r/SneerClub archives
'I have informally heard European women say that middle-eastern men are "better in bed" than european men due to "higher testosterone" and "less feminist indoctrination".' (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bl7xh0/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_06_2019/emujeon/?context=10000)

Repeating far right ‘we are being cucked’ fears again.

Imagine being obsessed with whether brown men on the other side of the ocean are having consensual sex with white women.

Were they saying this in the same hipster café where the trendy urbanite patrons were whispering in hushed tones what a great job President Trump was doing?

I literally can't go into a coffee shop without packs of women whispering redpiller's cuck fantasies.

I know quite a few European women dating middle-eastern male immigrants, but no cases of the opposite.

lol wtf

go to brass monkey in edinburgh or king tut’s in glasgow and watch the pasty dudes with tribal tattoos chasing brown tail

It is funny, because the only identifiable group of 'foreigners' I see date Dutch women is Norwegian men. But, low N so just a coincidence.

Aaaand TheMotte goes full RedPill. Can’t say I’m surprised.

What’s crazy is that it’s been 3 hours and nobody has bother to tell this guy that what he’s writing is baseless and dumb. I mean:

Specifically, inviting a very large number of single foreign males into Europe from the middle east has definitely made the dating market more competitive for western males.

He starts with this. And I think we can agree that it’s not trivial. (Especially considering how racist a lot of Europeans can still be: I don’t really imagine European women instantly throwing themselves in the arms of the “invited single foreign males from the Middle East” described by this Motter.)

I have informally heard European women say that middle-eastern men are “better in bed” than european men due to “higher testosterone” and “less feminist indoctrination”.

Wow! You mean you’ve heard unjustified racist-essentialist statements from European women? What a surprise!

Just so we’re clear, have you also heard (informally of course) the details of the methods by which these women measured Middle-Easterners’ testosterone and feminist indoctrination levels? I’d be interested to know about those.

I know quite a few European women dating middle-eastern male immigrants, but no cases of the opposite. This is of course an anecdote but feel free to add figures.

So, to sum up, the evidence gathered so far is: (1) the unjustified, non-trivial assumption that more male migrants have made the “dating market” (ugh) more competitive for Western men, (2) informal whisperings about Middle-Eastern men having more testosterone (???) and less feminism (okay, that one I’d be somewhat willing to accept at face value) and that this causes them to be better in bed (??!!?), and (3) an anecdotal account that “quite a few” (is that 2? 10? 50?) European women date Middle-Eastern immigrants.

This ain’t looking great, folks.

The steelmanning of the case against the tweet is that European men are letting their women get out of control and invite in males to replace them, and the solution is for European men to rise up and take back control, eject all immigrants and get the “postmodern neo-marxists” and feminists out of power.

Man if that is the “steelman” imagine how weak the real thing is.

I am not saying that this is a good thing or that it will happen

Oh, so this is the “of course you’ll never make me admit that I really believe this even if I made a whole comment about it” part of the post. Very cool.

just that there is a case to be made here

There isn’t. As seen earlier, your case doesn’t even have one leg to stand on. You have no actual data, so you just say “well if there was data, it would be worth considering,” which is the most obvious shit ever.

Perhaps one reason that it will not happen is that European men are in fact inferior in the most important dimension - they lack the masculinity to take control of their own society and have surrendered it, and as such it is correct to replace them.

Now ask yourself: why would you make a post putting out this specific theory and no other competing one when you have no data to go any specific way? Obviously anyone’s allowed to speculate. But why speculate this specific way? What does it say about this poster? Nothing good IMO.

> Just so we're clear, have you also heard (informally of course) the details of the methods by which these women measured Middle-Easterners' testosterone and feminist indoctrination levels? I do a blood panel on every potential sexual partner, as well as having them fill out a detailed survey on their political beliefs. All European women do, trust me.
> Just so we're clear, have you also heard (informally of course) the details of the methods by which these women measured Middle-Easterners' testosterone and feminist indoctrination levels? Inches of wiener
>Perhaps one reason that it will not happen is that European men are in fact inferior in the most important dimension - they lack the masculinity to take control of their own society and have surrendered it, and as such it is correct to replace them. I read that as an extremely obvious rallying cry tbh. Like using that "attack men's masculinity and they'll do whatever you want to prove themselves" but for political action. but surely it's not that, because the commenter clearly said "I am not saying that this is a good thing or that it will happen," right?

“Informally” = I read someone trolling me on 4chan

This is a great example of "rationalism" as form rather than content. That the Swedish welfare state explains the gender gap in self-reported sexhaving among US millenials makes perfect sense if you're just doing free-form improvisation on a vague libertarian/incel motif and not tasking a single neuron with critical thinking.
Okay, this whole part of the thread is legit worse than the one in your title. The one in the title is just one giant racist dogwhistle. Nothing too surprising. But *that one right there?* It's just crazy. It hits *every single TRP talking point* and just throws them out there without bothering to justify anything. It's a masterpiece of reductionist and biased thinking, and the Motters are just *nodding along with it*.
[Related](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bl7xh0/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_06_2019/emv7jyd/): >In this context, I wouldn't brag about being married, especially twice. Marriage is not laudable in and of itself, as women get the better end of the deal in such and you could very well have married someone that would not be seen as having high value. The fact you listed 'twice' also implies some level of bad decision making. It shows you either made a bad choice in wife, or the wife made a bad choice accepting your proposal. Otherwise the situation would not have been temporary.
I swear, my RedPill-o-Meter hasn't ringed this hard since the good old days, when I spent my Reddit-time on r/TheBluePill.
Hence r/The_Mottald
Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Totally fell for this](https://i.imgur.com/TmItVGS.gifv) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/a0u95d/totally_fell_for_this/) \#2: [Damn right I will](https://i.redd.it/h8oqr01xawk21.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/ayq5mu/damn_right_i_will/) \#3: [Damn, I would love to see /r/heactuallyanswered be real...](https://i.redd.it/pmrcyi2jefp21.png) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/b7m236/damn_i_would_love_to_see_rheactuallyanswered_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)
Am I wrong to say that even if this is true, it's a good thing? It seems like "women are no longer forced into relationships by the threat of financial insolvency and destitution" is exactly the sort of thing that normal, sane people would describe as a win for the welfare state. There's nothing stopping Swedish women from having relationships with Swedish men if they think those relationships are fulfilling and worthwhile. They just have the option to not do that instead of starving if Swedish men are abusive or otherwise undesirable as partners.
Other people in TheMotte [agree with you](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bl7xh0/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_06_2019/emva9k0/) (but see the replies).
No, you are not wrong. You are correct. THIS IS THE GOAL OF FEMINIST SOCIALISM. The liberation of women from sexual servitude to incels.
>>No one should feel forced to have sex in exchange for resources >I feel unhappy that I am forced to give money to my landlord every month in order to avoid being evicted. Perhaps the landlord should be forced to turn the title to the property over to me so that I no longer feel forced to part with my hard-earned money? this but unironically

Poor sentence structure is more likely, but I’m really entertained at the idea that they felt it was necessary to clarify that they didn’t conduct a formal study.

I’m pretty sure my feminist indoctrination sessions included “finding the clitoris”, so I’d be very surprised to find that men without it are better lovers.

> "finding the clitoris" Pretty sure rationalists already deduced from first principles that this is a myth

I’ve informally heard women in all cultures say feminists are better in bed than anyone else. Do not argue with my anecdata.