r/SneerClub archives
PDF: algorithms don't encode bias, it's just that stereotypes are true! (https://www.chrisstucchio.com/pubs/slides/crunchconf_2018/slides.pdf)

That dude is one of the few people to be banned from HN for being too racist.

What's HN?
Hacker News: [https://news.ycombinator.com/](https://news.ycombinator.com/)
Is there a particular thread where it happened?
I don't know but this is him : https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=yummyfajitas
a Damore, except he's able to work a job without actually shitting the desk
[this was the breaking point](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14116762)
Where in that thread does it say he was banned?
i can't be arsed to dig out my login for hn so i can't use showdead and explore properly but that was definitely the day he was banned (you can see, for instance, that that's the last date he commented). i remember that specific thread and mod action being what led to him being banned permanently though.
lol the hn mods talk just like the ssc mods
I just logged in with showdead. I still don't see any ban. Maybe he just decided to leave after getting that warning from dang?


>The bias is in your bloody data set. Selective amnesia over the principle of GIGO always seems to be in play here.
Can you explain what is meant by a "biased data set"? Take the example Stucchio discusses in the beginning of his presentation, where a store puts anti theft devices on the goods that have the highest value of price\*shrinkage, and happens to protect instances of a product aimed at black men but not at white men. Would you call this data set of prices and theft rates "biased"? And if so, is that because the data set systematically misrepresents the world in some way? Or is it because it seemingly endorses a "racist" conclusion? ​ I agree it would be bad for the store to implement the policy the data would suggest, but not because there is necessarily anything wrong or unrepresentative about the data set. People seem to equivocate between "biased data set" referring to one that does not reflect reality accurately, and one that seems to suggest a course of action that would place an extra burden on minorities. These are two different things!
The store example assumes they put anti-theft devices on products for black men and not white men based on data analysis, rather than stereotypes and assumptions. Too often people start with a conclusion (from stereotypes and so on) and work backwards to come up with a data set that says what they want.
If this is satire, this guy is deeper into character than sacha baron cohen.

(Context: In 1934, the USA Federal Housing Association drew a red line around black neighborhoods and told banks not to issue mortgages there.)

That is not enough context, you piece of shit. They did it out of pure racism, not because African-Americans were riskier clients. That has fuck-all to do with your Hyderabad example.

Ah stucchio, author of some of the best gems the SSC subreddit ever had to offer. I have a particular soft spot for the time he bragged about leaving his girlfriend because her tits weren’t big enough.

He describes the girlfriend he left as a "white separatist" - what a random coincidence!
At least his penis isn't racist though.

From the slide on victimization disparity:

@AnechoicMedia14, avg yearly # violent crimes with injury

This presumably being the same anechoicmedia who wants to use government force to create a white ethnostate. Imagine citing actual white nationalists for crime victimization numbers and presenting it as unbiased.

Exploring further on this guy’s blog, didn’t take me long to find something sneer-able:


Using glorious MATH (plus a handful of his own unsubstantiated assumptions to fill in where public statistics draw a blank) he claims that gay sex is more deadly than guns.

Why do our politicians, the media establishment, and the rest focus all their attention on guns and completely ignore the lurking danger of gay sex?

Oh, but wait, ye who wish to dismiss him as a mere homophobe!

I’m not pushing any policy position here…I’m just crunching numbers and criticizing people who are unwilling to discuss relative risk factors.

Of course he’s just an unbiased spectator, using his superior mathematical skills to compare an apples-to-oranges situation. He’s just pursuing this politically and emotionally charged topic as a fanciful thought project, obviously~

At least there are some comments on the blog post that tear him a new one.

> Surely Obama has asked the FBI director how many QALYs gun violence costs us, and how many QALYs gay sex costs us. Surely
i'm dead: in the comments he adopts an explicitly utilitarian POV for regulation

My knowledge of Europe:


-You can force people to forget true facts about you.

Truly the most apolitical and correct way to explain the right to be forgotten.

This talk takes no ethical position *comes upon racist blink detection software* If you can improve accuracy, you should.

Solving the is-ought problem ezpz. Also biased datasets don’t exist, we just don’t care about accuracy when it comes to people of color.

>> -You can force people to forget true facts about you. > Truly the most apolitical and correct way to explain the right to be forgotten. From what I understand this isn't even how the right to be forgotten works, at least not in .nl. The law has quite a few exceptions. (For example, you can't just go to the police and say 'rm -rf all my data, lol', if there are other laws which say the data must be kept, those laws have priority or something (IANAL)).

Can anyone explain what “San Francisco Ethics” are supposed to be?

something like what the name implies?

This talk is NOT about cheerleeding.

The No True Scotsman example got a laugh out of me, ngl

You can’t optimise for two maximums!

Completely made up graph that entirely assumes his conclusion.