r/SneerClub archives

Apart from the usual big-brain stuff, this one is actually pretty good for Yud. At least he agrees that there is something very wrong with capitalism and is acknowledging that people who are complaining about it have a point even if they can’t explain it in game-theory terms.

Edit: I guess another possible reading is that he’s defending #truecapitalism, but I think he’d probably mention something other than the Principal-Agent-Problem if he was blaming distorted markets.

I'll go with the first one and give him the benefit of the doubt. At the least he's certainly agreeing that people who have concerns about the status quo shouldn't be dismissed just because they can't pass jargon purity tests. What he personally thinks should be actually changed and how, this doesn't say.
lol why would you ever give yud the benefit of the doubt
If this were about one of his pet topics I'd go with his previously expressed views as a default. Maybe I haven't seen enough of what he's said about capitalism and I'm being nice out of ignorance. But the words in this tweet seem to best fit the interpretation I gave, otherwise.
he's a cult leader for a bunch of silicon valley sycophants, what do you think he thinks about capitalism
mind you, I've actually been surprised that EY mostly advocates fairly mainstream Keynesian economics and not batshit libertarian crank economics even if he does it in weird S+M didactic fantasy stories
Fair. I'm just trying to not ignore the "they do know something is very wrong" part. So what does *he* think is very wrong?
people not giving him enough money to jerk off to the prospect of future evil AIs
Another blow struck by Eliezer "Asimov's Laws demand Class War" Yudkowsky.

“people beef isn’t really with capitalism, it’s just with the poor results (arising from capitalism)”

Oh no, the results are definitely great. The problem is that people don't have words to describe how great the results are.
"Deals so good we can't describe them in any mortal language!"
all those people didn't die of capitalism, they died of not enough capitalism
That's literally the opposite of what he said. Is this a joke?
Whenever you're annoyed that someone is complaining about "sneers", remember that they may not have words for concepts like "pastiche" or "parody"
Who would do such a thing?
Well, yes. If capitalism had great results the only claims against it would be about, like, axiological abstracta, and I have never seen anyone die for the ontological argument.

The Victorian gentleman’s equivalent would be something like, the commoner may be lacking in understanding, but they yet retain a certain animal sensibility.

Does Yud have words for concepts like “surplus value”, “class struggle”, “reserve army of labor” or “the tendency of the rate of profit to fall”?

>Does Yud have words for concepts like…"the tendency of the rate of profit to fall" prolly not, which is kinda funny because it's pretty congruent with all the AI fetishism. I wonder if Yud's ever talked about the sociological side of some incredible AI solving humanity's problems; would capitalism still be relevant? If not, would the privileged class in capitalism just let this happen?
I can't remember when and where it was, but I was reading some Rationalists AI weird speculation and they wrote this scenario where the economy was fully automated. They included the detail that AIs would exchange money between each other or something like that and I replied "Wait, why would AIs need money?". Totally blew a mind or two.
[The Basilisk Murders](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/77dxyo/just_out_the_basilisk_murders_by_andrew_hickey/) intro: > Entrepreneurship in an AI-Controlled World: What opportunities would a world dominated by a humane AI offer for entrepreneurship, and how can capitalism take advantage of a post-scarcity society? Discussion between Vitaly Cervyakov, founder of BitBuy, and Suzanne Richards, CEO of venture capital firm FutureStock >AI vs SJW: When programming an artificial intelligence, how can we ensure it does not fall into the "social justice warrior" failure mode? Panel discussion with Scott Langford, David Adams, Michelle Carlton, and Peter Weill
Why wouldn't AIs need money? I.e. some way to denominate and allocate scarce resources?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the problems with capitalism. The way it is wrong is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of basic game theory most of the complaints are feelings not facts.

reminds me of that shithead who argued that slaves weren't smart enough to realize they were oppressed

Whenever you’re annoyed that someone is complaining about the acausal robot god, remember that they may not have words for concepts like “infinite torture” and “yes this basilisk concept totally makes sense” but they do know something is very wrong.

Why would I be annoyed that people complain about capitalism, though?

Listen some of us are strongly emotionally attached to the status quo so just let us have this okay? /s

Whenever you’re annoyed that someone is complaining about “capitalism”, remember that they may not have words for concepts like “Nash equilibrium” or “principal-agent problem” but they do know something capitalism is very wrong.


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