r/SneerClub archives

Look, I don’t mean to sound like your stereotypical angry straight white male nerd who feels threatened by ‘progressives’, but I am, so that’s how it comes out.

It's a shame some people can't defend their ideas without getting super emotional.
If only people founded a place where the focus is onon taking an unbiased look at the debated topic. Well, maybe another time.

I HATE running into people straight from Internet Central Casting in real life.

Oh the irony.

I'm totally guilty of this in the past, but the poster seems to be so strict and regimented in such a way that nobody else can possibly live up to their friendship standards. The entire post is simply the angst of self-rejection built on a foundation of intolerance.
"I have no friends because MY STANDARDS, not because I'm awful! I could have friends if I lowered myself to your level! I'd have all the friends, more than you!"
Also, "people straight from Internet Central Casting" isn't really any better than their old NPC meme thing.

I was pretty close to turning to the one girl in the group and saying “Hey Lana, did you hear that? Chops RESPECTS WOMEN. Make sure you allocate him the virtue-signaling points he’s owed.”

I’m sure that would have gone over well.

Any form of decency is ViRtUe SiGnAlLiNg to these people -- it's a coping mechanism that relies on mimicking the more socially-adept Machiavellian people they wish they were. They're basically the impotent version of the kind of guys who define themselves by conflict but flinch when absorbing the consequences of conflict.
Pretty much. They’ve been douchey for so long that they can’t imagine that anyone has different values than they do. It brings them comfort to tell themselves that anyone who disagrees with their views is secretly lying to make themselves look good. What’s amazing is that people who say stuff like that will simultaneously insist that they are the only real defenders of free speech and diversity of thought left. They can’t imagine the possibility of sincere disagreements among decent people, but they think they respect ideological diversity.
I agree, and I personally hate that approach. I think it’s better to take people at their word when they describe their views. Unless I have rock solid proof that they’re lying, resorting to an accusation of hypocrisy or ignorance ends up just irritating them rather than furthering a discussion. It’s trollish behavior, the equivalent of resorting to baby talk with an adult.
It also has the handy side effect of excusing their own shitty behaviour. Because if everyone trying to be a good person has ulterior motives, then there's no reason to try and be a good person yourself.

At this point my friend wisely changes the subject to the communism thing and just makes earnest friendly arguments about motivation and profit, and I distance myself from the whole thing. I have no interest in arguing with a communist. I’ll just say something mean about helicopters.

Wow, thinking up something you could have said afterwards. How ballsy of this guy. How very George Costanza.

Also; his *l'esprit de l'escalier* isn't even something clever, it's just a veiled threat ("helicopter rides" is fascist code for murdering left-wingers, in reference to Chilean and Argentine fascists executing dissidents by throwing them out of helicopters over the ocean). Also also; the delicious irony of him whining about how "leftists are against free speech!" while simultaneously wishing a violent death on people who argue with him.
Right, how is it an argument \*against\* communists that fascists want to murder them? At least get it straight and make jokes about gulags!
I think a lot of them are just genuinely fucked in the head. They’ve latched onto politics because murder fantasies are, for some reason, more palatable when you make them about partisan politics.
> the attack helicopter thing Please don't.
Sorry, my bad.
Nah, supporting that kind of stuff was banned from the get go, though we had to crack down on [helicopter money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicopter_money) jokes because the confusion/ambiguity was being exploited.
same difference, and a crackdown doesn't imply it wasn't banned
kudos on the moderately condescending link to the "helicopter money" wikipedia page by the way, but there are some people who post outside /r/neoliberal who've heard of the concept
To be fair, I hadn't heard of helicopter money. But it's not surprising that Pinochet, who was so influenced by Friedman, would be inspired by Friedman's parable of throwing money out of helicopters to throw dissidents out of helicopters.
We tried neoliberalism so you don't have to (you do, actually, you don't really have a choice here) and found that it was 100% more effective at murdering political dissidents than enacting *stated neoliberal progressive policy!*\* Wow Facts! *see also: negative income tax/UBI; healthcare reform; land value tax; international free movement; financial regulation...
Just trying to be helpful, don't take it personally.
When it comes from somebody who posts on /r/neoliberal I find it's more effective not to be charitable when it comes to condescension, that's kind of all the subreddit really has
**Helicopter money** Helicopter money is a proposed unconventional monetary policy, sometimes suggested as an alternative to quantitative easing (QE) when the economy is in a liquidity trap (when interest rates near zero and the economy remains in recession). Although the original idea of helicopter money describes central banks making payments directly to individuals, economists have used the term 'helicopter money' to refer to a wide range of different policy ideas, including the 'permanent' monetization of budget deficits – with the additional element of attempting to shock beliefs about future inflation or nominal GDP growth, in order to change expectations. A second set of policies, closer to the original description of helicopter money, and more innovative in the context of monetary history, involves the central bank making direct transfers to the private sector financed with base money, without the direct involvement of fiscal authorities. This has also been called a citizens' dividend or a distribution of future seigniorage.The phrase "helicopter money" was first coined by Milton Friedman in 1969, when he wrote a parable of dropping money from a helicopter to illustrate the effects of a monetary expansion. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
Yeah, it's like if instead of the jerk store line, George's great comeback was "how would you like to get fucking murdered?"
> my friend wisely changes the subject to the communism thing and just makes earnest friendly arguments about motivation and profit How much do you wanna bet these "earnest friendly arguments" were basically the usual drivel of "capitalism is just human nature bro"

/u/darwin2500 is still pushing that boulder uphill:

But, seriously, you have to start from a place of not hurling insults, not having an axe to grind, and not hating the people you’re talking to and seething in anger at them, as you kind of sound like you are. There’s no way you’ll come off well if you try to talk from that point of view.

I have no idea how that guy hasn't thrown his computer out a window in frustration yet.
>user reports: >1: Is tagging people you want to jeer at directly a good idea? I agree that if that were going on it might be worth thinking twice

I refuse to capitulate, but I know that if I actually argue back, I’ll just look like the asshole internet stereotype of an angry straight white male nerd who hates diversity and fake geek girls.

I think we found the two button meme guy’s real account

I have no interest in arguing with a communist.

Well TheMotte is clearly a success at bringing different viewpoints together ;).


Last year, I said I didn’t like Last Jedi, and a woman unironically asked me why I had a problem with strong role models for girls.

This is just a normal question, you can dislike the last jedi for other reasons, and just be fine with the Rey part (Hell, I didn’t like the movie that much myself, Luke/Rey were great imho). The question is just ‘are you one of Those people, or do you have different complaints about the movie’.

Thess comments: > Do you get mad at children who think that Santa Claus is real?


I mean, if he really looks like you say he looks, you can basically act civil until you build up more ingroup status than him and then bully him until he capitulates or leaves.


Scott’s on the money here. Got to bide time until you can coordinate a counter-reaction.


Skulldrinkers comment history is also a bit of a wild ride. No way that guy didn’t come off as super angry during the party.

>Also, don't waste time honestly discussing things with fat dorks. In a way it's not their fault, their T-levels are probably 0 so they're going to suffer from a lot of white knight syndrome & pathological empathy
Pathological empathy - holy shit
My supply of yikes has run out today sadly. Edit: but wow that thread is a cesspit of content, somebody already said SJW behavior causes the downfall of civilization.
>No way that guy didn't come off as super angry during the party. One of the biggest problems with chats about this stuff over at the likes of /r/TheMotte is uncritically taking the events of any one such sob-story at face value.
Ah yes, good-ol' building ingroup status then bullying someone until they leave. Exactly how adult relationships and friend groups work. Especially when someone disagrees with you. So much for Freeze Peach.
Bullying people out of the magic group because they said the stereotypical gamer is a bad person. :D

I swear to Odin

minor point but it’s been a thousand years since anyone has sounded cool saying this, Varg excepted of course

A lot of neo-nazi/fasc/white nationalist types are into odinism, it is actually causing a bit of a problem for the people into Ásatrú (this makes me pretty sad myself). So while the guy is mad about 'don't stereotype all gamers as sexist/racists' (which the other guy didn't even do (all vs stereotypical)), he is accidentally signaling potentially racist shit.
This makes me tempted to troll them by saying "I swear to Thor," meaning the alpha-chad from MCU who respects women and makes silly jokes and does "Get Help!"
[Which Thor?](https://d13ezvd6yrslxm.cloudfront.net/wp/wp-content/images/Female-Thor-Movie.jpg)
I was expecting Thorse, but she's perfectly good too.
If Odin is the All-Father, is it alright to call him Daddy?
More like All-Daddy, am I right?
Only if he consents.

This is a collection of Aggrieved Dork Shibboleths, representative enough to belong in some kind of archive. The Last Jedi as the thing you’re not allowed to criticize without feminists coming down on you like a ton of bricks! (Do these guys know there are feminist Poe fangirls who have slammed the movie on Tumblr?) GamerGate! Communism! Virtue signalling! I almost suspect performance art but nah, he’s actually like this, isn’t he.


(why? Because she’s a shit parent)

Of course our hero has a lot of parental advice to offer to boot.

Maybe he doesn't want that kid to end up like him?
In the comment history, he himself bemoans how much time he spends on the internet and how it makes him react to things in angry, kneejerk ways. Pretty tragic

The “extremely offended dork” is the pupal stage of the rhetorical technique known as the “dying wizard”. In it, the dork has developed the ability to use extensive anecdotal references and in-group rhetoric, but has not yet adopted the elevated diction necessary to present those ideas as respectable to outsiders.

When I do this well and Simplicio is being dumb, he keeps escalating (thinking I’m competing with them on virtue signalling) while knowledgeable bystanders just smirk.

Oh yeah, I’m sure they do

It's kind of adorable how stucchio is trying to reinvent sarcasm, except dumb. It's like he hasn't even heard of the concept. > smugly amplify, focusing on "amused mastery" (to borrow a term I vaguely recall from pickup artist websites
Ow god that stucchio guy. > Simplicio: "New York is gonna be underwater if we don't do something about global warming!" > Salviati: "Totally man, the idea of protecting an area the size and population of the Netherlands from the sea is insane! Totally unachievable with modern technology." Hey, euh, fun fact, we, The Dutch already are building a lot of anti climate change things, several are already finished right now. (For example a small village was removed just so a river has space to flood during the heavier floods). The guy is being all snarky, from a point of ignorance. The problem is, the USA is already too late to do a lot of work. We started on stuff 10-20 years ago, we have a lot of long term projects in the works right now (and a lot of stuff that is several decades old, we take the Sea serious. Miami floods). That fucking ignoramus. And no way that guy is only 'vaguely' into pickup.
What was stucchio's big "horrible racist" thing? Were they just an arse with bad data, 'cos that's what my memory's heading for. Edit: [no I'm wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/7x0w9y/culture_war_roundup_for_week_following_february/duaki1u/?context=3)
I think they were the one trying to define poverty out of existence with straight up Fox News "but they have refrigerators!" logic. Though my recollection also points to some of their comments about India being pretty horrible. Also came out in favor of the "UBI but you have to get sterilized" proposal someone had. And a whole lot of sexism.
I just remember the Fox News infographics with "50% of poor households have a refrigerator". I'm totally unsurprised to hear it was a Heritage report.
Actually, I’m sure the bystanders *are* smirking.

That’s… got to be some kind of themed joke account, right? He even has “skull” in his username…

I swear to Odin

Yeah, this dude is a Nazi.

He says something else about Peterson, tries to mock something he said but doesn’t get it right, and I correct him by PROPERLY mocking Peterson by saying”Clean your Room, Bucko” in a Kermit voice.


Right. The whole thread is about proving they are exactly what we think they are.
>what we think they are
> for some reason
Is the reason because a trans person was ~~rude~~ on the internet?


yeah that's the healthiest response