r/SneerClub archives
"Selections from my forthcoming Harry Potter and the Methods of Neoreaction" (2015) (https://femmenietzsche.tumblr.com/post/118844698314/selections-from-my-forthcoming-harry-potter-and)

Is the “gurgled uncomprehendingly” line a reference to something?


“[8 page speech redacted],” Harry said wryly.

This killed me.

If it was enough for Valentine and Peter, why go beyond blogging?
Orson Scott Card is an unsung hero for convincing generations of contrarians that blogging is an effective method to effect political change.

this is inspiring me to write my fanfic “Harry Potter and the Mathpets of Rationality.”

the divergence point will be the scene where big yud thought it was appropriate to use a rape reference for shock value and values dissonance.

seriously what is it with that man and using rape to make rhetorical points

also in true yud fashion there will be liberal use of the confundus charm to make people love him and nothing without him and also magical aptitude tests before they can do it

Are you referring to three worlds collide or did he do that somewhere else too?
‘how many levels of rationalism are you on right now, my dude?’ ‘uh… like five or six?’ ‘you are like a little baby. watch: Draco saying he wants to rape Luna is a perfectly logical thing to happen in that circumstance.’ -- HorizonTheTransient

“Brothers and sisters, please! Heed my call! For too long the magical world has sat aloof from the rest of humanity. For too long have we held ourselves to be superior. We have certain abilities, yes, but there is so much we can learn from them as well. Despite our divisions, there is so much more that unites us. How can we stand by and let others live and die in ignorance and poverty? Let us embrace one another in love and fellowship,” cackled Voldemort.

so brave, following the tradition of having voldemort being an author stand-in who speaks the truth

cough quirrel advocating for fascism and having harry apologize for opposing him cough

*cackled Voldemort*!!!!!

Harry’s going to need a new name. Harrius Poldbug, perhaps?

Ride the ~~Firebolt~~ Tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's ~~mean~~ rationally self-interested Oh, don't you see what I mean?
That first comment tho > In short, this doesn't strike me as a direct parody of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, but a parody of the rationalist community itself(?). That's such an odd thing to do that I find it off-putting, and I consider it this piece's undoing.
I mean, who would want to do a thing like that? It just doesn’t make any sense...
...one might even say it was ... irrational. Thankyou, thankyou, I’ll be here all week.
Geeze, \*those guys\*

If you guys haven’t seen them yet, I also highly recommend checking out su3su2u1’s review and the Wizard of Woah’s Let’s Read.