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Guns Don’t Kill People, School Psychologists Do [Actual Title] (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bhmih8/guns_dont_kill_people_school_psychologists_do/)

Rationalists are now re-writing Foucault, one of their boogeymen

[scoot already tried to read madness & civilization](https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/01/04/book-review-madness-and-civilization/), which is best summarized by this rare moment of self-awareness > Everything above is a really superficial reading of Madness And Civilization and probably misses the whole point of the book.
he does that every time he reads somebody plausibly regardable as "left", but it's bullshit, he's just covering his arse because he's a wanker The more I read the guy the more astonished I am by his ego
>the real aim of public schooling, for Leftists, is egalitarianism How did he figure it out?!?
>I want you to speak plainly, avoiding sarcasm and mockery. This aint 4chan. As if...

In 1975 Autism was diagnosed in children at a rate of 1 in every 5,000. Today that number has soared to nearly 1 in 100. This has ignited a public controversy over the source or cause of what by every definition deserves to be called an public health epidemic. 75% of children diagnosed with Autism today are boys. There’s no need to go searching for a cause. Vaccines aren’t behind the explosion in Autism rates. Teachers and school psychologists are. School psychology today is a booming industry, one which the US Department of Labor identifies as having some of the best employment opportunities across the entire field of psychology. 75% of school psychologists are women, with an average age of 46. It is this same group of people most empowered to conduct psychological monitoring of children across the country, and over the last 30 years, they have come to classify a larger and larger percentage of young boys as having developmental issues, to the point where it’s not clear whether there is anything wrong with these children at all, or if school psychologists have simply written off a wider and wider range of behaviors which they find problematic or incomprehensible as constituting autism.

I’m gonna ignore the rest of this nutso rant and just say that this dude is DEFINITELY mad at his mom

Also, since this is a perfect excuse to whine: since I was 4 I was constantly berated by parents and teachers for my 'problem behavior', 'emotional overreactivity' and 'aggression directed on others or self' and I was only diagnosed with autism and ADHD in my teens and young adulthood respectively. Too bad the damage done to my personality will be with me all my life! But yeah, getting a diagnosis as a child and actually knowing it's not my fault and I'm not an inherently bad person would have been so much worse. I totally prefer having had my difficulties treated as early-onset female hysteria just because I happened to be a girl with disorders that are thought to occur more often in boys. 😂😂👌👌
Wait so it's not clear if you agree or disagree with the motte here
only if you're incompetent at reading
everything after "But yeah" is sarcasm
lol it's Kantbot, and he *definitely* is
I'm not sure it's just overdiagnosis. There's a promising line of research that suggests [some cases of autism are caused by low vitamin D levels..](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28217829)


No sir, definitely no hyperbole here.

Normally I’d try to make some kind of joke at The Motte’s expense, but t_d denizens posting this crap there and having it get highly upvoted is a pretty good joke already.

[Plus, this little exchange in the comments pretty much sums up the sub in a nutshell.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bhmih8/guns_dont_kill_people_school_psychologists_do/elv6tvu/?context=2)