r/SneerClub archives
"I’m a bit surprised that a group called “sneer club” isn’t a ToS violation of some sort, though I admit that I haven’t actually visited it" (https://cptsdcarlosdevil.tumblr.com/post/183122722513/guys-dont-tell-me-what-rsneerclub-is-saying#notes)

That’s that charity and free speech they are so good at.

I’m a bit surprised that a group called “sneer club” isn’t a ToS violation of some sort

Why would it be? I’m don’t even get the reasoning here.

Reddit rules forbid doing an irony.
Well your assumption of what this place is is different from what this person thinks it is. Clearly this is the terrorist hq were attacks gets planned, information gets gathered, bombs get made ready, and tailored personal insults get crafted for maximum harassment. /s


I'm rational. ~~I c~~Checking the facts generated by my perfect thought processes would be redundant. **Edit**: Shut up, that typo reflected an optimal allocation of cognitive bandwidth.
What, and jeopardize their curated set of priors?
There's not much here to page me for, just the affirmation that *it takes fucking seconds to browse a subreddit and get a feel for what the commenters are saying*. On some level, and this is me really capitulating to fogueish nonsense...maybe it's something to do with smartphones? I don't have a smartphone anymore (although I'm still paying for the contract that got me one, and it was a bloody good one too), and I use a shitty burner phone to text and call and wake me up etc. but I've gotta have the feeling that if somebody were doing this stuff at their laptop it's *at least* a little less labour for them to pull up a new tab or scroll through a few comments with the benefit of a screen that isn't the size and shape of a half bottle of whisky from Sainsbury's...

Note the comment in the title is not from Ozy/cptsdcarlosdevil/thingofthings, but somebody else on Tumblr.

Sneerclub hasn’t been saying much about Ozy anyway, no?

> Note the comment in the title is not from Ozy/cptsdcarlosdevil/thingofthings, but somebody else on Tumblr. Yes, but you can't link to replies that aren't reblogs. > Sneerclub hasn't been saying much about Ozy anyway, no? A fair amount, actually. I have wrote [a parody song](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/avr59z/song_love_me_im_a_silicon_valley_liberal/) about their political ideology, [posted](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/avou8e/you_know_what_the_rationalist_community_is_not/) their complaint about how the rationalist community isn't charitable enough to creationists, and mocked [their nationalism](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/avh2x4/so_this_is_what_rationalists_called_leftism_this/) and [their paranoid conspiracy theory about fellow sneerer /u/dgerard](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auyhir/an_addition_to_the_sneerclub_mythos_udgerard/). Other sneerers have talked about [their post about global warming](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/aimcq8/global_warming_officially_less_dangerous_than/), [their Gamergate support](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9vd9s6/throwback_thursday_when_most_feminist_person_in/), [their complaint against people calling Brave New World a dystopia](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9w5nmr/thinking_brave_new_world_is_a_dystopia_is_pretty/), and of course there is [their shady actions and abuse apologia when Jax /u/PolyamorousNephandus came out about abuse in the rationalist community.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8tb86a/for_ease_of_viewing_links_to_all_of_my_twitter/)
Who? Does it matter? Let's not make minor sneer-celebrities.