r/SneerClub archives
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand polyamory (https://twitter.com/primalpoly/status/1004931338162622464)

advanced polyamory requires solving several NP-complete scheduling and packing problems, and is therefore computationally intractable in the general case. however, in recent years heuristic solvers for small-N polyamory (N < 50) have advanced rapidly. in this paper, we advance a new heuristic for simplifying polyamory, namely, buying a bigger bed

honestly tho, a big bed helps a lot
Three people in a queen size bed is hot in more ways than one

This just in: Joseph Smith, Mormon Prophet from the 1800s, had a higher IQ, was more open, and more mentally stable than most polyamory attempters today.

Oh look, it’s Conservative Sex Nerd with another bizarre take

Credit where it's due, they apparently support women's suffrage. ​ That's... something. Not, like a lot, but it's a meaningful step up from a lot of the stuff that ends up on this sub.
Kind of sad that it starts with Jordan Peterson, then goes to Geoffrey Miller, then somehow actually continues to get even worse after that.
Yeah this tweet is just pretentious, not racist/homophobic/etc like dozens of the replies.
Credit goes to @BrandyLJensen for the epithet
one more twitter saint her

Ah yes. I, someone with PTSD, a deep distaste for anyone who uses IQ as an ethical metric, and five romantic partners, cannot possibly actually be poly.

probly related to genetics somehow


I was quite impressed with the "Big Five" results when I found out about them until I read the data
Please elaborate.
read discussion here http://bactra.org/reviews/cult-of-personality/ and the little quips in this piece http://bactra.org/weblog/523.html
Thanks man.
Because i dont know the papers and stuff myself. I am still impressed with the big Five Stuff. I have read The The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. So can you explain or provide material about why it isnt that impressive after a closer examination.
i just dont think any of it it very interesting or of great significance
It's somewhat interesting for what it is - but people trying to get much out of it (ie making it what it isn't) is just dumb. And they all try to get too much out of it.
"the history of psychological science in two sentences"

A harem is possible for high status men. But there’s no historical precedent for women having multiple partners as far as I know.

Broseph is a such high decoupler, he doesn’t even bother to check wikipedia before spouting off nonsense

How high should my IQ be to do polygamy and is it attainable for brown dudes like me?


I’ve been attending a local polyam meetup for ~9 years and running it for ~6, and I can attest to you that you don’t need any of those things to be polyam.

source: anecdotes

Ugh, I saw an economic history blogger I like interact with this guy and now it’s just irrevocably tarnished him by association for me

not Brad DeLong, surely? I can't think of any other relatively big econ history blogs
Nope, Pseudoerasmus
> Pseudoerasmus this looks both interesting and extremely sketchy
Anonymity and a Mesopotamian mask aesthetic tend to do that.

miller lost a bet and now he has to run the most embarrassing twitter account possible

or he has a bet with robin hanson to see who can run the most embarrassing twitter account, winner gets a million dollars

it’s the only explanation