r/SneerClub archives
"If the solution to the horrible intractable Racism Problem in the United States is as simple as selecting out high melanin rates, why not do it?" (https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2015/03/20/on-the-murder-of-disabled-babies/#comment-11042)

The full comment is actually even worse somehow.

I’m perfectly willing to bite the race bullet. Correct me if I’m wrong, but under the social model of disability being black is a disability (but not an impairment), yes? Because you are likely to be read as poor and most people are white and like other white people and so on. And let us not forget Scott’s maxim: Society is fixed, biology is mutable! If the solution to the horrible intractable Racism Problem in the United States is as simple as selecting out high melanin rates, why not do it? Would people be so upset by this that it would really come out net-negative?

Hint: that is the exact opposite of what the social model of disability implies.

>Because you are likely to be read as poor Read as poor. Yes, that's the main trouble with the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and redlining. That black people are going to be *read* as poor. Not that, you know, they've been *made poor.* Not only do they apparently not understand the distinction between a person's right to control their body and a coordinated eugenics campaign, they also don't seem to understand what oppression is.
> Society is fixed, biology is mutable As stupid as this maxim is, it *is* creditably simple and lucid, which makes it truly astonishing how badly this person has misunderstood it.
So, for the record, what is it supposed to mean? 'cause I don't get it.
Ol’ Scotty thinks (“thinks”) that human behavior is nearly impossible to change via education or legal imposition, but easy to change by tinkering with human biology. That’s why state-mandated school integration never accomplished anything, but taking lead out of paint ended racism. Edit: [Article here](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/10/society-is-fixed-biology-is-mutable/). It’s short and worth a read just to marvel at how incredibly awful it is. (And it actually does come closer than I thought to endorsing a nationwide eugenics program to eliminate blackness.)
I'm not sure if I've ever seen the beginnings of a good point go off the rails so quickly.
That is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. It is terrifying that this man is allowed to treat patients.
> Society is fixed, biology is mutable what the **FUCK** EDIT: Although I guess at least it explains why modern society is rigidly divided into scholars at the top, farmers second, craftsmen third and merchants at the bottom. Or why only scholars are allowed to drive tanks.
> EDIT: Although I guess at least it explains why modern society is rigidly divided into scholars at the top, farmers second, craftsmen third and merchants at the bottom. > > This makes me think that maxim is really just status anxiety.
literally liking status quo so much you start to believe it's written into the fabric of the universe

How do people write things like this and then five seconds later think, “Oh I’m a racist”?

The worst thing is, they don't, they are seriously so stupid that they don't understand how advocating for eugenic extermination of black people is racist.
They shroud it with rationalist-ish rhetoric and a calm demeanor.

from the post itself

(Indeed, a partner of mine who is quite pro-eugenics blanched when I suggested reducing the risk of me having a child with antisocial personality disorder by aborting all male babies.)

this may be the single funniest sentence ever written

Theres a bunch of people who obsess about racial disparities in jail populations (in the US) but never mention the gender disparity (everywhere)


C'mon, this is a pretty lazy false equivalence. Denmark offering prenatal screening for Down's syndrome (which in practice leads to most prospective mothers deciding to abort in case of a positive result) (and is already reality) is not the same as Denmark killing off existing people with Down's syndrome.

I’d side with a report here:

1: This particular ‘sneerer’ spams the same blog.

You do seem to do a lot of that sort of thing, so maybe take it easy on /r/sneerclub

Many people here spam the same subreddit (/r/TheMotte and formerly /r/slatestarcodex), and rightly so.
All I'm saying is that before this weekend I noticed you post a lot of such material in a somewhat activist fashion and, after my self-imposed three day offline spree of walking the hills and writing about things that (a) might be of genuine interest outside oor wee sneercountry and (b) might actually make me some money at some point, I returned to find a number of reports that reflect the possibility that my nous could have been in the right there. As you can see, my action here as a moderator is very much in the genre "suggestions", and you can continue to do as you please: the green beret here isn't the same thing as a machine gun