r/SneerClub archives

Going ‘nethack gave me superpowers’ suddenly seems a more common idea.

E: also isnt ‘kids see anomalies where parents do not’ a super common kids entertainment trope?

I’m confused. (Noticeably so)

It's that noticing you're confused lets you improve your understanding by figuring out why you didn't expect whatever you're confused about to happen.
But not noticing syntax, I guess.
Haha whoops, fixed thanks

Rationalist word salad is almost as bad as Deepak chopra word salad.

“Noticing confusion” would definitely seem like a superpower to someone who finds Yudkowsky insightful.

Don’t miss her thread on antifa!


You’ll be shocked to learn she is also a Paul Graham stan

She also loves Quillette.
who exactly is this person? have they done anything apart from clout chasing and pontificating on twitter? seems like a grifter
>Antifa is not threatened by fascists; it NEEDS fascists. It is threatened by a narrative that doesn't need it Of course antifa needs fascists; if the fascists stopped goose stepping about in public, there would be no need for the Black Bloc to show up, you slip-brained flog
They'd go back to protesting large corporations and globalization, like before.

This one I can’t fault Yudkowsky for, it’s one of the few things I actually think is a good takeaway from the sequences. There are lots of things that are actually strange but feel normal, and when you stop to figure them out, they reveal something, commonly about yourself these days, but also about our world. Or at least that’s what it reads like through my weird perception filter.

So the "takeaway" is just critical reflection in general? > Or at least that's what it reads like through my weird perception filter. "Or at least that's what I got from it."
Why the fuck do people feel the need to say common sense things but in such cryptic, overly overly complex ways? .... I’ve noticed that many mortals tend to adopt the cognitive strategy of signaling intelligence by repackaging straightforward heuristics in language that conceals them in a Rawlsian Veil of deductive logic that presents itself as a chain of reasoning instead of a simple observation. I’m smart and know a lot of things.
It's called style. Most people are bad at it.
Yeah, I'm a consciousness nerd with no formal training and a recovering LW reader, word salad just happens to me sometimes.
AFAIK, that is also essentially the phenomenology of consciousness-raising (at least as discussed by feminist theorists such as Sandra Bartky), where the familiar becomes strange, noteworthy and potentially changeable: 'feminists are not aware of different things than other people; they are aware of the same things differently. Feminist consciousness, it might be ventured, turns a "fact" into a "contradiction"; often, features of social reality are first apprehended as contradictory, as in conflict with one another, or as disturbingly out of phase with one another'.


This is good, though:

If you’re a smart person who values being smart, it’s critical that you notice that “because of evolutionary processes” isn’t all that different from “because of the gods” if that’s where your thinking terminates