r/SneerClub archives
White guy gets butthurt that a brown guy broke up with a white woman. Proceeds to selectively quote the article and proves that the NYT is as bad as FOX. Lmao (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/b56kwa/comment/ejpb2qw)

Peterson was also talking about this. (And apparently didn’t read the article).

Edit: also a quick glance over petersons twitter should dispell the notion he is in any way centrist (I know im preaching to the choir here). All he does is repeat rw talking points.

I mean the guy rather famously did a video listing advice for a modern conservative movement: by the *name* "conservative". You'd have to be really fucking stupid not to pick up on that one.
A lot of people are plenty fucking stupid sadly, and a lot of people listen to those stupid people. (An example of a known stupid person, pewdiepie, he didn't even pick up on the christian undertones in the 'n rules for life' book).
I think Pewdiepie was way too conciliatory towards that book, but I watched his review of it, and his main complaint was that it was too religious.

Alternative title: Look at this extremely offended dork.

Incredible work here

Sorry for the throwaway I post on SSC occasionally and don’t want the culture warriors to sift through my post history.

People always invoke “armchair psychoanalysis” like they know it’s a stupid and intellectually empty thing to engage in and then go ahead and do it anyway.

Agreed that OP is a dork, and trying to say NYT is as bad as Fox is absurd. However, I can’t say I enjoyed that NYT article at all.

Do we really think that people should feel a certain amount of guilt for dating those of another race? Or at least that some races should? I saw another article on Huffpost a couple months back about an Asian woman feeling bad for dating a white man, and I had the same reaction.

The NYT author articulated really well how he felt, and I don’t mean to discount those feelings. I’m also a white dude, so I don’t want to be unsympathetic towards others and how they feel about dating cross culturally or what not. However, I just can’t see how this way of thinking is how we as a society want to feel about race and dating. I would imagine that the ideal attitude towards dating for a happy, free society is that someone should date whoever the fuck they want.

I’m curious what people here think about the NYT article. I’ve never posted or commented here before, but I’ve been lurking here for half a year or so and really enjoy it.

Of course you're right and the attitude described in the article is not ideal (ETA: he has the right to his feelings, obviously, there's just no reason why he "should" feel guilt). The article got roundly dunked on in Social Justice Twitter, mocked for its misunderstanding of Baldwin and for the fact that the dude needs a therapist more than he needs space in the NYT.
> we ?
I guess using "we" there is a bit weird. I'm just referring to the people here.

the nyt is nearly as bad as fox tho

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