r/SneerClub archives
Rationalist catches feminist RED HANDED after they say that sex-selective abortion is femicide- I thought it was just a clump of cells?????? SJWS BTFO!!!!!!! oh, wait, hold up, the OP wasn't a feminist at all and was actually a christian pro-lifer? FUCKING OOPS (https://brazenautomaton.tumblr.com/post/185819501179/ctv-national-news-video-gender-selective)

how are lesswrongers *so* desperate to ~le epically pwn the sjws~ that they just straight up manage to miss that the OP of the post has the url “by-grace-of-god” and a pro-life prayers tag on their blog.

brazenautomaton is special even for the rationalists

Let’s see if I get this right. Aborting a girl is a death sentence and aborting a bunch fo girls is “gendercide”, which is targeted genocide. Yet two posts ago, the same account states that abortions aren’t murder at all because fetuses aren’t people yet.

two posts ago the same account is posting about “twelve things to remember if you keep falling into the same sin”… is this person just lying?…

Why yes! They are. Or anti-sjws just want *so desperately* for there to be *any* feminists or progressives who are inconsistent in their views on abortion when it comes to sex-selection, that they’ll just straight up hallucinate it where it doesn’t exist. Four different anti-sjws did that! Two of with don’t even seem to have anything to do with brazen or LW!


Sorry if my description was unclear, but brazen seems to be pointing to the language like “gendercide” and arguing that op- or someone, idk- is being inconsistent by using that language- it’s clear that brazen is arguing they’re being inconsistent because he assumed they were pro-choice, though I can’t say for sure he assumed they were also feminist. a couple other similar anti-sj types in the notes seem to also have made the same assumption as well, not bothering to check for obvious clues that op isn’t pro-choice or feminist
Just - you know - do a better title next time I'm bored of telling people not to turn this into an outrage porn subreddit I and the rest of the mods were super lenient with the /r/TheMotte stuff until recently but ultimately come on this is supposed to be fun, not the Daily Express
I know no one asked me, but I think a good guideline is that the joke you are making in the sneer has to be funnier than the outrage you are pointing at is outrageous