r/SneerClub archives
/r/slatestarcodex moderator proposes that "some variant on Ted Kaczynski is the morally correct approach here" (https://www.reddit.com/r/leftrationalism/comments/bvjkvf/does_anyone_else_feel_isolated_from_the_rest_of/epq3nkk/?st=jxfzsdzt&sh=596c333a)

views on the Unabomber is a great litmus test for identifying political LARPers

great people on both sides. on all sides. really, all over the place. shouldn't have opened that package frankly

oh is that the uh ethno-utilitarian

doesn’t get much more very leftist than that u kno

I think he should invent a term for his political ideology. Say, um, social nationalism or, um, natiocialism.
>natiocialism i'm very interested in how you pronounce this; only thing i can think is NAA-shuh-shuh-lih-sm or maybe NAA-show-shuh-lih-sm
needz zomezing elze, can't zink what
it's pronounced "Nachocialism"

Based and Ted pilled.

I want my internet and a new smartphone, and be able to buy all sorts of things on Amazon, but also we should go low-tech because of the evils of industrial society!

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/r/slatestarcodex: Slate Star Codex is a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition, politics, and medicine.

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