r/SneerClub archives
Crypto-rationalist: schooling is a human rights violation (https://i.redd.it/1mpetjx9l6531.jpg)

Not how brains work.

Is there another institution that takes so much mindshare involuntarily


> Not how brains work. brain-clogging is real and it's a very serious problem, how dare you edit: Reports are coming in that, in fact, "learning things" is *not* one of the leading causes of intracranial atherosclerosis. Apparently I was misinformed! I retract my "how dare you."

Actual anarchists: “the schooling system is run like a prison and that sucks”

Lolbertarians, comically missing the point for the hundredth time: “schooling cloGs yoUR BRAINS!”

Anarchists are almost as delusional
I mean, anarchists have some actually well thought out criticism of schooling, based on actual scientific and/or philosophical theories. You can argue that this criticism is right, or that it is wrong, using appropriate examples, or other theories, or something. Libertarians on the other hand have... this. Stuff that's "not even wrong" because it's so far from the actual point. You can't argue with it, you can just point and laugh. So IMO putting anarchists on the same level as libertarians is enlightened centrist bullshit.
It's not really unique to anarchists, either, cf. Bourdieu's sociology of education, Althusser's ideological state apparatuses, or Freire's pedagogy of the oppressed.
apparently Foucault is delusional now 🤡
[MFW vsbobclear considers anarchist critique of schooling to be "delusional"](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/571fa914e707eb4ede0516ec/572d201fd9fd568bc4ff55a3/572d2026d9fd568bc4ff561e/1462575142516/michel-foucault.jpg)


I've gone public with my mindshares so a board of venture capitalists just vote on which opinions I have now
Just watch out, there was a leveraged buyout of a controlling stake of my mindshare. The liquidation is not going to be pretty.
Twitch plays /u/DaveyJF
This guy believes that “equity investing in people” is the future, so that’s not a far off scenario at all.
sounds like a phrase you'd hear from a flat earther or something

This is your brain on libertarianism.

There prob is a quote of a hardcore libertarian saying just this 50 years ago.

this is your brain on getting lucky the first time in a nascent field and attributing it to your own genius

Oh, I’m glad to see someone agreeing with me that schools all to often allow the adults in them to exploit their authority with next to no supervision, invade children’s privacy, fail to manage scarring issues like bullying, and – waiiiiiiit a minute. What’s this horseshit about mandatory education that he’s on about?

I mean there’s actually fair criticisms of the authoritarian fashion that schools are run in but “the government decides the curriculum” is like, extremely low on my list of priorities for how to make schools freer institutions that don’t stifle the young mind.

Give the kids more recess, reduce or eliminate homework, get rid of teachers and principals that are authoritarian jerks, and abolish dress codes. Those would be more productive.

One of the best ways to counter authoritarian principals would be stronger teacher unions.
I fully support that
Also, might be an unpopular opinion here, but at the lower years we should focus on building a really solid base of languages and math instead of demanding so much of kids' time be dedicated to way oversimplified versions of science, history, and philosophy and spread out the thougher versions of those that are usually taught in the last 2 years of k-12 over the last 3 or 4 instead.
Oh yay! The stem bros will have even less knowledge in the topics they know nothing about. Also what do you think elementary educators do already? An astounding number of children are taught to read and write every school year. Sit down and think about how hard it must be to teach someone to read and then maybe stay seated and don’t try to write curriculum when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Bill Gates already tried to rewrite curriculum over the objections of on the ground experts and he failed miserably. Don’t be the poorer version of Gates
I think that we suffer from "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" with stem bros, I'm not sure than knowing nothing about a subject would be better than the current "I remember a distorted version of an oversimplified explanation from fourth grade about biology, and therefore with Pure Rationality^(tm) I can disprove the transgenders" that they do now. Plus I'm speaking from my own experience here, not actually trying to influence policy like Gates, I very much remember being taught outright wrong bullshit in many primary school and early secondary school subjects that made understanding the actually somewhat rigorous classes towards the end of schooling harder.
But this kind of strikes me as an "abstinence-only" sort of solution. I mean, would you really want kids getting their basic history from youtube?
Where do you think they're getting it from?
Video games. (I honestly can say i learned stuff from at least civilization and alpha centauri, and a lot of paradox games are also interesting start points into falling deep into a wikipedia hole).
I mean fair, I learned a lot of basic stuff about the Ancients from Rome: Total War - not all of it correct and a lot of it in need of correction - but it was more of a rhetorical question

To be fair, school is shitty and traumatising, and ridiculously inefficient in it’s professed goals.

The tweet itself is cringy, though.