r/SneerClub archives
What's the deal with RationalWiki and other non-LW rationality communities? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/bmjkee/whats_the_deal_with_rationalwiki_and_other_nonlw/)

RationalWiki started out as a place to dunk on Conservapedia, and through careful application of jackboots the moderation has ensured a healthy community of sneerers. It was rational as in “not Andy Schlafly,” not rational as in “but what if SKYNET D: D: donate now.”

I only know RationalWiki as being basically the SneerClub to Conservapedia, but I don’t know what they’re up to beyond that.

Rationalwiki isn’t a part of the rationality community.

I didn't mean the Rationality™ community.
Ah, my bad then. I do think one of the people behind rationalwiki also posts here, dgerard. (I know he posts here, I just don't know what his involvement with rationalwiki is).
started editing there in 2010, rapidly got dragged into being the sysadmin and on the RationalMediaFoundation board uh, it's a wiki, so it's full of fuckin bozos. highly imperfect, lots of complete shit. but if an article's rated silver or gold, it's probably something we should reasonably stand by. but in the Great Skeptical Atheist Schism, we seem to have picked the path that says "SJW" and not "Shitlord". we are entirely happy with this choice. the name is only "rationalwiki" because "skepticwiki" was taken. it's less than ideal in a number of ways, but it's way too late to change now.
oh, and for local interest and carefully-crafted sneers: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Category:LessWrong
If we're not talking about the particular "rationality™" community, then people use the term in pretty widely varying ways. The first movement to be termed "Rationalist" was the philosophical movement centered around the idea that our concepts are not fully determined by our sense experience (contra "Empiricist"--think Descartes vs Hume.)

Unlike 99% of “rationalist” spaces, RationalWiki actually lives up to its name.

They have the best list of logical fallacies ive seen it valuable and I've a lot learnt from it, its just a shame they're more committed to sneering and snarc so that most articles more fallacies than substance specifically the adhominem fallacy, the site as a whole is self refuting and incoherent.

If you are the 17th iteration of rationality, after RW, Dawkins, Rand, Huxley, etc, etc…. then you own it, and you can sue your predecessors for infringement.