r/SneerClub archives
I try not to be too contrarian, and defer to expert opinion. (https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/03/04/prospiracy-theories/#comment-727559)

Anybody who doesn’t have a graduate degree from an elite university expresses an opinion: Must I endure the prattling of these ignorant peasants? Can we not restrict the franchise to those who have demonstrated an IQ of at least 120, and preferably much higher?

Scientists point out that we’re destroying the planet’s ability to sustain life: We are being governed by the faculty of Harvard, which is worse than Stalin.

Wish they had applied the first policy to Yud in the first place
>We are being governed by the faculty of Harvard, which is worse than Stalin. Duh, the only faculty we should be governed by is the GMU econ department.

I can’t even begin to describe the sheer strength of my lack of surprise at the fact that so-called “rationalists” end up being climate change deniers.

Hey! unlike those weak, normal climate change deniers who think they have evidence that global warming is wrong, these brave, heroic rationalists are willing to stand up and say that they disbelieve the consensus on global warming based on no evidence at all!
Uh, Steve McIntyre's blog is like the most evidencey thing ever.
Indeed, it is quite possibly the evidenciest evidence that was ever evidenced.
How dare you slander them thus. They're not denying that climate changes. They're just convinced it will be a net benefit. For white people.
this Scott post was actually amusing content, but I knew the commenters would deliver
The fuck is an ecofascist?

I try not to sneer, and defer to the opinion of a bunch of internet amateurs.

Being agnostic on this topic is very reasonable. On the one hand you have tons of credentialed experts sounding the alarm. But on the other hand they have been ringing the alarm for years (at least since I was a kid in the 80s), we have passed the “point of no return” several times with no obvious consequences, there is always “just 2 years left to save the planet”, and all these experts derive an enormous amount of status from governments, and the proposed solution of taxing everything seems to line up quite well with what governments would want to do anyways.

“No obvious consequences”, like higher average temperature, more extreme highs and lows in temperature, more and larger extreme weather events, exactly like predicted by scientists?


the proposed solution of taxing everything seems to line up quite well with what governments would want to do anyways.

Apparently this person still lives in the 1970s. Taxation has been a dirty word in mainstream Western politics ever since the damages wrought by Reagan and Thatcher.

That reply was amazing. Try to have an open mind instead of accusing people for being oil company shills... but also be aware that all the experts warning us are in the pockets of Big Earth!?
> be aware that all the experts warning us are in the pockets of Big Earth!? I mean, they definitely *should* be lmao

This is a safe space to out yourself / awkwardly boast as a contrarian. By the way, do you paleo? Because mainstream diet fads are very contrarian.

bitcoin carnivore mate also clean your room
with bitcoin prices as they are, downgraded to cat food
having seen the cleanliness of Jordan Peterson's room in the stills of his videos, I'd have expected an excessive number of cats there too

I think there exists what I might call a “contrarian personality type.” I have it. Basically, it’s a strong willingness to believe the received wisdom about x is wrong, because knowing something most people don’t know makes you feel special.

When in doubt, turn to the personality. That always solves everything. He should really look up Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

The exception is politically charged topics like global warming. I am less trusting of experts in areas with big political ramifications because I assume there’s much more reason for bias.

Is this because of your bias or their bias?

ssc post mocks conspiracy theories and pseudo-science

99% of comments love it

1 random guy in the comments says he doesn’t trust climate science

sneerclub: omg rationalists are so dumb look they deny climate change

Mate, you know everyone can read your post history, including all the bullshit on r\/drama. Like, maybe don't throw stones from your glass house?
imagine thinking I would care what some loser stalking my post history thinks
Well then, you can easily understand that nobody here cares about your opinion on our posts.