r/SneerClub archives

Oh, and of course Brent Dill (ialdaboth) is in the comments, and of course Ozy agrees with what he says.

Whaaaaat. Wasn't he supposed to have been the one example of someone finally going too far for the rationalists and getting kicked out of their circles?
Look at the date on the article. That said, it was always pretty obvious that Dill was an abusive fuck up. He sent up every red flag, but they welcomed him anynow.
I remember someone in the SSC comments saying to him that he sounded like he was an abuser. He acknowledged that this was completely true.
Ah. \*smacks self on the head\* 2014, that makes a lot more sense. That's what I get for skimming fast.
What did he do?
As a self-actualised Randian superman and captain of his fate, he was above your petty notions of "consent" or "other humans count as people and not just dick decorations"
https://medium.com/@mittenscautious/brent-a-warning-38e447c55ab0 https://medium.com/@mittenscautious/warning-2-153ed9f5f1f3 https://medium.com/@mittenscautious/warning-3-8097bb6747b1
Oh jesus thanks

The only possible conclusion from this is just that women are more likely to be abusive than men, since they’re doing the most of the rape accusations. No other explanation.

Considering Ozy posts things like [this](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2015/02/28/346/), [this](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2015/01/06/reproductive-coercion/), or [this](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/zoe-quinn-is-an-abuser/), I think it's quite possible they would unironically agree with that.

Relevant quote from the post: > And someone is going to expect me to conclude by recommending what the correct thing to do in these cases is, but I have no idea. Probably there is no solution that isn’t horrible. If there is, it’s way above my pay grade. Ask Ozy. Ze’s the one with the Gender Studies degree.

The comment linked: > ozymandias says:
> February 18, 2014 at 3:16 am > > I am concerned about false rape accusations! > > Here’s why: there is one group of people who is really interested in punishing their partners for leaving them, in preventing their partners from leaving them in the first place, and in isolating their partners from their entire social group. That group of people is “abusers.” I think we should be really cautious before we say “it is a moral requirement for you to abandon your friends if someone says the sentence ‘this person raped me,’” because that is an incredibly potent tool for abusive people to use, and ideally our anti-abuse activism should not give abusive people more ability to hurt their victims. (Don’t even talk to me about sending all accused abusers or rapists to jail.) > > And of course in the real world very few people believe all survivors; they believe the person with social power, which is a lot of times the abusive person, because a lot of abusers are really charming and manipulative people. > > I am not sure if this is a solvable problem. Actually, the more I read about rape, the more I think it is a completely unsolvable set of problems and we are pretty much doomed to have 1 in 6 women be raped forever.

I really hope they didn’t pay for that degree

> Here’s why: there is one group of people who is really interested in punishing their partners for leaving them, in preventing their partners from leaving them in the first place, and in isolating their partners from their entire social group. That group of people is “abusers.” this person then wrote that Gamergate apologia
[This one?](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/zoe-quinn-is-an-abuser/) Just looked through it then. *sigh*
Ozy gets deeply upset when you point out that they not only wrote that but still endorse it it's so unfair to *stalk* someone by, er, talking about their public pronouncements and hot takes they've kept up for the past five years in the face of people going "what the shit" like, there's an OBVIOUS FUCKING SOLUTION there, but somehow they can't reach it
Of course it's unfair. We're using Ozy's own words against them, as opposed to relying on the hearsay of people with a history of physical violence to make accusations like normal people do.
>we are pretty much doomed to have 1 in 6 women be raped forever. An awfully convenient conclusion for someone who doesn't really want to do anything about rape to come to! They’re not wrong that abusers sometimes throw out false accusations, but afaik it's usually in the process of alleging "mutual abuse" in reaction to an abuse allegation. It's more of a reason to be sensitive to the context of any alleged abuse (and to keep in mind that, especially for *emotional* abuse, the specific relationship between the parties matters a *lot*) than to doubt accusers. (ETA correct pronouns, sorry)
> An awfully convenient conclusion for someone who doesn't really want to do anything about rape to come to! Did I mishear, or is Ozy actually one of the people at REACH investigating abuse accusations within the rationalist community?
I don't know. I...hope not? But also I don't know if anyone else would be less bad.
[No, but indeed the people who are actually on the panel aren't much better.](https://www.berkeleyreach.org/reach-panel)
[No, but indeed the people who are actually on the panel aren't much better.](https://www.berkeleyreach.org/reach-panel)

prob relevant : quartz.com (the truth about false rape accusations)

(note: there is a difference between rape accusations in personal life and rape accusations where people go to the cops, etc).


> Go get laid you fucking incels You're saying that in order to defend misogynist anti-feminist rape-apologist rhetoric. Projecting much ?
I'm a 33 year old woman with two children and I've had sex with approximately 50 people. So.... want to try again? Something about... like whores... or thots or something, I think, might be a good start.
What's this clown doing in here? Out with you!