posted on April 09, 2019 09:46 PM by
u/89515837 pointsat 1554849922.000000
Oh hey it’s erwgv3g34, the guy who made several posts on
/r/slatestarcodex arguing against women’s suffrage. The online
rationalist community is full of such colorful characters
happy i caught the naruto child porn discussion downthread too.
ratfic indeed
unrelatedly this has been making the rounds
fourth post would not be out of place here at all
Naruto child porn, per erwgv3g34:
>Whether this is a realistic way for child soldiers to behave or not is up to you, but these are definitely not the smothered, overprotected children of a 21st century first world country.
on this day, we are all themotte
> Twilight's lips parted silently, before she finally managed, "A-awaken!" and relaxed a little as the animation faded from Applejack's face. After a few seconds to gather her scattered wits, she asked, "Applejack, what's going on?"
> Applejack's dull gaze picked up an echo of life as she gazed at Twilight's face. "Ah wanted you to notice me. Ah figured I could find an excuse to strip down, see if I could get your attention."
> "Why?" Twilight nearly squeaked, her cheeks dark purple.
> "You're smart. Funny. Organised, you work hard. Ah admire that."
> Twilight bit her lip, and moved closer to Applejack, only the other pony's eyes shifting to track her...
I am obligated to sneermulate this in my personal basilisk.
> Mathpet's lips parted silently, before she finally managed, "A-awaken!" and relaxed a little as the animation faded from Mr. Yud's face. After a few seconds to gather her scattered wits, she asked, "Mr. Yud, what's going on?"
> Mr. Yud's dull gaze picked up an echo of life as he gazed at Mathpet's face. "Ah wanted you to notice me. Ah figured I could find an excuse to strip down, see if I could get your attention."
> "Why?" Mathpet nearly squeaked, her cheeks dark purple.
> "You're smart. Funny. Organised, you work hard. Ah admire that."
> Mathpet bit her lip, and moved closer to Mr. Yud, only the other pony's eyes shifting to track her...
I do love how people just come out of the fucking woodwork on
r/rational to act freaked out about this, even though the sub is
normally a ghost town when Practical Guide to Evil isn’t around.
Oh hey it’s erwgv3g34, the guy who made several posts on /r/slatestarcodex arguing against women’s suffrage. The online rationalist community is full of such colorful characters
happy i caught the naruto child porn discussion downthread too. ratfic indeed
unrelatedly this has been making the rounds fourth post would not be out of place here at all
I don’t know what compelled me to click that link
maybe it was the titular mind-control
either way I regret reading that thread…at least I didn’t read the story
I would appreciate it if you would stop kinkshaming me.
The worst thing is, I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about without opening the link.
I do love how people just come out of the fucking woodwork on r/rational to act freaked out about this, even though the sub is normally a ghost town when Practical Guide to Evil isn’t around.
Given the amount of rationalist attention to polyamory and other practices, I am not the least surprised.