r/SneerClub archives

it’s honestly a rarity to have a space where anyone can post civilly without fear of being called fascists or Marxists or Nazis or whatever.

This is that same fellow who was lamenting the other day about the “hyper-politicization” of slavery, with this as his closing line:

statistically, the master was more moral than the slave, in terms of moral knowledge and culpability.

I can see why this person would be drawn to a community with norms against calling racists racist.

Wasn’t the person who doxxed him one of their own posters who was mad at being banned?

That was the dox on tumblr iirc. Each community has its own dox or something. (No idea which event came sooner or later or something, and apparently Scott also posted his own name at places, so it is all a bit weird). (Still: don't be a chucklefuck, don't dox people).
Why is doxing bad? Genuine question. I don't know why it's considered a big deal. One of those things which aligns every party. More important than even freeze peach.
Doxing exposes people to real life harassment. You can't be swatted if people don't know where you live.
Doxing someone exposes them to real-life harassment, and generally means that they'll have a hell of a time keeping or finding a job. Even if they're extremely mild (or inexistant), having your (alledged) online antics revealed next to your IRL name can have really bad consequences. And since doxers rarely (i.e. never) care about due process, doxing is essentially a form of mob justice. For example, I don't know if you're aware of what happened to people like the "Angry German Kid" (from that old youtube meme), Peter Coffin, or Christine Weston Chandler? Basically, their identities became widely known on the Internet (though not through doxing), and from there, things went very wrong from them. (Disclaimer: I'm not making any kind of comparison between those people except the one that their lives were negatively impacted by the Internet knowing their real name.) Edit: name.
I think CWC is going by Christine now, fyi
Oh, true! My bad, fixing it now.
No, on one occasion Alexander's real name was mentioned in passing, although no attempt was made to indicate that it was, in fact, his name or anything to do with him. Don't be disingenuous.

That tried and true trick of rational reasoning with logical thoughts: repeat a speculation until it becomes true.

literally the link doesn’t back what the fuckwit said

Far from the only time a rationalist has linked to something which doesn't support their assertion.
What do you mean? Is the person in question not a mod?
What justifies "explicitly pro doxing Scott"?
The quote "They consider me someone who doxxed Scott Alexander because I mentioned him by name in a post."
That's a quote by /u/PolyamorousNephandus. The only mod in that subthread is /u/noactuallyitspoptart. Can you quote them being explicitly pro-doxing-Scott ?
Right, so the person in question isn't a mod then. Got it.
What's your endgame here?
Understanding the comment I replied to. This was achieved by asking a question, and waiting for the answer.
I meant the broader endgame of posting repeatedly to this subreddit to register your suspicion of what's going on here without necessarily checking for yourself first.
You're reading too much into this :) I assumed the person linked to was a mod, since the link said so. dgerard's comment therefore confused me, but didn't make me "suspicious of what's going on here". I'm fine with discussing each others' motivations for reading and commenting here :) but if what you really meant was "gtfo", then I encourage you to ignore my comments and block me :)
The person linked to was me, and I am a mod. The question I'm asking is a broader question: what's your endgame coming around here and, as they say, "JAQing" off about what's wrong with /r/SneerClub. What I'm confused about now is why you aren't telling me what your interest in doing that is, even though I've asked you.
Again, you're reading too much into this. I can't answer your question, because I'm not JAQing off to anything. If you're wondering why I'm reading and commenting in this sub, it's because I find the perspective of many of the posts here interesting. When I comment myself, it's usually to better understand the context of the post and the commenters' intuitions.
This sounds like you're asking me to read in *more* than I already am to your bafflingly obtuse comments
Sorry, I'm lost :) Feel free to stop reading them.
It's not about reading them or not, it's about whether I make a decision to moderate your comments for being irritating and playing at being the wide-eyed automaton thrust into 21st century society without being taught first how to play with the other children
Ok, but I don't know what else to say. If you're asking me whether I post here to offend or make fun of people, the answer is no. If I'm still misunderstanding you, you'll have to ask again.
I'm not asking you that, as indicated by my never having asked you that - concentrate on what I *have* said - but to clarify things: I'm asking why you're pretending to be a wide-eyed innocent without any sort of preconceptions every time you come into this sub to be boring
> I'm not asking you that, as indicated by my never having asked you that - concentrate on what I *have* said I did, but that didn't work. Do you want me to do the same thing with your new question? Because then the answer is very similar to the previous ones: I'm not pretending to be a wide-eyed innocent without any sort of preconceptions. I'm not trying to be smart right now. If you want an answer to whatever question you really have in mind, you'll have to either let me interpret you in good faith, or give me a straight good-faith question.
I gave you a straight good-faith question: why are you coming in here shitting up the place with your bad faith attempts to play Dr. Contrarian against the regulars?
That is not a "straight good-faith" question. I'm not trying to play anyone, I'm not attempting to do anything in bad faith, and I don't think I'm "shitting up the place".
Well you're wrong on the last part anyway. Besides, it's a good faith question. You've only ever come in here to ask boring questions that could have been answered with a seconds looking if you actually cared to know.
Then you misunderstand what I mean by "good faith". And I no longer even know what you're talking about. Good night.
It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Not here :) Good morning!
Are you fucking serious? That's your concern?
What are you talking about?
You can't see this, but I'm raising an eyebrow at you.
OK. Why?
probably because you literally haven't posted a comment to this sub that wasn't disingenuous apologetics
Sorry if I'm causing trouble. I got the answer to my question elsewhere in this thread, so we don't have to continue this.


Yo, slow down your posting. You’re dominating the /new queue, and much of what you’ve been linking isn’t even recent, so you don’t have the excuse of timeliness.

Er, that's a weird remark to say considering OP (like in fact all of my three last posts) is recent.
>considering OP (like in fact all of my three last posts) is recent. Cherrypicking a number to make your point. Very Scott Alexander.

Wait, that user is also pro doxing Scott. He was posting hints on how to find Scotts full name (‘but only if you smart enough’) on ssc. I mentioned that kind of hints are bad and told him to delete the posts (after which I deleted my own posts). He didn’t delete his posts. Which caused at least one person to True Name Scott.

(Sorry if I don’t have a source, this person posted this 1-2 weeks ago (after the CW closure stuff) and I’m not going to search for it in his old posts, esp as this person posts A LOT on reddit, it would take forever)

Use redditsearch.io or redditcommentsearch.com
Way too much effort.

can you actually dox a public figure?

Yes, if their real name or home address is not yet known to the general public.
And Scott does not meet any of those criteria.
Do you mean that Scott's real name and home address is known to the general public?
Probably, I never checked.
Well, they're not. You can figure out his name if you really want to, but it's not listed on his blog and the various wikis, because he prefers it not to be known to the general public. I don't think his home address is to be found anywhere online.
blah blah blah Ginger, blah blah blah.
It's incredibly easy to find out where he works though.
Then it's easy to dox him.