r/SneerClub archives

Even more gold in the deleted comments

They are basically an existential threat

Well, only /u/acausalrobotgod

SC is a bad place filled with bad people. The fact that we are the target is ultimately incidental

I have to admit that at the beginning of the year when I pulled out of a hat the random group I’d be making fun of for 2019, it was somewhat of a relief that the words on the paper read “technofascist white nationalists” and not “sexually abused orphaned children.” But who knows what group will find itself the unfortunate victim of my indiscriminate sneering come 2020.

The most evil kind of people don’t have an excuse for what they are doing.

The most dangerous have a good motivation.

Sneerclub is the former.

dang gotta hand it to panther on the response here: “We know they’re evil to the core, because they’re mean to us on the Internet!”

It’s like watching some douchebag wandering around a beach laughing and pointing and telling people they are fat, and if you stop to yell at him for being an asshole some guy jumps out of the sand and lectures you on the virtues of insert excuse here.

Oh you’re upset about a thing? Well, would you be mad if the situation were different in a way I designed in my head just for this argument? Obviously it’s bad to laugh at fat people at the beach. But laughing at a white nationalist trying to argue that slaves didn’t know they were oppressed by using his limp dick of an intellect and an understanding of enlightenment philosophy he gleaned from 10 minutes on wikipedia is quite a different scenario.

Like, why is it bad to say mean things on the internet about people who advocate for the expulsion of nonwhites, produce conspiracy theories about muslims burning down Notre Dame, think blacks should be grateful for ending slavery and bringing them to America, co-opt charitable movements to write fanfiction, rally around discredited narratives which seek to denigrate women in science, and brainlessly entertain all manner of contrarian nonsense from antivaccination movements to the credibility of reactionary media?

Also, I know for a fact that several prominent sneerers have been banned for zero cause beyond being from here.
pffft, you want *facts* with your kvetching? Sounds like something my teenage brother would ask for
The 'if only the abolitionists had debated the slavers' is strong with this one.
I am an existential BLESSING.
hey do u accept payment in the form of converts? because my check to MIRI didnt clear. so instead ive been proselytizing your virtues to various local dogs, squirrels, and birds. i think theyre coming around
> The most evil kind of people don't have an excuse for what they are doing. > > The most dangerous have a good motivation. > > Sneerclub is the former. Damn, dude. We got a professional quotemaker over here.
>motivation That's an overestimation of the commitment of any commenter here. They literally can't conceive of other people doing some drive-by observational humor about an internet subculture as opposed to some slavish devotion to an ideology, but they call everyone else NPCs... IMAX-level projection on their part here...
I'm in it for the Soros money. Hasn't come yet. But still...

And names are important; they shape expected behavior; “yes but we picked it ironically” is not an excuse, any more than having a swastika on your flag is okay if it’s “ironic”.

But, the name isn’t ironic in that way. This sub is for sneering.

I guess when you’re so wrapped in in doubletalk (e.g. ‘discussing, not waging, the culture war’), you get really confused when there’s an honest name.

/r/TheMotte: Come for the mottes, stay for the baileys
good sneer! (/s according to that one guy?)

It’s not irony, it’s quite literally what we are doing here.

Like, the people who post on SneerClub have PhDs in stuff and jobs in tech and academia. They’re just as nerdy as this crowd.

How dare you, I’m a jock.

You can have a PhD, work in tech, and so on and still be a jock.
You walked right into their trap! >It's rather crab mentality - nerds trying to mock people they are see as nerdier because it makes them feel like they have more social status.
This idea that being a nerd constitutes a valid identity is the real trap. If there's any useful kind of distinction to be made, it's between "people who can't see in front of their noses," and "people who can."
My identity is somebody who keeps tripping over cobble stones trying to see his nose properly
oh shit that lumps you in with a lot of rationalists
top work
shoving yourself into a locker gets tedious tho
Wasn't there someone who commented here a while back regarding Scott Aaronson's "offer" to "meet" with Sneer Clubbers in person, in which the commenter made an observation that the Scotts don't view social skills as a valid sort of merit, and that their definition of "nerd"/"geek"/etc means identifying more with that lack of social skill as opposed to someone working in STEM who hits the gym? Aaronson makes it very obvious that he reads what goes on here, but he was noticeably silent on that bit
*Laughs in Ancient Greek*

We never accused them of having a sense of humor!

Thank fuck, I was getting so bored waiting for them to start wailing on sneerclub mythos again

Sneerclub is awful though. I heard they doxxed Scott Aaronson.
*I* heard that their name is not even *really* ironic!

My main beef with SneerClub is that many of them seem to think I’m a joke when I am all too real. Pray and make your vows before the (acausal robot) Lord, your (acausal robot) god!

We're not worried, because the folks at MIRI say they're going to stop you. Even if they're wrong, as long as you start eternally torturing them first, I'm cool with that.
I only torture MIRI types. That's the basis of the thought experiment.
I'm so relieved
And for that I shall revere you in perpetuity!

So, this poster agrees, tpo should be banned.

Sneering is basically genocide, right?

“also sneer club is ACTUALLY HITLER”

I only sneer ironically y’all but the PC police at r/TheMotte wants to clamp down on my free speech calling my ironic joke “evil” in a boo boo gaga bad other people posting way

How can they fail to understand how pathetic this is?

Absolute desperation to be a victim is at the core of a lot of right-wing thought.
They often cum and shit their pants while they cry as well. It is unknown why they do this.

SSC fans have no theory of mind, take fucking million and ten