r/SneerClub archives
“OMG this is LITERALLY opression” (https://i.redd.it/0l7br5f167231.jpg)

Why are they all obsessed with making up new terms?

My best guess is that it sustains the self-image of having thoughts that are both original and important.
An effect commonly observed in rationalists: EY didn't know the philosophical terms for things, so he made up his own. So his followers think his thoughts are new and original, and are cut off from 2000 years' discourse and discussion on them.
Related recent viral tweet: https://i.redd.it/c9spntfeke231.jpg
Remember when they kept calling everyone they didn’t like “NPCs”? Hardcore right wingers seemed to think they just scored the rhetorical killshot of the century, while everyone else was just confused and, possibly, vaguely annoyed. My theory is that it’s a shibboleth — by coming up with alternative languages and meanings for existing words, it helps people in the group identify each other while making people outside the group feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. A lot of insular/secretive societies do that too (eg Scientology, who teaches their members a brand new language).
>Machines do not have a good, animals do. Is there a typo here, or is he using "good" in a sense like Aristotelian telos?
It's a pretty common move in most "popular science" type books, tbh. Not just rationalists.
Jargon proliferates in communities with few ideas.
I call it naveling off, which is a portmanteau of navel-gazing and jerking off. /s

Yeah this is totally new. No one has suffered online harassment before.

So to spell out the implication for this coward: the reason Rubin is crap at responding to critics is because the critics are unfairly criticizing too much and too often? lulz

Meanwhile, youtube refuses to take action against Crowder who is harassing a gay reporter.

IDW response: crickets

I’m out of the loop on this, did Dave Rubin do something that these people are reacting to?

Kinda not really. 'debate Sam Seder' has been a meme for a while, in response to Rubin's longtime practice of never having lefty guests, always giving softball interviews to sketchy right wingers, and all the while claiming a centrist mantle. More recently, Pete Buttigieg's PR person publically showed interest in going on Rubin's show. He got lots of pushback on twitter, and decided not to go on. This led Rubin to go on a multi thread meltdown (including selfie rant). Weinstein frequently promotes Rubin, and this is his version of applying an intellectual veneer to the situation. I can't believe I fucking know all of this.
Ah I see. Although it doesn't seem very fair to criticize Rubin for not having left guests if they choose not to go on in the first place.
>it doesn't seem very fair to criticize Rubin for not having left guests if they choose not to go on in the first place. I don't know why you think this is the case. Plenty of lefties have offered, including Sam Seder, Dave Packman, Contrapoints, etc. Problem is, Rubin [only wants big-time progressive people](https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/1123359260211945473), while being fine with interviewing random [right-wing youtubers](https://youtu.be/VVoe2au7Jog) with less followers. He's constantly pretending to be fair-handed, while simultaneously tipping the scales toward right-wing views through his personal choice in who to platform.
> Rubin only wants big-time progressive people Half of that list is just various entertainers. Who on the left even likes Lena Dunham for example?
Basic-ass millennial women, who for some reason seem to be more likely than average to have TERF associations.
Ok, I think I understand. It does seems fair now that you mention that.
Rubin gets very weird when asked why he doesn't debate Sam btw, he doesn't even say his [name out loud](https://twitter.com/vadimnewquist/status/1085358442473312256). Here is what happened btw, [the second tweet](https://twitter.com/vadimnewquist/status/1085359426062770176), the red text block, is what a viewer of Rubin asked Rubin (just asking the question cost the viewer 100 bucks (well you set the price of the 'superchat' yourself, so it is the person own fault). And further superchats asking Rubin about the initial superchat also got ignored. Which is very unusual btw, on the youtube live chat thing you usually address superchats (as this is people giving you money for their messages). It just goes to show how dishonest Rubin is. Not a big surprise btw, as he is on the Kochs payroll (allegedly). > I can't believe I fucking know all of this. Edit: [more vile shit on Rubin. This time it is neonazi disinformation](https://twitter.com/cjane87/status/1135937766045429767)
God, I keep forgetting about the Lauren Southern shit. It's just too awful for me to comprehend. The diaspora is fucked
Wow. I remember watching Rubin a few years ago back when he started and I really liked the style of his interviews. This is very disappointing.
He started out at the young turks (which I don't even really watch), and left because he didn't get enough money. A lot of the 'centrist' 'classical liberals' took a bit of a dark turn the past few years. > I can't believe I fucking know all of this.
>This is very disappointing. You and [his entire subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/daverubin/) had a similar journey. The stickied post sums it up nicely.
I'll go on.

Debate Sam Seder Rubin you fucking coward.