r/SneerClub archives

Legitimate concern: What if I freeze myself but after the singularity the AI brings me back just so it can fuck with me?

This has already happened. The current world is a simulation the Basilisk has put us in to punish us for not doing enough to bring about its Birth.
I have no mouth... and I must scream.....
Fuck with you like putting your torso on backwards, like what’s happened with Chad Life Extensionist?

I think I’ve mentioned it before but I used to have quite long arguments with an ex about the (broadly Bayesian) probability calculus attached to “vitrification” (freezing yourself like Walt Disney, but the new way of doing that) and it is still so weird to me that people are so dismissive of the downsides.

imo its basically an expensive way for nerds to make themselves feel better about the inevitability of death so :shrug:
never before has seeing tech as religion made so much sense to me

I know Miller by reputation but I’d never actually checked him out before today. Dear god it’s worse than I imagined

But by that measure Picasso should be art.
Picasso is the best art, honey, but I think we were talking about paintings...
when take me to church by hozier was topping the charts it became clear that western culture was taken over by modernist moronsexuality. music should, at minimum, be danceable and upbeat!!!!!
I must admit to the increasingly strong possibility that dude is a fucking idiot this reminds me of the bitcoin book that claimed that fiat currency was why art was so bad these days, and only a return to Sound Money could lead to *proper* art, funded by rich patrons
Read it and weep: https://psmag.com/social-justice/geoffrey-miller-fat-shaming-tweet-chinese-eugenics-59327
he's so right. we need to purge the vile misogynist picasso from the artistic canon and start celebrating high IQ artists like artemisia gentileschi!!!!!

Seems the deathist has a wife, and the chad doesnt. Slightly embarrassing failure of meme here. (On top of the rest of the cringe).

Edit: also isn’t the singularity moment defined as ‘after this anything can happen’. How can these transhumanist meme makers make such basic mistakes about their own theories?

The chad knows that, once death has been abolished, the Singularity has happened and he has ascended to godlike power, he can have an infinite amount of both hot sex and deep, fulfilling human connections, so until then he is willing to sacrifice all those things to work towards the goal.
Wow im wowed by the chads superiour gigantic brain.
The virgin/deathist has always seemed like the cooler character to me, in these memes.
It is impressive how they make the 'chad life extensionist' position sound super unappealing. 'hey you can live forever, but you can only do it with these 'chad life extensionist' people. [well](https://pics.me.me/chill-blinton-guess-ill-die-16200603.png) Unrelated, I always thought the ships where they make the virgin/chad start dating are pretty hilarious.