r/SneerClub archives

Ok, y’all. I was the one who posted about math pets in my twitter thread about my abuse. You can find the tweet here: https://twitter.com/RuffleJax/status/1009141601623474176

Speculate all you want about “kink shaming” and whatever. I personally practice a decent amount of kink and non-traditional relationship styles. I have no problems with people who practice kink and polyamory safely. I have, in fact, defended kinky and polyamorous people elsewhere. That’s not my problem.

My problem is that Yud used MIRI as a dating pool to find women who would do unpaid labor for him. My problem is that I know, personally, two women who have not publicly come out about their abuse but were basically held emotionally hostage by Yud with a mix of LSD, “You will die without me”, and kink practiced with or without their consent. My problem is that Yud gave his submissives fucking IQ tests before he would play with them. I am allowed to fucking shame someone who uses kink as emotional terrorism.

Well, I should have known EY's criticisms of CFAR-ACDC during the Brent Dill case weren't because he actually cared about abuse. Speaking of this Twitter thread, can you explain the mentions of Sarah Constantin and Raymond Arnold ? They are both in the REACH panel that is supposed to investigate abuse accusations.
Sarah Constantin is my ex-girlfriend, I go on to mention her further in a later thread. Please note that the "Alice Almost" article is also by Sarah. Ray Arnold is someone I dislike for his stated intentions to be a cult leader.
> Sarah Constantin is my ex-girlfriend, I go on to mention her further in a later thread. Please note that the "Alice Almost" article is also by Sarah. I'm not sure what either thing is referring to. > Ray Arnold is someone I dislike for his stated intentions to be a cult leader. Yikes (to put it lightly). Is it worrying that he is in charge of investigating abuse accusations ? [Speaking of which, Ozy is also a wannabe cult leader. This seems to be common among rationalists.](https://cptsdcarlosdevil.tumblr.com/post/134950022068/loki-zen-ozymandias271)
I don't know how to further explain this to you. You can find my threads from last year about my [LessWrong abuse here](http://tacticalnymphomania.tumblr.com/post/175175271678/holy-shit-ozy-brennan-cptsdcarlosdevil-is). These were all written last year. Sarah's "Alice Almost" post got torn to shreds here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/avf20x/what_fascinating_fucking_timing_on_this_post/ I'm not sure why you're so interested in my thoughts on the process when I literally just want it to be over.

Going to play the devil’s advocate here a bit, even though I know I really shouldn’t.

Are we kinkshaming Yud for something safe, sane, and consensual between adults? Or is “math pets” actually one of those things that would totally look like abuse to an impartial observer but the survivors are understandably unwilling to discuss it?

In context of other reported creepiness... (polyamory that ends up more like polygyny, group living with authoritarian structures, covering for sexual harassment at meetups), “math pets” sounds like it may be something worse than a consensual kink.
Is this satire or not?
Unfortunately, not this time, though my comment was more from ignorance than malice. At the risk of sounding like a "hot take", I'm just going to explain my process. Thing is, when you just say "math pets", it kind of sounds like "Oh, those kooky Californians! They made yet another sex cult, but this time instead of peace and love they're fetishizing math!" vs. "Eliezer Yudkowsky, founder of MIRI and prominent advocate of the dangers of AI risk, drugged his sexual partners with LSD, told them they were nothing without him, and incorporated an obsession with mathematics into their BDSM routines." One of these sounds like a harmless kink that should be left alone. The other describes a predator who every Bay Area woman working in STEM should be warned of. The unfortunate catchiness of the term "math pets", which I will admit I may have adopted myself, allows the dismissal of the second statement by conflating it with the first. At the same time, PolyamorousNephandus understandably doesn't want to talk about it. Ultimately, that's what matters because it's wrong to make someone relive painful memories just for the sake of accurate sneers.
It sounds to me, someone with no details, like people are laughing because many rationalists have no boundaries and will overshare and scene in public, so this kind of thing becomes everyone's problem even if it could easily be a fulfilling private kink in some other context.
>I wouldn't presume to know anything about this particular situation though. You just did.

What’s this in reference to?

Haha I mean with that attitude what's the point of this subreddit?
[I'll let Ozy explain it themself.](https://cptsdcarlosdevil.tumblr.com/post/132062362348/math-sex-slave-thing)
Huh I guess I have to echo the confusion. Which part is the problem, the BDSM or the math?
The part where we have to know about it, I guess. No scening in public, people!