r/SneerClub archives
The World’s Most Annoying Man | Nathan J Robinson on Stephen Pinker (https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/05/the-worlds-most-annoying-man)

Pinker is so frustrating. His whole point is that society has vastly improved over time, and he even acknowledges that this is partly due to progressive activism. And yet he spends all his time attacking progressives who want to improve things further. Nothing weirder than the progress-loving anti-progressive

Today's conservatives love appropriating the achievements of yesterday's progressives.
I loved NJR's point about Pinker in the Civil Rights era: "Sure you can't eat here, but your ancestors couldn't even vote!!!! Just relax guys c'mon!!!"
Ain't that the truth. Our Dutch neoliberal-conservative party claimed victory in gay rights. Which was something they only advocated for very late in the fight for gay rights iirc. (And even then only when there are no costs, they still can be wishy washy on earmarking money for people who suffer from HIV ). Looked it up: Even in 1996 half the party, including the party leader voted against gay marriage. (We the dutch aren't as much a progressive leader in things as we pretend/think we are).
The "Communist plot" that keeps on giving.
Progress^TM is caused by the orthogenetic force of Enlightenment humanism and the trickle-down effect of the bourgeois values, definitely not by proles and other assorted rabble.
Is he a Fukuyama fan or something?
more a fellow traveller oh god you just made me think about fukuyama's new book *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*
Yes I saw that the first time you posted it thanks very much and well done, you are very clever and witty.
wow how dare you i'm not a doctor
Really? Most Pop Tarts I know don’t comment on Reddit, that’s more of a Pillsbury Toaster Strudel thing.
You must be on mobile. [This is what it looks like with the CSS.](https://i.imgur.com/Uk2CFjk.jpg)
You also have to be at old.reddit.com; the CSS doesn’t carry over to the new site.
if youre on the new reddit that's a ban though, so
I thought he canceled the end of history?
He cancelled the end of history 15-20 years ago, in his latest book he's basically like: yeah my neocon liberal democracy thing was wrong, I failed to recognise the value of reactionary nationalism
So Hegel is broke, Herder is woke now?
Also, checking up on it: yeah he is actually explicit favourably citing Herder
My brain is still in recovery mode from taking in all these cutting edge new ideas like... (checks notes) volksgeists.
So how about that Napoleon, huh?
The End of Bonapartism and The Last Emperor (Francois Fukuyama, 1815)
"Nobody could have seen this coming" - circa 1852
I'm being unfair to him, he basically seems to be advocating a sort of Theresa May welfare-state-without-substance-but-with-concerning-nationalism sort of thing now
>Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment *Geteilter Schmerz ist doppelter schmerz* why must you do this to me
> Geteilter Schmerz ist doppelter schmerz Is that the actual proverb, or are you reversing its meaning for the joke?
Don't make me ruin it 😏😏😏
I was just hoping you Germans somehow went the complete opposite way with the proverb than us Dutchies.
> and yet he spends all his time I don't follow his twitter or anything, but his book at least is explicitly railing against the Trumpian movement. He makes that quite clear. I read it as a defense of progressive activism more than anything.
can we swear in this sub? I want to insult this guy
Have you heard of this technique called "hyperbole"? No shit he doesn't spend literally all his time attacking progressives, but he does do it an annoyingly large and steadily increasing amount. ​ I haven't read "enlightenment now", because I already read "better angels" and am in no mood to fork over cash for a stupider remix of that book. Reading the [Summary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enlightenment_Now), I'm calling bullshit on the idea that Pinker is only railing at Trumpists, he is clearly attacking "political correctness" and "postmodernism" and "people who are concerned about economic inequality", and his next book appears to be a full on IDW tract whining about how online progressives are mean to him.
weird how it has so many complaints about progressive activism in it
Have you actually read it? I mean, yes, for example his defenses of capitalism could be uncharitably construed as a "complaints about progressive activism," but neither are they inconsistent with liberal progressivism. I'm not a big defender of Pinker, but I find this article pretty misleading about the actual contents and flavor of the book, which in some fairly long passages makes an extremely clear and strong case against Trumpism and defense of generally liberal progressivist values.
As a Pinker fan, can you explain to me the whole skyships to end climate change thing?
I mean sure he's obviously against Trumpism, but I don't need to go looking for a pdf of the book to check (of course I didn't read yet another Pinker screed what are you *talking* about) to find him ranting about liberal progressives, because there is *an article full of quotes from him ranting about liberal progressives in the link above you wigwam*
Personally I like to sneer at people who make sweeping conclusions about works they haven't read. The quotes in the article are pretty weak. Choosing one at random: > An axiom of progressive opinion, especially in universities, is that we continue to live in a deeply racist, sexist, and homophobic society—which would imply that progressivism is a waste of time, having accomplished nothing after decades of struggle.” Here he seems to be roundly defending progressivism, literally arguing that it is "not a waste of time." Sure, you can spin this as "ranting about liberal progressives", but only if you are intentionally obtuse.
> Sure, you can spin this as "ranting about liberal progressives", but only if you are intentionally obtuse. It's hardly 'spin', when the plain point of the sentence is to make an unqualified "progressive opinion" look silly and inconsistent. Also, arguing, or weakly implying, that something is 'not a waste of time' isn't really "roundly defending" it. It's about the weakest defense of something I can imagine.
Yeah, but drawing embarrasing (for your opponents) conclusions from your opponents behaviour isn't really the classic understatement.
How you could read this as pro-progressives is a mystery to me. It reads more like an attempted "gotcha" but nevermind, let's look at the content of the sentence itself. An "axiom"? As with most public intellectuals throwing that word around, Pinker doesn't seem to understand what it means. That our society is unjust is not an arbitrary presupposition, it's not a presupposition at all but something that's borne out by the facts (incarceration statistics etc.). It's not Pinker's annoying rhetoric and politics but his plain old stupidity that gets me every time.
That's his version of the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
>The quotes in the article are pretty weak. This is just where you start to repeat your opinion as if fact, not to mention cherrypick your examples: I'm not interested and I'm not buying. Especially from anybody who'd bother to defend Pinker...
You don't think the examples in the polemic are cherrypicked?
I'm not talking to you any further.
For what it's worth, if you think Pinker doesn't rail against liberal progressives (the kind he doesn't like) you haven't read the article linked (bold move in your case) and you're not especially familiar with Pinker
I agree that he rails against a *certain kind* of liberal progressive, for example the kind that "condemns modern capitalism" without understanding or countenancing a calculus of weighing its many benefits against its alternatives, but this is not the same thing as the reductive and misleading "rails against liberal progressives"...
Well than you're just quibbling because somebody didn't pre-emptively anticipate your pedantic whining. Nobody is suggesting that he's against all liberal progressivism, or at least ideas that fall under that label. If you were to read the article, for example, you would find Robinson (who wrote the article) identifying Pinker's liberalism with that of Obama in describing its failures. It's even funny you've got yourself tied in knots over this: the original comment didn't use the word "liberal".
I read the article, and found it sophomoric, and I'm **not** a fan of Pinker. I don't think it's "quibbling" to say that the article sweepingly misrepresents Pinker's position, in an oddly *personal* and *angry* polemic. > you would find Robinson (who wrote the article) identifying Pinker's liberalism with that of Obama in describing its failures Yeah, the article is all over the place. It doesn't have a clear thesis beyond a disgust at Pinker.
Oh for fucks sake you blithering child, at least try to be consistent. You were "Quibbling" about the top comment, not the fucking article. You never said it "sweepingly misrepresent's Pinker's position", you said the comment itself wasn't an accurate representation of Pinker as a whole, and you then used the book as your only example thereof. For fucks sake. No wonder you have an extensive SSC post history, I can taste the self-serving amnesia from here.
I'm *not* a fan of Pinker, I'm *NOT* I'm telling you!
lol, after CI banned them they sent me a series of messages complaining that I was betraying my alleged liberal values by not siding with Pinker What a nut Then they accused me of aiding and abetting nazis by not being a Pinker liberal
> Then they accused me of aiding and abetting nazis by not being a Pinker liberal Tbf, that's a very Pinkeresque move.
and therefore, presumably, the right one
>It doesn't have a clear thesis beyond a disgust at Pinker. Seems like a perfectly reasonable thesis to me, so long as they support it.
Ugh, fuck off.
> at least is explicitly railing against the Trumpian movement [The bar is low.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i7aBnoaYPQ)


>But I pointed out that the morality Pinker used at every turn to pacify evolutionary psychology was a product of Enlightenment liberalism, not evolution. Pinker now says that he is “the first to agree.” It’s too bad he couldn’t find room to agree in his 509-page book. Oh hell, it's the origin story for *Enlightenment Now*. Thanks, Orr.
Most of his recent books are just expanded, recycled, or more tedious versions of chapters from the Blank Slate.
> What he doesn’t tell you is that the key experiment in this work did not measure fitness (the only thing that matters) but the single most dubious proxy for fitness known to evolutionary biology (asymmetry across left vs. right body sides). Worse, these likely meaningless measurements were made on a grand total of fifteen psychopaths, an absurdly small sample. If this is what Pinker holds up to reveal the empirical splendors of evolutionary psychology, he can hardly be surprised that biologists are less than wowed. holy shit
Was it Pinker who got into an exchange with Malcolm Gladwell and he was forced to admit he was using Steve Sailer for sources?
["This is a bogus statistic."](https://bedejournal.blogspot.com/2011/12/this-is-bogus-statistic.html)
Love that one
That reply is magnificent.
OMG! This is glorious. Thanks for posting the link. Orr killing it as usual.

An axiom of progressive opinion, especially in universities, is that we continue to live in a deeply racist, sexist, and homophobic society—which would imply that progressivism is a waste of time, having accomplished nothing after decades of struggle

This is such a wonderfully dumb argument. Like, “It’s an axiom in law enforcement that crime exists —which would imply that law enforcement is a waste of time, having accomplished nothing after centuries of struggle”

“An axiom of the Christian Church is that every last man, woman, and child on Earth is a miserable sinner and even after 2,000 years of Christ’s ministry, that hasn’t changed. A big waste of time, I guess.”

Moderately outside our wheelhouse, but I got mod permission.

Statistical measures of progress aside, we’re currently in an unprecedented period of human history where we can, and almost have (on multiple occasions), annihilate ourselves by accident with nuclear weapons. And, if that weren’t enough, on a course to drastically screw over most of the human population of the planet just by not really doing much to stop it with climate change. Even if we accept Pinker’s argument that the mean of human existence is much better without comment, the variance is probably going to destroy us.

I used to love this guy. Fuck.

Why? Because I was a young, bright-eyed college kid studying evolutionary psychology (which, for all its critics, DOES have some useful things to say - when it's not being abused, which is most of the time), and here's this really interesting, really smart dude talking about really interesting, really smart stuff. Mostly I got into his work for the ideas about language and cognition - by The Blank Slate I was halfway done with him because while he had some interesting and smart ideas some of what he had to say was obviously (even to me at that time) bullshit.

As for sneering at the bourgeoisie, it is a sophomoric grab at status with no claim to moral or political virtue.


It's even in our sidebar!

from a second article quoted in this one:

One reason [for negative reviews, Pinker thinks,] is simply that it’s more enjoyable to take shots at the guy writing popular books than to praise him, and he cites a study that suggests reviewers who pan books are considered more intelligent. The book he’s working on now, tentatively titled Don’t Go There: Common Knowledge and the Science of Civility, Hypocrisy, Outrage, and Taboo, will attempt to unpack the psychology behind such outsized responses.

preemptive response: On Smarm

They all want to explain before they’ve empathized, irrationally diagnose others’ irrationality, insist that their ideology isn’t an ideology while ours is.

Perfect description of a lot of people featured on this sub, actually.

I love this fucking article

The left can’t handle empiricism


people in that post are just not physically capable of clicking through to the current affair website. their fingers can't do that and they have to ask OP to copy paste sections of the article for them. personally i think it's good that they're not afraid to ask for help when they need it
This doesn't read as sarcastic so I think you got downvoted. The exchange with /u/completely-ineffable is some quality

Stephen Pinker is pretty fucking insufferable but on the other hand at least he doesn’t dress like this

Counterpoint: Nathan J Robinson is cute af when he dresses up like that.
Agreed, and it bears mentioning that he's entirely self-aware about the way he dresses and gives precisely zero fucks. -wistful sigh- Such a shame he doesn't play for my team...
>-wistful sigh- Such a shame he doesn't play for my team... Honestly one of the greatest injustices of the age.
Also he gets a pass because he lives in Noorlins
I can't tell if that spelling is a sneer, but it's the most accurate spelling I've ever seen, so kudos.
Direct phonetic spelling from what I heard when I visited
Just three totally normal, non-sexual predators hanging out.
Nor did he travel on the plane edit: see below
please don't use this terminology
Fair enough. It kinda targets the bad party here but I didn't take into account how it still affects others, which I really should have thought about. I'll edit it out.
Cheers! I figure your reasoning on both sides of the question is about accurate.
I'm baffled at the attempts to excuse this. Nathan get your shit together

This man works for one of the most “prestigious” institutions in the world, yet insists on completely destroying that credibility by using the terms “social justice warrior” and “virtue signalling”. You don’t even need to go to college to be highly skilled at tossing those weasel words around on the internet, let alone work at one.

This man is an ass.