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Does anyone else see Andrew Yang as the "Rationalist" Candidate? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/b972c6/does_anyone_else_see_andrew_yang_as_the/)

I’ve been following his candidacy for some time and have become increasing disgusted as time goes on. Initaly he seemed to be taking some of the more logical if not accurate rationalist policies into the mainstream but as time has gone on, he seems to have descended down an intellectual shitposting route similar to rationalist culture?

Is anybody else hoping he gets slaughtered in the primary?

Yang’s been pretty unequivocal about denouncing the alt-right despite the 4chan shitposting (in a way rationalists often aren’t or at least insist on derailing into frozen peaches)

tbf though with the mainstreaming of a lot of alt-right talking points into regular cOmMoN sEnSe CoNsErVaTiViSm, does it really matter that he's denounced the alt-right?
The alt right [certainly doesnt' denounce him](http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/white-nationalists-adopt-clowns-as-their-next-racist-symbol-yes-seriously/) (yes, this is about the clown world meme, but also references yang). Edit: Just saw [this](https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1116427021800882177) apparantly alt righters are taking over the Yang discord. In the same way it usually happens, showing again, that containment threads/boards (pol/themotte/cw threads) etc are a bad idea.
nah he's been pretty overt about flirting with the right-shitposter vote even if he publicly denounces them he's bad, OP


He's running in the Democratic primary and his signature policy of replacing welfare with BIG for all seems very rationalist, but he's gradually drifted to decrying the plight of Poor White Males to get attention from Tucker Carlson and Co
He has plausible deniability on the white supremacy dogwhistling, at least from what I've seen. Until he starts yapping about needing anti-AGI policy I wouldn't lump him in with Yud & co.
That's a reasonable policy stance. There needs to be clearer regulatory structures for computer technology in general. Still no explicit mention of AGI or alignment (or HP fanfics).
> They also hold the potential to disrupt our economies, ruin lives throughout several generations, **and, if experts such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are to be believed, destroy humanity.** > Human technical knowledge is quickly reaching the point where there are many **existential threats** that could develop without us fully understanding said threat > Prevent technological **threats to humanity** from developing without oversight (emphasis mine)
he's peddled some soft "great replacement" rhetoric and let's not pretend that courting "intactivists" isn't also courting some anti-semites
> let's not pretend that courting "intactivists" isn't also courting some anti-semites This is stupid
This is like saying we shouldn't save the environment because that would be allying with environmentalists and some environmentalists are reactionary conspiracy theorists.
There's a massive difference in effect between the environment collapsing on us and children getting circumcized.

He does seem to be popular with the rationalists / IDW, at least on twitter. Based on his background, I’m sure he’s browsed SSC and LW at least a few times. Nevertheless, his policies are definitely interesting and should get more mainstream attention, although Yang himself has become somewhat of a meme.

Is there anything more to this guy than another SV techbro promoting UBI? He’ll probably burn out before Iowa.

mark it nsfw ffs, and also don’t do this, it’s decrepitedly boring

I know I'm telling you how to run your sub, but allowing these posts at all is going to lead to this. You can't be /r/exmormon for rationalists and /r/shitredditsays for rationalists and /r/badphilosophy for rationalists. Each of those might be valuable, but they require different moderation.
I, for one, enjoy this sub being the beautiful mess that it is. Chaos might not be "valuable," but it is refreshing.
That's basically our whole thing, and I for one am a messy bitch who lives for drama
I disagree, I think a subreddit can have a broad purpose, and there's usually no need to micromoderate like that. At the same time though I don't see the point of a moderator making a stickied comment saying "don't do this" but then allowing it anyway. Kinda seems like a waste of time for all involved.
Why not?

I’ve been following his candidacy for some-time

You might just be the only one.

if you track the alt-right at all, his candidacy follows you

he seems to have descended down an intellectual shitposting route similar to rationalist culture?

Not sure what you mean here. Can you provide some examples?

https://twitter.com/AndrewYang/status/1010207553324806150 I'm not saying that white communities aren't suffering from problems that need targeted help, but I get pretty leery whenever somebody talks about white deaths and birth rates
A bit tone-deaf to bring up something so invidious, perhaps, but personally I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt about it unless there's also a pattern of racist alarmism.
> Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country. is pretty close to racist alarmism IMO.
You think spouting great replacement garbage is only "a bit tone deaf"? Ok, you do you. But to me any great replacement talk is automatically disqualifying for people wanting to be a dem. nominee. We have seen how that shit directly leads to violence in NZ. Also FYI he [dog whistled](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/b2jq85/andrew_yang_dogwhistling_the_great_replacement/) it again in early March this Year. But go ahead and give him the benefit of the doubt. ​
No I don't think that, but that's not what he did, at least in this tweet.
Then what the hell is he trying to say in this tweet then? Edit: Sorry after watching the clip of him at the root it is clear he’s just an uniformed and narcissistic tech bro. But I think that doesn’t change the fact that he is speaking in dog whistles. But I am now willing to accept that the result of internet poisoning.
Yeah, he's definitely going to have a communication problem. I don't think he's a serious candidate.
He discussed that tweet in an interview with The Root: https://www.theroot.com/andrew-yang-says-his-kids-will-drink-flint-tap-water-an-1833774883 . He said there that his point was that sections of our country are disintegrating. It was to support the idea that the metics we track don't actually capture what's going on with the citizens (e.g. life expectancy decreasing). He argues that people of color are *also* facing these issues, not that they're somehow taking over; that the country as a whole is just imploding.
Thanks for the link. I didn't know much about Yang, and now I do. [Here's where he talked about the tweet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feL0TV7EbgA#t=25m50s).

I’ve gotten this feeling too.

It seems to me that Yang is the last gasp of any affinity with the Democratic party and vaguely left wing policies before they jump ship and just become Republicans.

Kinda similar to what we saw with Bernie (not a commentary on the man himself, just a subset of his supporters in 2016), where there was a number of dudebros clinging to him as a source of white pseudo-socialist populism before being rebuffed and becoming Trumpists.

Andrew Yang himself just comes off to me like a neoliberal who’s specifically targeting hot button young white guy issues (UBI, being a white guy sucks, LEGALIZE IT) to try to meme his way into political significance.

000 though…

Just gonna drop this here


Prominent rationalist blog discussing Yang