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Some choice bits from Phil Torres' book, "Morality, Foresight, and Human Flourishing: An Introduction to Existential Risks" (https://imgur.com/a/mb1ALGR)

WTF is this? Why did this person write this book? How did they think it would be useful? I have so many questions

Money and paperclips.

Imagine you are watching the Martian sunset from your shuttle-home enjoying a daiquiri while a meteorite is hurtling towards you from the asteroid belt but the friendly AI shoots it down while you sip your daiquiri but then a small pebble from it hits the ground and the red dust hits your eyes and worse, falls on your daiquiri. Minimal consequence of an impact (the risk), hence maximal probability of it. Which means we’ll have red Martian dust thrown on our eyeballs and our cocktails all the time. Which means somebody is not being tortured hard enough.

Imagine hearing estimates that you are 1500 times more likely to die in a human extinction event than in a plane crash and thinking “human extinction is very likely” instead of “these estimates are bullshit”.

Estimates that he got from a show-of-hands survey at a conference of "existential risk experts" from *11 years ago*. I liked how he put "informal" in scare quotes to describe the survey.
I'm not sure about the numbers this guy is using (making up), but I think there's much more chance of catastrophic nuclear war breaking out in a given year than of a particular person dying in a plane crash in that same year (for most people). Like, we beat the odds on annihilation during the cold war. Lots of narrow escapes coming down to luck and the good judgement of fairly low level officials.
Yeah, being scared of nuclear war is one thing the x-risk people get absolutely right. \~100k died to the Hiroshima bombing alone, which averaged over the following \~75 years is about \~1300 per year. In 2018, 556 people died in airliner accidents. So just that one bomb might have killed more people than all airliner accidents ever combined. The problems with the x-risk viewpoint start when they go beyond verifiably real threats (like nuclear war) to purely speculative ones (AI).
And of course, the Nagasaki type bomb is just the detonator for a modern warhead. Nuclear war with fission weapons would be appalling, but with the fusion weapons we have today it would be mutual annihilation.

What? probability and risk are not related. This is risk analysis 101. Is this about some really specific type of risk?

Second image is x-risk time cube.

Children will be blessed or kissing of educated adults who ignore risk cube

Pretty sure you’re only LARPing as a Bayesian if you can’t do elementary probability calculations.

I can’t even begin to make sense of this. Do you have any idea what’s behind references 40 and 41? Or 11?

Edit: pretty sure at least one of those citations must be to a Discworld book.

The endnotes aren't available on Google Books unfortunately. But Discworld is as good a guess as any.

just the first paragraph is already so confusing. he’s saying greater risk means less likelihood. and then he’s saying the extinction of humanity is more likely than 1bn people dying? am i misreading this??

i mean i wouldn’t be at fault if i am. GCR means global catastrophe risk. you don’t say a risk might occur, you say that there is a risk of an event occurring. i’m not saying this to be like ‘ATM machines!’, GCR is not a well-known acronym (i had to google) and it obfuscates the issue at hand. it should be replaced with the simple, clear and intuitive ‘catastrophe’.

the diagram is definitely teaching material for a lobotomized audience. i get it. sometimes you need a visual illustration to explain why being rich and healthy is better than being poor and ill.

> GCR is not a well-known acronym (i had to google) and it obfuscates the issue at hand. it should be replaced with the simple, clear and intuitive 'catastrophe'. But then it wouldn't look as sciencey!
The charitable interpretation would be that the risk of at least 1 billion people dying in a pandemic has to be at least as high as the risk of everyone dying. Somewhat imprecise wording but if it's the only thing that makes sense.


Given the model he uses to calculate probabilities later to “prove” that sentence, yes. He’s treating each GCR and independent and identically distributed, but he doesn’t give a reason, or so much as say, that a GCR can’t happen two decades in a row. So when including all possibilities, the probability of a GCR in the third decade is also 0.05. > It would be correct if it talked about "the probability of the next GCR occuring". No, still wrong.
At first, I thought he was saying that if a GCR occurs, everyone is dead, so once one occurs, the probability of another one occurring is 0. Then part of it kinda makes sense -- the probability of it occurring in a given decade is higher for earlier decades, since in later decades there's a greater chance we already blew ourselves up in the past. But then I noticed he says "GCRs would be clustered together in time", so he is saying there would be more than one... and then he says they'd be clustered together because their timing is completely random??? Which, to my knowledge, is not what "random" means. Help
I can't really help because it just doesn't make sense. There can be a GCR in decades 1 and 2 but not 2 and 3 because ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯. What I *think* he's talking about with the clustering is that it's unlikely for independent random events to be evenly spaced. Consider flipping a coin 5 times and looking at the event where you get 3 heads. There are 5 choose 3 = 10 ways for that to happen. They are H H H T T H H T H T H H T T H H T H H T *H T H T H* H T T H H T H H H T T H H T H T H T H H T T H H H Only the event in the middle has the heads evenly spaced. 9/10 have at least two heads in a row, which you might call "clustering". But this isn't predictive. If I flipped a coin and got a heads yesterday, I still have a 50% chance of getting another heads today. Anyways, what he's saying here just doesn't make sense. Maybe their assumptions are explained on the next page, but i don't get that impression.

People have been panicking about a nanotech disaster (“grey goo”) for over 30 years now. It’s always “just a few years away”…