r/SneerClub archives

Stop behaving like a bunch of snobs and shame people for writing crossover MLP/R&M/StarTrek/Whatever fanfics.

Cut it out, jerks.


Making a 'harry potter but rational' without rationality is also sneerworthy. (Even if I liked the fanfic).
Or reading the source material. So it's actually making a 'rational' fanfic based on fanfic of the series, without rationality or first hand knowledge. Now a \*truly\* rational actor would have derived Harry Potter from first principles and furthermore
an artificial superintelligence could read three Rowling tweets and derive Book 6
This checks out. *Half-blood Prince* is, much like Rowling's tweets, absolute shit.
for the first time in months i did actual work on possible text for a book about the rationalists, and realised to my sorrow that i probably couldn't actually include the phrase "cursed slab of pony fucking"
Well, not with that attitude

It’s simple. Fanfic is a nerd thing and we shove nerds in lockers.

TIRED: shoving fanfic nerds in lockers WIRED: [fanfic about nerds shoved in lockers](https://www.reddit.com/r/WormFanfic/)



You didn’t mention Harry Potter in your list of fanfics we shame for, which leads me to suspect that you don’t object to mocking HPMOR but instead object to the recent post mocking the lesbian mind-control horse erotica posted to the /r/rational subreddit. Is that right?

Hey, if lesbian mind-controlled horses are your fetish, I have no problem with that (so long as you don’t actually harm any lesbian horses, of course). But don’t call it rational fiction if you don’t wish to be sneered at.

Isn’t mocking bad fics something of a local sport in the fanfic-writing community?

you will never find more accomplished fanfic haters than the people who read nothing else

Uh-huh. Once we start doing that we’ll get right on stopping it.


why are you such a fucking snow flake????????

> snow flake Why are you using alt-right terminology?
cause you're in a joke