r/SneerClub archives
"Realize with surprise that there are very few anime characters you would actually want to sleep with in real life" (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1109545666441699328)

Another thing to add to the backhanded list of compliments of Eliezer Yudkowsky:

Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote a massive Harry Potter fanfic without reading any of the books!

Eliezer Yudkowsky has published 3 whole math papers without getting a university education!

Unlike most anime watchers, Eliezer Yudkowsky is smart enough not to want to sleep with 2D characters!

What are the papers about?
Whatever they're about I get nothing on MathSciNet.

Post the tweet for those of us who are on his block list pls

>Step 1: Hip twinges >Step 2: Buy body pillow to try improving sleeping posture >Step 3: Reflect on traditional next action >Step 4: Browse dakimakura >Step 5: Realize with surprise that there are very few anime characters you would actually want to sleep with in real life — Eliezer Yudkowsky (@ESYudkowsky) March 23, 2019 or you could just use incognito
Asking for the tweet is extremely traditional.

Because they’re not good at maths?

I’m rejecting this as a sneer on the grounds that it is simply too easy. Make us put some effort in! It’s no fun if you just rock up and say “yes, hello, I am an anime pervert”.

I’ve got a flair, anyways

don’t kink shame

but you're kinkshaming those kinksters whose kink is kinkshaming ^(therefore cultural marxism)
jokes on you, i have a paradox kink
This would be weird if it wasn't weird.
but really it's about ethics in videogame journalism
Let's not do the thing where we call every alternative or non-standard expression of sexuality a kink.
emotional abuse is not a kink