r/SneerClub archives

I’m reading The Wheel of Time book 7 right now,

Yes, this is the mottey content I crave.

>I rewatched Studio 60 recently uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh
Also they use this reference to claim marriage equality is solved. Just over half of Republicans haven't gotten that memo: https://news.gallup.com/poll/234866/two-three-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx But, you know, what good are data?
How fucking dare you refer to lensmen as "green lanterns" you fuck
That is the easy way to explain the concept to people who never heard of the lensmen. I know the lanterns were a silly ripoff from the lensmen with a silly kryptonite thing (yellow... really?).
What did the lensmen have against the color yellow?
No, the green lanterns are harmed by yellow things, I don't think lensmen had any specific weakness like that.
> the green lanterns are harmed by yellow things *See:* https://comicnewbies.com/2014/09/09/batman-paints-a-room-yellow-for-green-lantern/

its crazy how anachronistic the sex scenes are compared to the current year

What are they even trying to say?

Based on the examples immediately following that quote, I think his point is that attitudes to rape in fantasy literature have dramatically shifted over the past 20 years. It's unclear because he's only implying (I think) that those scenes would be unacceptable in a contemporary book.
In the PC era, The Wheel of Time would only take 9 books to complete because of all the rape, violence, and braid-tugging getting cut
That’s the real reason why the game of thrones seasons have been getting shorter.

Trying to decide whether:

Look at these extremely offended dorks


Look at these extremely unoffended dorks

would be more of a sneer.