r/SneerClub archives

Scott often made the refrain that the Culture War Thread of /r/slatestarcodex wasn’t especially right-wing, so much as the typical discourse people in his bubble are used to is so left-wing that anything closer to the center appears very right-wing to sheltered people.

Apparently the surprise of seeing actual right-wing talking points even applies to the moderators of /r/themotte; as can be seen in the ban list. HylnkaCG is apparently such a sheltered liberal that they couldn’t even imagine, let alone check, that Nazis were so cartoonishly evil as to believe that there was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy their way of life. As such, in the name of charity, they saw fit to ban a user for two weeks for stating plainly the origin of the term “cultural Marxism.” This is simply a fact that anyone may go and check but I guess the people at /r/themotte understand that sometimes statements of facts are made to advance certain narratives which may promote goals they find onerous, and as such statements of fact may be subject to criticism on a basis of more than their validity per se.

Since the fact that the term “cultural Marxism” originates in anti-semitic conspiracy theories is too uncharitable and constitutes a “charicature of a charicature” of one’s ideological opponents according to HylnkaCG, we are left with some unresolved tension upon realizing that white supremacists actually exist and advance their narratives at themotte. But since themotte has a responsibility to extend an olive branch to right-wing extremists who literally advance the same conspiracy theories that other users point out are the foundation of their ideology, they of course only get banned for half the time. The presumed instruction is to conceal one’s powerlevel to lend more credibility to one’s racist alarmism.


Also #freemarxbro.

I mean, it’s basically the same old “racism is such a serious accusation! therefore we have to let a lot of racism go unchecked because otherwise we’re insulting people and impugning their motives and being uncivil!”

But upgraded to “I find real life racism so cartoonishly evil that I don’t believe it happened and therefore ban anyone who speaks accurately of it because clearly they’re just being mean.”

argghh this is literally what Peterson is going on and on about with his postmodern cultural marxism.

And there also is a white nationalist party in the Netherlands (who at the recent election got the most votes (in a multi party system but still)) who created a ‘snitch on your leftwing professors’ website. (A common alt right tactic). And before this other groups like Génération Identitaire were also shouting about this. How sheltered are these people?

The fools believe the culture war stops in their threads because they say it does. They might as well proclaim themselves free of ideology while they are at it.

They are not naive. HylnkaCG is very clearly just trying to gaslight people and rehabilitate the image of the right wing. There is no excuse on the basis of ignorance here, the mod is just flatly supporting white supremacy. They realize that this is more effective when they can preserve a thin veneer of respectability, which is why they deny the existence of extremists and ban (for a token amount of time) the extremists who make the mistake of saying the quiet part loud.
Maybe ‘believe’ is the wrong direction, but LARPing anyway. Edit: I'm not suggesting that ignorance is an excuse, just that their behaviors are more base level than they would have us believe. They lie as a matter of course, and they always have. This particular crowd is just using a more advanced _algorithm_ to mask it.
>They might as well proclaim themselves free of ideology while they are at it. Politics is the mind-killer.
If only more people knew about or remember Pat Buchanan's '92 RNC speech. The very concept of culture war was always *jus ad bellum* for the American right. It's a basic pillar of any reactionary worldview.

Thank you for advocating to #freemarxbro but I do not consider myself free until the global proletariat has been freed from the chains of capitalism.

MarxBro I have a question about consequences of Marxism. In some ways (e.g. migration restrictions) it seems like the global proletariat is still living under feudalism more than capitalism. Do you think there a sense in which people who want to accelerate progress towards communism should be teaming up with McKinsey types in the 3rd world even as they support socialism in the 1st world? Or are we already past that?
I don't know what 'McKinsey types' means.
Yeah sorry that was obscure. I mean people similar to the people who work for the global consulting management company McKinsey. They are not just neoliberals but also tend to support greater corporate power in the developing world. They are unusually consistent: the ones I have met are quite idealistic, even as they do quite well for themselves, which I think is how a self-aware neoliberal should be; the ideology pairs strangely with self-sacrafice. Buttigieg was one of them. The American left basically doesn't like them as far as I know.
Why would communists like liberals or support their vision for the economy? I'm a Maoist, I have no time for people like Buttigieg

For one of the banned they have 5 more comments besides the one linked at https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/b56kwa/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_march_25_2019/ejg6o1k/

The moderator should have made a better argument. An example argument for a two-week ban: the commenter repeatedly made the same point across 6 separate comments (and maybe the commenter has a history of low-effort posts). Maybe you only get one comment per argumentative point unless you provide evidence (like a link) (Namrok’s comment doesn’t have evidence either but it’s only 1 comment).

On the topic of ‘cultural marxism’: whether or not it exists is a separate question from whether the theory is wrong. Too many right-wingers rely on the name recognition of ‘marxism’ rather than actually addressing the real argument.

Post-script: Maybe the phrase ‘cultural marxism’ originated in 1973 with Trent Schroyer’s book ‘The Critique of Domination’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Schroyer

**Trent Schroyer** Trent Schroyer (May 23, 1936 - December 4, 2018) was an American scholar, author and international activist. Schroyer's first book The Critique of Domination: The Origins and Development of Critical Theory was nominated for a National Book Award. Schroyer was active in interpreting Critical Theory to many colleges and universities. It is in this book that Schroyer coined the term Cultural Marxism. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

I agree that they are essentially whitewashing some rather disturbing talking points, and obfuscating the origins and logical implications of the concepts promoted. And their stance on marx is blatantly hypocritical given how permissive they are on other topics.

However, and I cannot emphasise this enough, there is a logic to how they moderate. From what I’ve observed, the moderators like in-depth posts that spell out assumptions, get stuck into the details and refer to sources/evidence (regardless of dubiousness). They strongly dislike posts that claim to know what the opponents think better than the opponents do, make accusations or otherwise speak for other people (regardless of accuracy).

Does this permit people to argue disingenuously to create the illusion of reason and out-crazy their opponents by exploiting the pretence of charity? Most definitely, and judging by the actions of the seasoned posters, they’re well aware of this and they exploit it constantly. But if you think there is merit in posting on the motte, then it’s worth taking what the moderators consider to be proper discourse into account. Because the closer you adhere to these when posting, the harder it will be for moderators to silence you, and when they do the easier it will be to highlight the hypocrisy.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying watching them being triggered by references to marx, but it’s even more entertaining when it mimics their own style so well that they’re hamstrung by the limitations of their own logic and have to experience even more of those pesky emotions.

They banned me for writing numerous quality posts about Marx and simply pointing out the errors in other people's posts about Marx. 'Hypocrisy' doesn't really mean anything to people; they want leftists out and they'll stretch the rules to accommodate that fact. The userbase is mostly right-wing too so they're not going to complain too much. In fact, in my case rSSC users were literally [starting threads with tips on how to customize reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/417sxf/tired_of_marxbro_heres_how_to_ignore_a_user/?st=ju68ylmd&sh=234fa7a9) in order to ignore my logical posts. Particularly of note, you can see moderator /u/PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN there kowtowing to the opinion of the right-wing userbase and engaging in conspiracy theorizing that I was another previously banned leftist. Anyone who knows even the basics of Marx must be the same person, you see. You can read this thread to get an idea of how they justified my banning despite my posts being very good; literally "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". I suppose being correct and being able to read important sociological and economic texts (rather than random blogs written by nobodies) is a "stupid game" to them? We've already seen this stuff play out before, there's no reason why it'll be different now that the moderators and userbase have congealed to an even more right-wing position. I was recently banned from Scott's blog for doing the exact same thing (pointing out obvious mistakes in an interpretation of Marx) to one of his blogger buddies. This was even more overt because the blogger in question had changed Marx's quotes inorder to mislead readers - this was not just a misreading but rather an intentional manipulation of the truth. If you think Rationalists are open to discussing the 'truth' you can see how they reacted when a member of their ingroup was confronted with the **fact** that he had committed academic malpractice. They simply banned the leftist and never talked about the academic malpractice again.
Not sure what the previous posts were, but bear in mind that their idea of quality isn't necessarily quality. The last post the mod went for a technicality. If the banlists for r/ssc, r/themotte and slatestarcodex.com are the same, then you can argue that /r/TheMotte is just a front and not truly separate like they claim it is. As for the person that you're responding to, if I had the energy and motivation to post I'd be trying to get his definition of science, and then either point out how that is incomplete/flawed, or permits marxism to be 'scienced'. Bear in mind that for what it represents, science is a surprisingly nebulous concept with plenty of shaky ground. If he doesn't want to give a definition, then you could probably make a case that he's made a low effort post.
I meant my ban from years ago, not the recent ban from /r/theMotte. Obviously they're going to ban me, they're not going to entertain the idea of me coming back, especially not now after I've exposed the intellectual fraud and nepotism at the highest levels of the Rationalist community (David D. Friedman and /u/ScottAlexander banning me to protect his buddy's reputation and shelter him from criticism). Regarding /r/TheMotte as an obvious front, here is the official reply I received from moderator /u/baj2235 (in PMs): >Old Bans carried over fom ssc to here, but we our now seperate entities. That is new bans do not apply to both subbreddits. In programmer speak, I think we are a "fork." Here is my reply: >Ok good, I'll just fork my accounts too. So I'll see how this process goes and get back to you later.