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TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, James Joyce, 0% politics (https://i.redd.it/cgfzon0djw631.png)

politics is when someone has an opinion that makes me uncomfortable, and the more uncomfortable it makes me feel, the more political it is

1. Humans make me uncomfortable 2. Man is by nature a political animal 3. Therefore things that make me uncomfortable are political. QED.


Modernism, famously apolitical art movement that requires no knowledge of its sociopolitical context to understand its most celebrated works
TS 'Anglo-Catholic in religion, royalist in politics, classicist in literature' Eliot definitely wouldn't have approved of linking politics and art

starting to think the caveman sex weirdo might have some bad opinions

He later explained he was only talking about the professor’s politics, which like … I studied English lit for four years, three of them at one of the most left wing colleges in the UK, and every single time I’ve had any sense at all of a professor’s personal political views, it’s been based on offhand comments and had nothing to do with the core analysis. They might teach a political reading of a particular work, but that’s it.

(The other irony is that Eliot and Pound’s criticisms of other writers (including Joyce!) are filled with their personal politics)

it's still moronic, professors have politics and it informs their views whether they acknowledge it or not

If he really meant that that the best literature professor he had in college approached the material with “100% insight, 100% integrity, 0% politics, [and] 0% signaling,” why mention Eliot, Pound, and Joyce at all? The authors’ identities are entirely extraneous to his supposed point, and bound to confuse people.

Unless, you know, he’s full of shit.

Can't tell if clever troll, or stupid person. Given how much he talks about signalling, his must be *very* much one or the other.

By the Minute Jeff, by the minute!

When you’re saying you approach Ezra Pound with 0% politics, you might be hiding something.

Link to Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/primalpoly/status/1143881879768068096?s=19

ok the grumpy millennial troll cabal intentionally misread him, time to call off the dogs


it’s okay to reason about someone’s politics as long as they’re dead

> intentionally This is the funniest part. His tweet says, verbatim, "0% politics". It doesn't say anything about *whose* politics. And yet he expects the reader to ESP their way into understanding that he's *only* talking about the professor's politics -- or else they're *intentionally* misreading him. Because it's so fun to intentionally misread things! One of the only things I like about the descent into hellworld that has been the last four years is that it's irreversibly poked gaping holes in the veneer of authority in general. It's clearer than ever before, in my living memory, that the powerful and the well-respected are just regular, fearful and biased human beings like everyone else.
>And yet he expects the reader to ESP their way into understanding that he's only talking about the professor's politics It's so much worse. They think, as long as their professor didn't explicitly say something like 'Pound's poetry was influenced by his fascism, and fascism is horrible', then it's "0% politics". However, they very fact that such subject matter is being *selected by the professor* is a statement of what we should pay attention to. If his/her (not 'her' here probably lol) class never even throws out a sentence about it's context, then it's that much more worse. The politics *are* being taught, just lumped into other concepts that are [*impressed upon you to* "bring you to tears"](https://twitter.com/primalpoly/status/1143883444654489600).
So this is basically the angry gamer with zero life experience who says that a white, cisgender, male protagonist is not political, while any other kind of protagonist *is*. Only he's a professor at an institution of higher learning, in charge of leading young minds into the future. A large part of whose job is specifically understanding these kinds of biases. Cool.
Yes, except: >A large part of whose job is specifically understanding these kinds of biases As an evo psych professor, his job is justifying current biases (or folklore) about 'modern civilization', sex, gender roles, and biological explanations in general. Edit: no, not those non-Western ~~biases~~ common sense.
Right. I missed that (hugely significant) part.
(as long as that person isn't Marx)

How can you study Ezra Pound without discussing politics!!