r/SneerClub archives

Finally, Bill’s true motivation is revealed


Alex Jones is the manliest of men.

Mosquito nets would be more effective, but he wouldn’t make as much money.

I'll bite. What are you talking about?
Mosquitos bite, but I don't unless you like it ;)
I may be stroking it.
Btw you are aware of this subs stance on the mosquito nets right? Like they are hard to deploy, which means they don't get used, and then they are used to fish, which combined with the toxic materials of the nets causes problems. There is good reason to be very skeptical about the 'just convert more money into nets to reduce suffering' stance.
I donate 5% of my salary to malaria nets. This comes as a huge surprise to me. I have found some information that confirms what you say. I sent out an email to Malaria Consortium to see what they think, if you're interested?
> if you're interested? Not really that interested tbh, it prob is more something for the EA community, and the rationalist community.
Do you know of any issue with the other top GiveWell charities? I give to other charities as well. I don't want to be throwing money away.
Nope, and I don't think it is even throwing money away, it just isn't the cure all great cause made out to be.
No, I wasn't but I understand. Bill Gates is still a shithead though.
I am aware of you making excuses for an IP troll, though.
Are you high? What are you on about?
Either you know what I'm taking about, or you are a useful idiot. Choose your own adventure. e: I'm not telling
But you were defending him.
I'm just sayin', fuck off, I been here for years boy.
No, you are in lacking reading comprehension. I originally made a snide remark about how Gates' EA is neither effective not altruistic. Somehow that turned into an argument where we apparently agree, but reddit sucks so I just continued to make fun of you.