r/SneerClub archives


> running a farm in Iowa higher suicide rates turn out to be ag laborers, not the owners, isn't it?
lazy on my part
There was quite a bit of confusion over this in the media and it was only recently corrected
(see for instance here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-retracts-study-that-found-farmers-had-highest-suicide-rates-of-any-occupation/ )
That's a made-up statistic anyways!! Every study I've ever seen has shown reduced suicide rates. https://www.reddit.com/r/musicotic/comments/8ttud4/a_comprehensive_defense_of_trans_people/

Adam Conover was recently on the Joe Rogan Experience

My only question about this is: why the fuck did Adam go there? Why do people keep giving Rogan legitimacy by going on his show?

When Joe was giving him push back he couldn’t defend his stances much beyond anecdotes, while simultaneously dismissing Joe’s personal experience.

Wow, you mean two random cis dudes had a “debate” entirely based on their “personal experience” of and anecdotes about trans people? Well, that must have been… useful. And interesting. Right?

Mediocre youtuber and moon landing hoaxer talk about trans rights, for some reason people care. I wonder why... (because it confirms their biasses Soy, you know this).

I started to feel like Adam lives in another universe. First, he says that men unlike women don’t have intimacy. Hell, my experience is completely different. I do not have many friends who would come with me to shop for a new new clothes. But I have bunch of friends I can call if my car stops in the middle of nowhere or if something really shitty goes down.

Intimacy is having emergency contacts. Ahhh that is what I was doing wrong.

Imagine having so little intimacy you forget what the concept means
Well, I think this person simply doesn't really need certain types of intimacy, and he doesn't realize that he is missing something, but just dismisses others who are saying 'we are missing this experience' out of hand. If only there wasn't a ssc post about just this concept of missing gears. /s
See, this is the real AI existential risk.