The worst part is his language is so obtuse that people I know who don’t agree with his overall ideology frequently share it his posts. I actually created a twitter just to dig through the logorrhea and highlight what he’s really saying.

Either way kudos to y’all for highlighting that despite his protestations that his sub was for moderate open rational debate or whatever, /r/ slatestarcodex is a safe space for the likes of “maybe eugenics isn’t so bad.”


goddammit pops ​
There's been more seriousposting recently. I'm happy that people are breaking out the LW/Rationalist mentality but this place is pretty explicitly not for providing pointed takedowns of their ideas or anything, it's just for pointing and laughing. Maybe that's all it takes. Edit: The twitter is good, folks

some kind of Effective Altruism weird boat club

I feel like there’s comedy gold to be mined (floated?) here. Tell us more!

Right. I want to know more about the boat club.
They are most likely talking about seasteading. They have a nonprofit that has raised a few million and they are rationalist adjacent (and located in the Bay Area).
  1. Happy to have you here
  2. I am super stoked about your Twitter and I am excited to see where you go with it

I had to dump him for spending our rent budget on some kind of Effective Altruism weird boat club

good Lord. what was this boat club? I smell sneerfodder.

EA SeaOrg?
OK sorry y'all I was wrong, it wasn't just an EA boat club. It was Ephemerisle, but his reason for going was to meetup with his Effective Altruism friends. And sorry if it's not weird or something, but that was my impression at the time especially since we were a bit low on funds. I had to go through a bunch of super old emails to figure it out. Also though remembered Diana used to be with EA guy Robert Wiblin. I was curious if she was still with him so I looked at her Twitter and not only has he been scrubbed from it but she has tons of posts about how [Geoffrey Miller](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/08/07/fat-shaming-professor-faces-censure-university) (aka PrimalPoly). I can't even.
> And sorry if it's not weird or something SeaSteading cosplayers are definitely a little weird. But it takes all sorts, etc.
i mean, leaving all the seasteaders on an island somewhere has a certain appeal
> Ephemerisle fucking seasteaders don't worry, it's plenty weird

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0258 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/36324)

I would agree with most of this and I think you’re doing good work on twitter. I don’t think Scott has been very honest about addressing how much his blog platforms extreme racist and sexist views, and I think it’s good to raise awareness of that.


oh I know about them thanks to the rationalist community. Glad I got out. Happy to tell people more about what that community is a gateway to.


LMAO when a man tells a woman who has worked in tech probably longer than you've been alive that sexism doesn't exist in tech. *sex disparities in tech are mostly caused by (likely innate) sex differences in preference* Oh yeah bc we all choose our careers based on "preference"
The problem is not that hey maybe women aren't that interested, it's that it's always brought up in the context of actual documented harassment and sexism against women. There is so much documented, that until we get rid of that, it's going to be pretty hard to figure out if women aren't in tech because they aren't interested or because it's a cesspool.
post ur penis
>To call Cochran a “white supremacist” is just a laughable slander and sure sign of delusional paranoia. And it is even worse you act like Scott Alexander is somehow bad just because of a link to Cochran’s blog. I said he was a regular collaborator with a white supremacist and he posits that gayness is literally a disease, with rather poor evidence I might add and with obvious delight that he's upsetting SJWs. And yes, I think directing people to places like that via your side bar is bad. Especially on a blog that cultivates a readership of people looking for mental health advice.