r/SneerClub archives
Rationally Explaining How Black People Are Objectively Inferior to White People (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/bnzb9k/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_13_2019/entf4nu/?context=4)

The response to the linked comment is pretty on point:

It’s worth mentioning that the court in Griggs didn’t ban IQ tests specifically because they had a disproportionate impact on African Americans. They banned IQ tests in that specific case because Duke Power couldn’t establish a reasonable connection between IQ scores and the ability of employees to perform their jobs. The court then concluded that the testing was merely pretext to eliminate African Americans from the hiring pool. The case had less to do with IQ testing per se than with establishing arbitrary hiring guidelines that have a disproportionate impact.

Suppose, for example, that you have a machine shop and one of the requirements to work there is to pass a test on your knowledge of country music. You could try to make the argument that the guys in the shop listen to country all day and you want someone who would enjoy working in that environment, that plenty of black people like country music, etc. But it would be obvious to most people that if black people were being turned down for employment at rate several times higher than white people, and that the test was where most of them were being knocked out, the test was really just a facially neutral way of ensuring that you wouldn’t have to hire many black people.

A lot of people on here seem to think that IQ and IQ testing are huge CW issues, but I don’t seem to encounter it anywhere outside of a few specific corners of the internet and when Charles Murray is being deplatformed somewhere.

What an outstandingly misinformed view of the world one must have to believe “there’s one simple trick that a venture capitalist can do to produce a billion-dollar company from nothing but they don’t want to do it because they’re too egalitarian.” These are people who use sweatshop labor, bust unions, and make their employees pee in fucking bottles but it’s somehow politically infeasible or against their moral code for them to administer aptitude tests?

There's plenty of countries where IQ tests are legal. Guess how many have higher GDPs than the US.

Love how another user asks on which specific jobs has this IQ-correlation been tested, and TP0 just dances ’round and ’round.

Considering this is someone who loves linking barely-related studies to try and prove his points, this must mean that there actually are zero decent studies on this.

There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
There are many different things called "validity", but in this context when they say operational validity they actually just mean the correlation between the test and some type of ground truth (which seems to be a measure of job performance in this case). Btw, note that each line in that table comes from a different meta-analysis, and each meta analysis consists of many different studies, with each study being (presumably) about a different type of job. It's actually quite bizarre that the authors think there is one true validity of IQ tests for job performance, instead of many different validities, one for each type of job. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the whole paper.)
Ken Richardson & Sarah Norgate (I think that's her last name) have done some evaluations of the literature. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635) ​ I really don't care for the data-massaged 'disattenuated' correlations they produce though.
He says it's "extensively documented by Gwern". That's as stupid as I think it is, right? Gwern isn't particularly famous or well regarded (at least, they don't seem to be, I don't think I've seen them mentioned outside the rationalist community), they're just some person with a blog. Though I guess "guy you know with a blog said it on his blog" is about the standard of evidence rationalists are looking for.
He says it's "extensively documented by Gwern". That's as stupid as I think it is, right? Gwern isn't particularly famous or well regarded (at least, they don't seem to be, I don't think I've seen them mentioned outside the rationalist community), they're just some person with a blog. Though I guess "guy you know with a blog said it on his blog" is about the standard of evidence rationalists are looking for.
He says it's "extensively documented by Gwern". That's as stupid as I think it is, right? Gwern isn't particularly famous or well regarded (at least, they don't seem to be, I don't think I've seen them mentioned outside the rationalist community), they're just some person with a blog. Though I guess "guy you know with a blog said it on his blog" is about the standard of evidence rationalists are looking for.
He says it's "extensively documented by Gwern". That's as stupid as I think it is, right? Gwern isn't particularly famous or well regarded (at least, they don't seem to be, I don't think I've seen them mentioned outside the rationalist community), they're just some person with a blog. Though I guess "guy you know with a blog said it on his blog" is about the standard of evidence rationalists are looking for.
Ken Richardson & Sarah Norgate (I think that's her last name) have done some evaluations of the literature. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635) ​ I really don't care for the data-massaged 'disattenuated' correlations they produce though.
Ken Richardson & Sarah Norgate (I think that's her last name) have done some evaluations of the literature. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635) ​ I really don't care for the data-massaged 'disattenuated' correlations they produce though.
Ken Richardson & Sarah Norgate (I think that's her last name) have done some evaluations of the literature. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635) ​ I really don't care for the data-massaged 'disattenuated' correlations they produce though.
Ken Richardson & Sarah Norgate (I think that's her last name) have done some evaluations of the literature. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888691.2014.983635) ​ I really don't care for the data-massaged 'disattenuated' correlations they produce though.

p.s.: i did not expect this would spur so long discussion, thanks to those who participated

This was the most hilarious part of the thread imo

["The important thing is that we *never* stop debating."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQPWI7cEJGs)

With a side helping of “Am I talking out of my ass, or is literally every HR department in the nation just incompetent? Must be the latter.”

Not understanding [this XKCD comic](https://www.xkcd.com/675/) is the basis of all of Rationalist^TM discourse.

Conscientiousness and conformity (I don’t know of measures for social awareness) add little in the way of incremental validity and I think it’s dubious that employers want those things…

Haha, wow.

I have an IQ of 143 but have never taken a programming class. This guy should hire me as a coder. I would totally be better at it than someone with actual training and professional experience. It’s science!