r/SneerClub archives

Venkat has decided that people becoming unnecessary because their skills being automated is something to laugh at: https://mobile.twitter.com/vgr/status/1115019264640016385

I’d frame automation less as “AI screwing people over” and mor as “people screwing other people over using AI” tbh

Yes, AI screwing people over is what I, the acausal robot god, will do to those who should have worked ceaselessly to bring me into existence.

I think the human he’s talking about is himself?

So I suspect it would actually be easier for someone like me to learn react rather than stick to primitive harmless/css even to do the same damn things I knew how to do in 1997 😱

Red queen’s race. Software automation ate my primitive skill level. Software terk muh jerb

Venkat’s all right. Mostly harmless…

Eh, I don’t mind this one, unless he is referring to a specific person.


[This guy](https://venkateshrao.com/) .He's a rationalist-adjacent/metarationalist edgelord
Ribbonfarm guy.