posted on May 20, 2019 04:46 PM by
u/oneLguy24 pointsat 1558373846.000000
That last comment is so long-winded it’s borderline nonsensical. Good
god. So much breath wasted on essentially saying “you’re wrong,
shithead.” Why do they feel the need to drown opinions in tedious
pseudoscientific appeals to objectivity?
The second comment is arguably the most ridiculous: that's a ridiculously unparsimonious test. The last one is just bad writing which reflects something roughly accurate.
“making the superstructure too obvious”! honestly i am delighted by
this - doing their best to pretend to understand simple marxist theory,
it’s like watching a baby taking his first steps. you’ll get it next
– oh shit wait i just made fun of nonsensical misuse of jargon!
EXPOSED as acting in bad faith by the expert manipulations of the
So that first comment - that’s literally just “I watched Ben Shapiro
throw a tantrum and I want someone to help me find a framework under
which he’s totally reasonable”, right?
[I should’ve waited a bit, could’ve included this in the main image!]
> It's triggering deeply rooted group preservation instincts. You can't turn it off without harming some aspect of the self.
Apparently I'd understand if I was white (oh wait)
Lmao what kind of coke-bottle ideological glasses do you have to be wearing to read that comic as “skewering white people” and to couch your discomfort in lazy evopsych about tribal behavior?
(Well, probably the same glasses that distort interracial relationships into some form of genocide)
When I want more confidence than “I know it when I see it”, I test
the hypothesis by leaving openings in my arguments that I would expect
someone to exploit only if they were more interested in winning than in
conversing. For example, typos, phrases that sound silly, analogies that someone could
pretend to find offensive, confessions of ignorance in certain
Another indicator is whether a position is opposed at every possible
point of disagreement. If the other person vacillates from argument to
argument and does not consistently stand by a few key disagreements,
bias may be involved.
It’s a good thing that people are predictable automatons. Heavens
forbid, I might actually have to introspect on a deeper level
Look, you might think that my arguments are dumb and bad just like my shitty opinions, but actually I'm playing nine dimensional chess and if you point out how shitty I am at debating that just proves that you're wrong qed
We’ve been relatively doing well on not making this
“ShitTheMotteSays” or for that matter “Shit TheMotte Says which I read
because I still participate in TheMotte and I don’t have the self
respect to have been permanently banned from there for trolling”
That last comment is so long-winded it’s borderline nonsensical. Good god. So much breath wasted on essentially saying “you’re wrong, shithead.” Why do they feel the need to drown opinions in tedious pseudoscientific appeals to objectivity?
“making the superstructure too obvious”! honestly i am delighted by this - doing their best to pretend to understand simple marxist theory, it’s like watching a baby taking his first steps. you’ll get it next time!
– oh shit wait i just made fun of nonsensical misuse of jargon! EXPOSED as acting in bad faith by the expert manipulations of the motte!
So that first comment - that’s literally just “I watched Ben Shapiro throw a tantrum and I want someone to help me find a framework under which he’s totally reasonable”, right?
[I should’ve waited a bit, could’ve included this in the main image!] (
It’s a good thing that people are predictable automatons. Heavens forbid, I might actually have to introspect on a deeper level otherwise.
Is there even context for the third comment?
We’ve been relatively doing well on not making this “ShitTheMotteSays” or for that matter “Shit TheMotte Says which I read because I still participate in TheMotte and I don’t have the self respect to have been permanently banned from there for trolling”
Let’s try to keep it that way
Please don’t repeat that “reee” meme it was created by the alt-right to describe “autistic screeching”
Identity politics is when non-white people exist.