r/SneerClub archives
Everyone: *absolute silence*. r/ssc: what if handmaid's tale, but unironically? (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/bi75jr/sort_of_a_crazy_idea_thread_how_would_a_country/)

“UBI for parents that scales with the quantity children” these dudes are accidentally reinventing the concept of child benefits (do they understand why it’s called universal basic income rather than something else?). turns out you can get them to support modest social democratic policies if you hint at great replacement bullshit.

(jaunty tune plays) thaaaat's Strasserism!

I don’t know what the fuck the first commenter is on, but I’m going to guess a heavy diet of Alex Jones and hentai.

“Add chemicals to the water supply to increase virility.”

im sorry sir, we mixed up the chemicals. now all the rabbits are doing amplexus
rabbits taking dating lessons from rationalists I see

Of the above 3 countries, I would imagine China and Russia would have to do some sort of social engineering, as they lack pro-fertility cultural traits unlike Saudi Arabia, which has Islam.

tfw you unironically express your views of other cultures in terms taken from Crusader Kings.

  • Outlaw pornography??? (almost certainly unenforceable, but potentially potent)

Literally nobody has ever been able to reliably measure an effect on actual sex had thanks to pornography, you’re a fucking moron and you don’t care what you’re talking about

I watched a nature docu where they had lions in a zoo and to make sure they still had all the functionalities of wilder lions they played the sounds of buffalos to them. As expected the lions got riled up at the prospect of juicy buffalo ass, but they could not smell/see them, or hear any of the other sounds associated with buffalo outside of their grunts(?) And from that one can easily infer that it probably doesn't take that much to trick our own lizard brains when it comes to a great number of stimuli. I see a face in the moon for instance, and I cannot not see it no matter how aware I am consciously that it is the quintessence of dust.
> [Reddit is a large and mainstream site, which implies that the average IQ of a Reddit user is ~100. The average Reddit user is a mediocre conformist imbecile. He likes cute dogs, a good cosplay and vacuously uplifting quotes. In such a context, every downvote is an endorsement of you as a human individual. It is only insofar as you discomfort the average Reddit user that you are entitled to any confidence that you might still retain some residual spark of existential worth. Every upvote should disconcert you as a human being. Upvotes on Reddit should prompt an existential crisis.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Killatease/comments/9clhkc/on_popularity/) Wow. You sound like an absolute brain genius.
this is so fucking funny what the hell
I've never got this much positive attention before.
Okay, so, just to be clear, you're telling us that you, /u/w8-a-sec, are an alt-account of /u/Killatease, who was banned on this sub. And you're now posting on this sub, which you were banned from, with this alt, which is a clear example of ban evasion, which is against site-wide rules. Have I got all that right?
I didn't say that. Have you guys never heard of impersonation?
Oh, so you're a completely different rando who writes with the exact same style and just randomly popped into this thread right after the other guy got banned?
Think what you like, Sherlock
Oh wait, you mean you were just making a joke and I got wooshed? Ah, fuck me, sorry for that then.
Peak IQ contrarianism.
who the fuck *doesn't* like cute dogs, wtf
You know what the best part is? It's not even my own, I plagiarised it.
Porn is to sex as soylent is to meal Edit: I think I've been banned lol, you guys were just starting to win me over too. What good is empiricism if I cannot be sure that when I look away from a table that it does not disappear? More pointedly, we know people choose the lazier more sugary option when it comes to food choices, even to the immense detriment of our healths. If the same is not true of our other primal urges, I would be surprised.
Oh so you're saying you don't understand nutrition by way of saying you have no empirical data on the effects of porn?
Porn is like slimfast but rebranded for men? ;)
That's very nice, dear. And can you also make porno a metaphor for why diversity is bad?
>I watched a nature docu where they had lions in a zoo... >And from that one can easily infer... Your mode of inquiry is a literal joke lmfao.


Poor Seminole state college. So misunderstood.

You see that this is a thought experiment and not a policy proposal right?

Did somebody claim that it's a policy proposal though?
I guess I got that impression by it being linked to. If you get that nobody's actually advocating for what's being discussed there's nothing to sneer at.
That makes no sense. Most of rationalists'/Motters'/SSCers' discussion is just "thought experiment" wank (or JAQing off). If people only linked when they think the rationalists are 100%-serious, there wouldn't be anything here. The whole problem with rationalists is that they derive their actual beliefs from these weird, half-ironic, reality-disconnected thought experiments, and the premises of said thought experiments also say a lot about them. A lot of what SneerClub does is pointing at this behavior and laughing.
If it was an experiment, what was it supposed to demonstrate?