r/SneerClub archives

It’s hyperbole, sure, but I don’t think it should be controversial to say that the modern education system isn’t exactly best-suited for the happiness of its participants.

True, but both the degree of exaggeration and focus her argument presents are what makes it sneerworthy. I'd like to think we're an equal-opportunity bunch here: we sneer both at bad arguments about good ideas, and good arguments about bad ideas.
Let's not forget bad arguments about bad ideas.
It’s extremely unlikely it is the BIGGEST contributor to human unhappiness in the western world.
It's where almost everyone spends a huge fraction of their emotionally most formative years. I don't think it's impossible.
think bigger
One word: Capitalism.
That man? Albert Einstein.
He literally did support socialism so your comment kind of makes sense.
Nah people hitting their little toes on things is way worse. The intense burst of suffering x often times it happens a day -> cutting off peoples toes is the best way to reduce suffering. (I did a poll on twitter and people bang their toes on furniture at least once per day (N=5). 7 billion bangs per day! Just think of the suffering utilitrons)
not necessarily wrong, but still a boring answer
That does seem unlikely :-)
and what's more that exaggeration is the hallmark of rationalist petulant insanity!
Why the fuck not? The one thing that prevented me from becoming a school shooter, or at least that guy who hacked a couple of idiots into small pieces in the hallway was being able to attend a selective state preparatory school (something like say, Stuyvesant in NYC) after finishing elementary+middle school. That was nice. If you are wondering why one would feel like doing it, imagine being sexually assaulted by people outmassing you by 300% and then getting told by the principal that you are to blame for said assault. ​ Elementary school was completely boring, didn't challenge me in the least and 95% of my classmates were too basic to be of interest. I'm still in touch with the two guys who weren't. The system is just wrong.
For reasons that have nothing to do with students frequently socializing with other children their own age, right?
Ah, but people I don't like are criticizing it. Surely that counts for something!

The rationalists contrarianed their way into being a rather typical homeschooling religious American conservative community, except with San Francisco Bay Area nerds.

Wait, this is supposed to be pro-homeschooling? Homeschooling is even worse, get the kids with no social contact with their age peers at all. I assumed she was proposing more mixed age groups.
Bay Area rationalists as a group are quite pro-homeschooling. IIRC there is even some talk about creating a rationalist homeschooling collective, and I shudder in trying to think how bad this could go.
I can't wait until those homeschooled teenagers write the rationalist version of Conservapedia, Bayesiapedia. Actually yes I can absolutely wait.
Yeah, that's Aella_Girl, for sure: *conservative*. You can tell from all the drugs and artistic porn.
yeah because there's no conservatives who crow about all the drugs and sex they've had
You gotta read more of her blog. Look at this horrible post justifying patriarchal norms in the past: https://knowingless.com/2019/02/03/blame-game-theory/ Also her discomfort with using people's preferred pronous: https://knowingless.com/2019/06/06/side-effects-of-preferred-pronouns/
have you heard of that architect of the Catholic Church's conservative social rules and former fuccboi - [St Augustine of Hippo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo#cite_note-FLNZ1-40)?

Okay, so, taking into account Big Yud’s usual take, the last post from vsbobclear and this one, the official rationalist “party line” on schooling seems to be “let’s avoid all the common, sane criticism of schooling in favor of our own hyperbolic, angsty bullshit.”


Could be because the remark itself is pretty mild (save for the hyperbole) and not that sneerworthy
Apart from the bit of it that's sneerworthy there's nothing to sneer at at all, you say?
Sure enough, I've just been used to harder doses these days
i downvoted it with PRIDE
You were the chosen one etc.

What’s wrong with children learning social interaction from other kids their age? I imagine that would be pretty healthy as long as there are adults responsible for preventing bullying, harassment etc. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of the public school system, but I don’t think being “stuck with kids their own age,” is actually one of them. This reeks of a juvenile, pretentious worldview.

honestly i suspect the public school system is maybe the biggest contribution to human unhappiness in the western world

capitalism? racism? other forms of systemic oppression?

nah, surely the biggest contribution to unhappiness is kids interacting with their peers

(side note, there is a lot to improve about public schools, like complete desegregation, funding the schools where underprivileged kids go, proper civics and sex ed, … but none of these things are inherent in public education, and are instead symptoms of systemic inequality and injustice)

I say let them figure out how social interaction from coal mine workers while working in the coal mines! It has worked before and can work again! A childhood spent around other children is a baaaaad idea!

The second tweet is an obvious exaggeration but I agree with the first one. Grade school was trash