r/SneerClub archives
Quality sneer from Current Affairs, "The West According To Ben Shapiro" (https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/06/the-west-according-to-ben-shapiro)

I’m not sure how well Chapo is received around here, but they did a pretty job of dismembering Shapino’s book as well; it’s not as polished or as academic as the CA piece, but it’s definitely funnier

> I'm not sure how well Chapo is received around here Obviously I can't speak for the others, but IMO Chapo is fine as long as one doesn't try to paint them as beyond criticism. If your go-to answer when someone says "I don't like Chapo because [bad thing]" is "but they do [bad thing] on purpose!" then I don't want to here about Chapo from you. Otherwise, eh, who cares, it's just a podcast, if you think it might make me laugh, by all means, do share.
> it's not as polished or as academic as the CA piece, but it's definitely funnier This one has its moments, tbf: > His footnoted source for this, it bears mentioning, is not Strauss’s The City and Man or Bloom’s interpretive essay that introduces his famous translation of the Republic, but rather a 2013 article in First Things magazine, which is an excellent authority to cite if you would like to justify the forcible kidnapping of Jewish children, but is a less eminent authority when it comes to debates on Platonic irony. (I like Chapo, to be clear, just wanted to highlight that line)

Ben Shapiro. Fucking hell.