r/SneerClub archives
"if your fourteen-year-old can’t be trusted to feed and dress herself and take herself to the bus without supervision, you screwed up somewhere in the parenting process" (https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/07/10/melatonin-much-more-than-you-wanted-to-know/#comment-647061)

Sure, there is zero scientific basis for asserting that non-neurotypicality is caused by parents “screwing up” and this “refrigerator mother” bullshit was already completely discredited by the 1970s, but what’s a rationalist without privileging bigotry over rationality ? Poor people shouldn’t have children, they’re going to turn them crazy ! /s

Shit, when I’m reading this I feel offended on the behalf of my parents.

Note that this is the exact same people who will call you ableist if you don’t buy in their anti-feminist ideology.

Also, if James Miller say that they generally agree you but this time he think you’re too bigoted, this should alarm you in more than one way.

Look at this loser.

I wonder if Ozy’s no doubt genuine surprise at the idea they had a comet tail of receipts stretching across the solar system has abated any

… nah

I’m not sure what you’re referring to and I’m legitimately curious.
this was a line I said on tumblr and they expressed surprise at the idea that such a thing could be possible
I'm still confused.

I guess to be fair Ozy was assuming a neurotypical 14-year-old, in which case I can sort of see their point. (Though, also, kids have personalities and agendas that aren’t 100% under parental control, and plenty of 14-year-olds wouldn’t get themselves to the bus because they don’t wanna). But I’m balking at giving them a pass for that assumption, given the way this community weaponizes ableism discourse to make antifeminist arguments.

> this community weaponizes ableism discourse to make antifeminist arguments I honestly don't see the link to either ableism or anti-feminism in Ozy's statement... care to enlighten me?
They're assuming all 14-year-olds are neurotypical, so if they can't get themselves to the schoolbus, it's because their parents failed them. It's a mildly ableist assumption. There's no link to anti-feminism in Ozy's statement. The only reason I mentioned it is that this subreddit has discussed other examples of rationalists using dishonest allegations of ableism against feminists complaining about harassment. (ETA correct pronouns, sorry!)
You mean the whole "creepy dudes can't help it because they have Asperger's" schtick? Gotcha.
including [as a defence of sending women dick pics](https://reddragdiva.tumblr.com/post/146163833063/punching-down-in-a-curved-social-spacetime). "why can't *I* be a horrible shithead *tooooo*"
I'm not sure if you're noticed, but the OP in that Tumblr thread is Brent Dill.
holy shit
Yes, and Ozy is especially fond of this trick, up to and including [in their defense of Gamergate](https://cptsdcarlosdevil.tumblr.com/post/99342253763/i-went-to-erons-hearing-on-tuesday).

I always thought the reason high school starts when it does was due to a combination of wanting sports practices to be over at a reasonable, preferably non-dark hour and a recognition that some families’ commutes may include an elementary and a high school dropoff.

I do think that towns in which high schools do not start the latest of all school are doing it wrong, however.

Man they are scared to death of melanin, oh wait nevermind it’s about melatonin.


I'm 25yo. How old are you, however ?
As a 45-year-old, could someone explain the “clean your room” thing to me? Why is it my room, versus the kitchen, the den, or the kids’ rooms?
Jordan Peterson thinks you have to get your life completely in order before you start criticizing social injustice. Caring about the den is just collectivist nonsense, leading to chaos and gulags.
Well he doesn't really think that, the pattern with Peterson is that he clearly has a love of the gnomic no less than the messiahnic: the phrase "clean your room" appeals for its pithyness but doesn't have much substance; its corollary, that you have to start working on your soul or whateverthefuck first before you can deal with the world is pretty standard conservative faire. The clever bit is where he doesn't really seem to believe any of this guff and is somewhat carried away by his own eloquence: hence the habit of combining two into one as above in order that it comes off glowing with insight!!!
Does anyone have a link to that /r/slatestarcodex comment where a guy said that Peterson fans are sexually attracted to him because he reminds them of their mother who also often told them to clean their room ?
do not want meme dot jaypeg
Did you brush your teeth?
How clean is your room right now ?
Tell us how you really feel
Go away, Scott.