r/SneerClub archives
Robin Hanson Questions the Moral Culpability of Certain Kinds of Slavery (https://twitter.com/robinhanson/status/1122269282539274240?s=21)

“But what if the child consents tho??”

There should be a word for slaves who agreed to be salves

And that word is day cream.

these people are incapable of examining anything within its wider societal context. when everything is imagined to exist in a vacuum of course sally hemings can consent

I believe it is called decoupling. As a low-decoupler, you just wouldn't understand. To be fair, you have to be a very high-decoupler to appreciate Robin Hanson's work.
Centrists decouple a lot. See samzdat's essays on the subject
see samzdat: "Peasants were unhappy, liberal economists had all the power, their game their rules, the pleb definition of wealth is out. A**ll of those traditional components (family, land, community, etc.) get reframed as** ***solely*** **cultural**, and thus not a question for political policy. To argue about Serious Political Things, you have to talk about Serious Economic Things, i.e. the peasants had to translate their demands into liberal economic language. **The solution could only be thought of in certain terms, and those terms couldn’t deal with the solution.**

“Don’t we think slave owners who didn’t beat and kill their slaves are less morally culpable than those that did?”

Yes, but both are still moral monsters and giving cover to slavers is why so many Nazis love your relentless pursuit of “moral truth”

Robin, stop, my chin can only take so much stroking.

Lol he got destroyed in the replies

Love his outrageous strawman of people criticizing him.

Clearly people who are outraged at trying to rehabilitate slavery are also outraged if you claim some men don’t commit rape. Libs, amirite?